Updated on 2024-01-04 GMT+08:00

Configuring Timeout for an ELB Ingress

The ELB ingresses support the following timeout settings:

  • Idle timeout setting for client connections: Maximum duration for keeping a connection when no client request is received. If no request is received during this period, the load balancer closes the connection and establishes a new one with the client when the next request arrives.
  • Timeout setting for waiting for a request from a client: If the client fails to send a request header to the load balancer within the timeout duration or the interval for sending body data exceeds a specified period, the load balancer will close the connection.
  • Timeout setting for waiting for a response from a backend server: If the backend server fails to respond after the timeout duration elapses, the load balancer will stop waiting and return HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout to the client.


  • This feature takes effect only in the following versions:
    • v1.19: v1.19.16-r30 or later
    • v1.21: v1.21.10-r10 or later
    • v1.23: v1.23.8-r10 or later
    • v1.25: v1.25.3-r10 or later
  • The timeout can be configure for Ingresses only when dedicated load balancers are used.
  • If you delete the timeout configuration during Ingress update, the timeout configuration on the existing listeners will be retained.

Configuring Timeout

An Ingress configuration example is as follows:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: test
  namespace: default
    kubernetes.io/elb.port: '80'
    kubernetes.io/elb.id: <your_elb_id>    # In this example, an existing dedicated load balancer is used. Replace its ID with the ID of your dedicated load balancer.
    kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance
    kubernetes.io/elb.keepalive_timeout: '300'  # Timeout setting for client connections
    kubernetes.io/elb.client_timeout: '60'      # Timeout duration for waiting for a request from a client
    kubernetes.io/elb.member_timeout: '60'      # Timeout duration for waiting for a response from a backend server
    - host: ''
          - path: /
                name: test
                  number: 80
              ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  ingressClassName: cce
Table 1 Key annotation parameters








Timeout for client connections. If there are no requests reaching the load balancer after the timeout duration elapses, the load balancer will disconnect the connection with the client and establish a new connection when there is a new request.

The value ranges from 0 to 4000 (in seconds). The default value is 60.




Timeout duration for waiting for a response from a client. There are two situations:

  • If the client fails to send a request header to the load balancer within the timeout duration, the request will be interrupted.
  • If the interval between two consecutive request bodies reaching the load balancer is greater than the timeout duration, the connection will be disconnected.

The value ranges from 1 to 300 (in seconds). The default value is 60.




Timeout duration for waiting for a response from a backend server. After a request is forwarded to the backend server, if the backend server does not respond within the duration specified by member_timeout, the load balancer will stop waiting and return HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout.

The value ranges from 1 to 300 (in seconds). The default value is 60.