Updated on 2024-07-02 GMT+08:00

Using Distributed Cloud Resources in a CCE Turbo Cluster

CCE Turbo clusters support CloudPond, allowing you to manage edge infrastructures. In a remote cluster, you can centrally manage compute resources in the data center and the edge, and deploy your applications in the locations you want.

Before using distributed cloud resources, register and deploy the CloudPond service.

Figure 1 Remote CCE Turbo management

Core Concepts

CCE introduces partitions to distinguish cloud resources from resources distributed in different edge locations. Partitions are defined as follows:

  • From the perspective of computing, a partition is a collection of data center availability zones (AZs) that are physically isolated but close to each other (access latency within 2 ms). Deploying applications in different AZs of a partition ensures high availability.
  • From the perspective of networking, nodes and containers in a partition need to use VPC subnets created in AZs of the partition. To facilitate configuration and management, configure the default subnet when creating a partition. If no subnet is specified when you create a node, the node uses the default subnet of the partition.
  • Other attributes: Partition types can be center or CloudPond. This classification facilitates application scheduling.

Notes and Constraints

Enabling Support for Remote Clouds

When creating a CCE Turbo cluster, you can enable support for distributed clouds (CloudPond).

After distributed clouds are supported, the edge nodes created in the cluster will have the following taint and Kubernetes labels added by default:

  • Taint: distribution.io/category=IES:NoSchedule
  • Kubernetes labels:
    • distribution.io/category=IES
    • distribution.io/partition=<AZ name>
    • distribution.io/publicbordergroup=<AZ name>
Figure 2 Enabling distributed clouds (CloudPond)