Updated on 2024-01-26 GMT+08:00


Check Item

Check the following aspects:

  • Check whether the add-on status is normal.
  • Check whether the add-on support the target version.


  • Scenario 1: The add-on status is abnormal.

    Log in to the CCE console and go to the target cluster. Choose O&M > Add-ons to view and handle the abnormal add-on.

  • Scenario 2: The target version does not support the current add-on.

    The add-on cannot be automatically upgraded with the cluster. Log in to the CCE console and go to the target cluster. Choose O&M > Add-ons to manually upgrade the add-on.

  • Scenario 3: After the add-on is upgraded to the latest version, the target cluster version is still not supported.

    Log in to the CCE console and go to the target cluster. Choose O&M > Add-ons to manually uninstall the add-on. For details about the supported add-on versions and replacement solutions, see the Help document.

  • Scenario 4: The add-on configuration does not meet the upgrade requirements. Upgrade the add-on and try again.

    The following error information is displayed during the pre-upgrade check:

    please upgrade addon [ ] in the page of addon managecheck and try again

    Log in to the CCE console and go to the target cluster. Choose O&M > Add-ons to manually upgrade the add-on.