Help Center> Cloud Container Engine> FAQs> Chart and Add-on> What Should I Do If a Chart Release Cannot Be Deleted Because the Chart Format Is Incorrect?
Updated on 2024-07-04 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If a Chart Release Cannot Be Deleted Because the Chart Format Is Incorrect?


If an uploaded chart contains incorrect or incompatible resources, the chart will fail to be installed.

In this case, the chart release cannot work properly. You may not be able to delete the release, the error message "deletion failed" is displayed, and the release is still on the GUI.


In this case, you can run the kubectl commands to delete the release.

This problem cannot be solved by deleting the residual chart release. To prevent this problem from occurring again, update the API version of the resources in the chart so that the API version of the resources matches the Kubernetes version.

During chart installation, some resources specified in the chart may have been successfully created. You need to manually delete these resources first. After the residual resources are deleted, you need to delete the chart instance.

For a Helm v2 chart release, query the ConfigMap corresponding to the chart release in the kube-system namespace. For example:

After the ConfigMap is deleted, the chart release is deleted successfully.

For a Helm v3 chart release, query the Secret corresponding to the chart release in the namespace. For example:

After the Secret is deleted, the chart release is deleted successfully.

Note: If you perform operations on the console, CCE automatically bumps the original v2 chart release to v3 when you obtain or update the chart release. The release information is stored in the Secret. The release information in the original ConfigMap is not deleted. You are advised to query and delete the chart release in both the ConfigMap and Secret.

Chart and Add-on FAQs
