Help Center> Cloud Container Engine> FAQs> Networking> Network Fault> Why Are Lots of source ip_type Logs Generated on the VNC?
Updated on 2024-07-04 GMT+08:00

Why Are Lots of source ip_type Logs Generated on the VNC?


Cluster version: v1.15.6-r1

Cluster type: CCE cluster

Network model: VPC network

Node operating system: CentOS 7.6

When containers on the preceding nodes communicate with each other, the container networking component reports a large number of source ip_types or "not ipvlan but in own host logs" on the VNC. As a result, the VNC page on the node and the container networking performance in high-load scenarios are affected. Symptoms of this problem are as follows:

Fault Locating

1. Quick Check

This method applies to pay-per-use nodes. Check the node creation time on the CCE console. CentOS 7.6 nodes created on or after February 24, 2021 do not have this problem.

2. Accurate Check (General)

You can perform the following steps to check whether a node is affected:

  1. Log in to each CCE node as user root.
  2. Run the following command to check whether the node is risky:

    ETH0_IP=$(ip addr show eth0 | grep "inet " | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}') ;arping -w 0.2 -c 1 -I gw_11cbf51a >/dev/null 2>&1 ; echo ;dmesg -T | grep -E "==not ipvlan but in own host|==source ip_type" 1>/dev/null 2>&1 ; if [[ "$?" == "0" ]];then echo "WARNING, node ${ETH0_IP} is affected"; else echo "node ${ETH0_IP} works well"; fi;

    In this command, is an example IP address, which is used only to trigger ARP packet sending. You can use it or replace it with a valid IP address.

  3. If the following information is displayed, the node has potential risks. is the IP address of the eth0 NIC on the node. The actual IP address will be displayed in your practice.

    WARNING, node is affected

    If the following information is displayed, the node does not have this problem:

    node works well


If you still want to use the node, reset the CentOS 7.6 nodes in the cluster to upgrade the networking components to the latest version. For details, see Resetting a Node.

If you want to delete the risky node and purchase a new one, see Deleting a Node and Buying a Node.

Network Fault FAQs
