Updated on 2024-01-04 GMT+08:00

Failed to Delete a Cluster: Residual ENIs

When deleting a cluster, CCE obtains the cluster's resources through kube-apiserver of the cluster. If the cluster is unavailable, frozen, or hibernated, the resources may fail to be obtained, and the cluster may not be deleted.


Failed to delete a cluster.

Possible Causes

In this example, the ENI cannot be deleted because kube-apiserver of the cluster fails to obtain the ENI or sub ENI of the cluster. The security group created by CCE for the ENI or sub ENI reports the error code 409. As a result, the cluster fails to be deleted.


  1. Copy the resource ID in the error information, go to the Security Groups page of the VPC console, and obtain security groups by ID.

  2. Click the security group to view its details, and click the Associated Instances tab.

    A security group remains after the deletion, because it is attached to an ENI or a sub ENI. Click the Others tab to view the residual ENIs. Delete the residual ENIs, and the sub ENI will be automatically deleted.

  3. Choose Network Interfaces in the navigation pane to delete the ENIs obtained in the previous step.

    You can search for the ENIs to be deleted by ID or name.

  4. Go to the Security Groups page, and confirm that Cluster name-cce-eni-xxx is not attached to any ENIs. Then, you can delete the cluster on the CCE console.