Updated on 2025-02-26 GMT+08:00

Pre-upgrade Check

The system automatically checks a cluster before its upgrade. If the cluster does not meet the pre-upgrade check conditions, the upgrade cannot continue. To avoid risks, you can perform pre-upgrade check according to the check items and solutions described in this section.

Table 1 Check items


Check Item



Node Restrictions

  • Check whether the node is available.
  • Check whether the node OS supports the upgrade.
  • Check whether the node is marked with unexpected node pool labels.
  • Check whether the Kubernetes node name is the same as the ECS name.


Upgrade Management

Check whether the target cluster is under upgrade management.



  • Check whether the add-on status is normal.
  • Check whether the add-on support the target version.


Helm Charts

Check whether the current HelmRelease record contains discarded Kubernetes APIs that are not supported by the target cluster version. If yes, the Helm chart may be unavailable after the upgrade.


SSH Connectivity of Master Nodes

Check whether your master nodes can be accessed using SSH.


Node Pools

Check the node pool status.


Security Groups

Check whether the Protocol & Port of the worker node security groups is set to ICMP: All and whether the security group with the source IP address set to the master node security group is deleted.


Arm Node Restrictions

  • Check whether the cluster contains Arm nodes.


Residual Nodes

Check whether nodes need to be migrated.


Discarded Kubernetes Resources

Check whether there are discarded resources in the cluster.


Compatibility Risks

Read the version compatibility differences and ensure that they are not affected. The patch upgrade does not involve version compatibility differences.


CCE Agent Versions

Check whether cce-agent on the current node is of the latest version.


Node CPU Usage

Check whether the CPU usage of the node exceeds 90%.



  • Check whether the key CRD packageversions.version.cce.io of the cluster is deleted.
  • Check whether the cluster key CRD network-attachment-definitions.k8s.cni.cncf.io is deleted.


Node Disks

  • Check whether the key data disks on the node meet the upgrade requirements.
  • Check whether the /tmp directory has 500 MB available space.


Node DNS

  • Check whether the DNS configuration of the current node can resolve the OBS address.
  • Check whether the current node can access the OBS address of the storage upgrade component package.


Node Key Directory File Permissions

Check whether the owner and owner group of the files in the /var/paas directory used by the CCE are both paas.



Check whether the kubelet on the node is running properly.


Node Memory

Check whether the memory usage of the node exceeds 90%.


Node Clock Synchronization Server

Check whether the clock synchronization server ntpd or chronyd of the node is running properly.


Node OS

Check whether the OS kernel version of the node is supported by CCE.


Node CPU Cores

Check and make sure that the master nodes in your cluster have more than 2 CPU cores.


Node Python Commands

Check whether the Python commands are available on a node.


ASM Version

  • Check whether ASM is used by the cluster.
  • Check whether the current ASM version supports the target cluster version.


Node Readiness

Check whether the nodes in the cluster are ready.


Node journald

Check whether journald of a node is normal.



Check whether the containerd.sock file is on the node. This file affects the startup of container runtime in the Euler OS.


Internal Error

This check item is not typical and implies that an internal error was found during the pre-upgrade check.


Node Mount Points

Check whether there are inaccessible mount points on the node.


Kubernetes Node Taints

Check whether the taint needed for cluster upgrade exists on the node.


Everest Restrictions

Check whether there are any compatibility restrictions on the current Everest add-on.


cce-hpa-controller Limitations

Check whether there are compatibility limitations between the current and target cce-controller-hpa add-on versions.


Enhanced CPU Policies

Check whether the current cluster version and the target version support enhanced CPU policy.


Health of Worker Node Components

Check whether the container runtime and network components on the worker nodes are healthy.


Health of Master Node Components

Check whether cluster components such as the Kubernetes component, container runtime component, and network component are running properly before the upgrade.


Memory Resource Limit of Kubernetes Components

Check whether the resources of Kubernetes components, such as etcd and kube-controller-manager, exceed the upper limit.


Discarded Kubernetes APIs

The system scans the audit logs of the past day to check whether the user calls the deprecated APIs of the target Kubernetes version.

Due to the limited time range of audit logs, this check item is only an auxiliary method. APIs to be deprecated may have been used in the cluster, but their usage is not included in the audit logs of the past day. Check the API usage carefully.


IPv6 Support in CCE Turbo Clusters

If IPv6 is enabled for a CCE Turbo cluster, check whether the target cluster version supports IPv6.



Check whether NetworkManager of a node is normal.


Node ID File

Check the ID file format.


Node Configuration Consistency

When you upgrade a cluster to v1.19 or later, the system checks whether the following configuration files have been modified on the backend:


Node Configuration File

Check whether the configuration files of key components exist on the node.


CoreDNS Configuration Consistency

Check whether the current CoreDNS key configuration Corefile is different from the Helm release record. The difference may be overwritten during the add-on upgrade, affecting domain name resolution in the cluster.



Check whether the sudo commands and sudo-related files of the node are working.


Key Node Commands

Whether some key commands that the node upgrade depends on are working


Mounting of a Sock File on a Node

Check whether the docker/containerd.sock file is directly mounted to the pods on a node. During an upgrade, Docker or containerd restarts and the sock file on the host changes, but the sock file mounted to pods does not change accordingly. As a result, your services cannot access Docker or containerd due to sock file inconsistency. After the pods are rebuilt, the sock file is mounted to the pods again, and the issue is resolved accordingly.


HTTPS Load Balancer Certificate Consistency

Check whether the certificate used by an HTTPS load balancer has been modified on ELB.


Node Mounting

Check whether the default mount directory and soft link on the node have been manually mounted or modified.


Login Permissions of User paas on a Node

Check whether user paas is allowed to log in to a node.


Private IPv4 Addresses of Load Balancers

Check whether the load balancer associated with a Service is allocated with a private IPv4 address.


Historical Upgrade Records

Check the historical upgrade records of the cluster and confirm that the current version of the cluster meets the requirements for upgrading to the target version.


CIDR Block of the Cluster Management Plane

Check whether the CIDR block of the cluster management plane is the same as that configured on the backbone network.


GPU Add-on

The GPU add-on is involved in the upgrade, which may affect the GPU driver installation during the creation of a GPU node.


Nodes' System Parameters

Check whether the default system parameter settings on your nodes are modified.


Residual Package Version Data

Check whether there are residual package version data in the current cluster.


Node Commands

Check whether the commands required for the upgrade are available on the node.


Node Swap

Check whether swap has been enabled on cluster nodes.


nginx-ingress Upgrade

Check whether there are compatibility issues that may occur during nginx-ingress upgrade.


containerd Pod Restart Risks

Check whether the service pods running on a containerd node are restarted when containerd is upgraded.


Key GPU Add-on Parameters

Check whether the configuration of the CCE AI Suite add-on in a cluster has been intrusively modified. If so, upgrading the cluster may fail.


GPU Pod Rebuild Risks

Check whether GPU service pods are rebuilt in a cluster when kubelet is restarted during the upgrade of the cluster.


ELB Listener Access Control

If access control is configured, check whether the configurations are correct.


Master Node Flavor

Check whether the flavor of the master nodes in the cluster is the same as the actual flavor of these nodes.


Subnet Quota of Master Nodes

Check whether the number of available IP addresses in the cluster subnet supports rolling upgrade.


Node Runtime

Check whether an alarm is generated when a cluster is upgraded to v1.27 or later. Do not use Docker in clusters of versions later than 1.27.


Node Pool Runtime

Check whether an alarm is generated when a cluster is upgraded to v1.27 or later. Do not use Docker in clusters of versions later than 1.27.


Number of Node Images

Check the number of images on your node. If there are more than 1000 images, it takes a long time for Docker to start, affecting the standard Docker output and functions such as Nginx.