Updated on 2024-01-04 GMT+08:00

NUMA Affinity Scheduling


When the node runs many CPU-bound pods, the workload can move to different CPU cores depending on whether the pod is throttled and which CPU cores are available at scheduling time. Many workloads are not sensitive to this migration and thus work fine without any intervention. However, in workloads where CPU cache affinity and scheduling latency significantly affect workload performance, the kubelet allows alternative CPU management policies to determine some placement preferences on the node.

Both the CPU Manager and Topology Manager are kubelet components, but they have the following limitations:

  • The scheduler is not topology-aware. Therefore, the workload may be scheduled on a node and then fail on the node due to the Topology Manager. This is unacceptable for TensorFlow jobs. If any worker or ps failed on node, the job will fail.
  • The managers are node-level that results in an inability to match the best node for NUMA topology in the whole cluster.

For more information, see https://github.com/volcano-sh/volcano/blob/master/docs/design/numa-aware.md.

Volcano targets to lift the limitation to make scheduler NUMA topology aware so that:

  • Pods are not scheduled to the nodes that NUMA topology does not match.
  • Pods are scheduled to the best node for NUMA topology.

Application Scope

  • Support CPU resource topology scheduling
  • Support pod-level topology policies

Scheduling Prediction

For pods with the topology policy, predicate the matched node list.




1. No filter action


1. Filter out the node with the topology policy best-effort.


1. Filter out the node with the topology policy restricted.

2. Filter out the node that the CPU topology meets the CPU requirements for restricted.


1. Filter out the node with the topology policy single-numa-node.

2. Filter out the node that the CPU topology meets the CPU requirements for single-numa-node.

Figure 1 Comparison of NUMA scheduling policies

Scheduling Priority

Topology policy aims to schedule pods to the optimal node. In this example, each node is scored to sort out the optimal node.

Principle: Schedule pods to the worker nodes that require the fewest NUMA nodes.

The scoring formula is as follows:

score = weight * (100 - 100 * numaNodeNum / maxNumaNodeNum)

Parameter description:

  • weight: indicates the weight of NUMA Aware Plugin.
  • numaNodeNum: indicates the number of NUMA nodes required for running the pod on the worker node.
  • maxNumaNodeNum: indicates the maximum number of NUMA nodes in a pod of all worker nodes.

Enabling Volcano to Support NUMA Affinity Scheduling

  1. Enable the CPU management policy. For details, see Enabling the CPU Management Policy.
  2. Configure a CPU topology policy.

    1. Log in to the CCE console, click the cluster name, access the cluster details page, and choose Nodes in the navigation pane. On the page displayed, click the Node Pools tab. Choose More > Manage in the Operation column of the target node pool.
    2. Change the value of topology-manager-policy under kubelet to the required CPU topology policy.

      The valid topology policies are none, best-effort, restricted, and single-numa-node. For details about these policies, see Scheduling Prediction.

  3. Enable the numa-aware add-on and the resource_exporter function.

    Volcano 1.7.1 or later

    1. Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console. In the navigation pane, choose Add-ons. On the right of the page, locate the Volcano add-on and click Edit. In the Parameters area, configure Volcano scheduler parameters.
          "ca_cert": "",
          "default_scheduler_conf": {
              "actions": "allocate, backfill",
              "tiers": [
                      "plugins": [
                              "name": "priority"
                              "name": "gang"
                              "name": "conformance"
                      "plugins": [
                              "name": "drf"
                              "name": "predicates"
                              "name": "nodeorder"
                      "plugins": [
                              "name": "cce-gpu-topology-predicate"
                              "name": "cce-gpu-topology-priority"
                              "name": "cce-gpu"
                              // add this also enable resource_exporter
                              "name": "numa-aware", 
                              // the weight of the NUMA Aware Plugin
                              "arguments": { 
                                 "weight": "10"
                      "plugins": [
                              "name": "nodelocalvolume"
                              "name": "nodeemptydirvolume"
                              "name": "nodeCSIscheduling"
                              "name": "networkresource"
          "server_cert": "",
          "server_key": ""
    Volcano earlier than 1.7.1
    1. The resource_exporter_enable parameter is enabled for the Volcano add-on to collect node NUMA information.
         "plugins": {
            "eas_service": {
               "availability_zone_id": "",
               "driver_id": "",
               "enable": "false",
               "endpoint": "",
               "flavor_id": "",
               "network_type": "",
               "network_virtual_subnet_id": "",
               "pool_id": "",
               "project_id": "",
               "secret_name": "eas-service-secret"
         "resource_exporter_enable": "true"
      After this function is enabled, you can view the NUMA topology information of the current node.
      kubectl get numatopo 
      NAME              AGE
      node-1            4h8m
      node-2            4h8m
      node-3            4h8m
    2. Enable the Volcano numa-aware algorithm add-on.
      kubectl edit cm -n kube-system volcano-scheduler-configmap
      kind: ConfigMap
      apiVersion: v1
        name: volcano-scheduler-configmap
        namespace: kube-system
        default-scheduler.conf: |-
          actions: "allocate, backfill"
          - plugins:
            - name: priority
            - name: gang
            - name: conformance
          - plugins:
            - name: overcommit
            - name: drf
            - name: predicates
            - name: nodeorder
          - plugins:
            - name: cce-gpu-topology-predicate
            - name: cce-gpu-topology-priority
            - name: cce-gpu
          - plugins:
            - name: nodelocalvolume
            - name: nodeemptydirvolume
            - name: nodeCSIscheduling
            - name: networkresource
                NetworkType: vpc-router
            - name: numa-aware # add it to enable numa-aware plugin
                weight: 10 # the weight of the NUMA Aware Plugin

Using Volcano to Support NUMA Affinity Scheduling

  1. Configure NUMA affinity for Deployments. The following is an example:

    kind: Deployment
    apiVersion: apps/v1
      name: numa-tset
      replicas: 1
          app: numa-tset
            app: numa-tset
            volcano.sh/numa-topology-policy: single-numa-node    # set the topology policy
            - name: container-1
              image: nginx:alpine
                  cpu: 2           # The value must be an integer and must be the same as that in limits.
                  memory: 2048Mi
                  cpu: 2           # The value must be an integer and must be the same as that in requests.
                  memory: 2048Mi
          - name: default-secret

  2. Create a Volcano job and use NUMA affinity.

    apiVersion: batch.volcano.sh/v1alpha1
    kind: Job
      name: vj-test
      schedulerName: volcano
      minAvailable: 1
        - replicas: 1
          name: "test"
          topologyPolicy: best-effort   # set the topology policy for task 
                - image: alpine
                  command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "sleep 1000"]
                  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                  name: running
                      cpu: 20
                      memory: "100Mi"
              restartPolicy: OnFailure

  3. Check the NUMA usage.

    # Check the CPU usage of the current node.
    CPU(s):              32
    NUMA node(s):        2
    NUMA node0 CPU(s):   0-15
    NUMA node1 CPU(s):   16-31
    # Check the CPU allocation of the current node.
    cat /var/lib/kubelet/cpu_manager_state