Updated on 2025-02-18 GMT+08:00

Configuring Grayscale Release for a LoadBalancer Ingress

Dedicated LoadBalancer ingresses support grayscale release by:

  • Proportion
  • HTTP request header
  • Cookie

ELB is necessary for grayscale release of ingresses. To use grayscale release, submit a service ticket to request the enabling of ELB grayscale release.


  • A CCE standard or Turbo cluster is available, and the cluster version meets the following requirements:
    • v1.23: v1.23.14-r0 or later
    • v1.25: v1.25.9-r0 or later
    • v1.27: v1.27.6-r0 or later
    • v1.28: v1.28.4-r0 or later
    • Other clusters of later versions

Notes and Constraints

  • After a grayscale ingress is created, do not delete the original ingress.
  • When configuring multiple grayscale release policies for ingresses associated with a load balancer listener, the policy based on HTTP request headers takes the highest priority. The cookie-based policy has the second highest priority. The proportion-based policy has the lowest priority.
  • This feature relies on the ELB advanced forwarding policies. Once enabled, the priority is not determined by the domain name or path matching. You can customize the forwarding policy priority as needed. For details about the forwarding policy priority, see Forwarding Policy Priorities of LoadBalancer Ingresses.

Using the CCE Console

  1. Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console.
  2. Deploy the original service.

    1. In the navigation pane, choose Workloads. Then, click Create Workload in the upper right corner and deploy a workload named origin-server. For details about parameter settings, see Creating a Deployment.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Services & Ingresses. On the Services tab page, click Create Service in the upper right corner. Create a Service named origin-service and associate it with the created origin-server workload. For a CCE standard cluster, create a NodePort Service, and for a CCE Turbo cluster, create a ClusterIP Service.
    3. In the navigation pane, choose Services & Ingresses. Click the Ingresses tab page and then Create Ingress in the upper right corner. Create an ingress named origin-ingress and associate it with the created origin-service Service. For details about parameter settings, see Creating a LoadBalancer Ingress on the Console.

  3. Grayscale release a new version for the Service.

    1. In the navigation pane, choose Services & Ingresses, switch to the Ingresses tab, locate the row containing the ingress for which you want to configure grayscale release, and choose More > Create Grayscale Release in the Operation column.
    2. Configure grayscale release parameters.

      Table 1 Key parameters




      Gray release

      • HTTP request header: When the header key-value pair in an HTTP request is matched, the grayscale release service can be accessed.
        • If domain names and paths are configured for an ingress forwarding policy, a maximum of eight values can be configured.
        • If only paths are configured for an ingress forwarding policy, a maximum of nine values can be configured.
      • Cookie: When the cookie key-value pair in an HTTP request is matched, the grayscale release service can be accessed.
      • Proportion: percentage of the requests for accessing the grayscale release service to the total number of requests

      HTTP request header

      • Key: a
      • Value: b

      Forwarding Policy

      • Domain Name: Enter an actual domain name to be accessed. If it is left blank, the ingress can be accessed through the IP address. Ensure that the domain name has been registered and licensed. Once a forwarding policy is configured with a domain name specified, you must use the domain name for access.
      • Grayscale Release: After grayscale release is enabled for a domain name, external access traffic of the cluster will be forwarded to the target Service using the selected traffic policy.
      • Traffic Policy: Select an option from HTTP request header, Cookie, and Proportion as needed. (The percentage of a grayscale request is 0%.)
      • Destination Service: Select an existing Service or create a Service. Any Services that do not match the search criteria will be filtered out automatically.
      • Destination Service Port: Select the access port of the destination Service.
      • Domain Name: You do not need to configure this parameter.
      • Grayscale Release: enabled
      • Traffic Policy: HTTP request header
      • Destination Service: nginx
      • Destination Service Port: 80
    3. Click OK.
    4. Check whether the new version is grayscale released.

  4. Terminate the old-version Service.

    After the Service of the new version runs stably, terminate the Service of the old version. During the Service termination, change the original Service to the new-version Service so that all traffic will be routed to the new-version Service. Then, delete the grayscale released ingress.

Using kubectl

  1. Deploy the original service.

    1. Deploy a workload named origin-server.
    2. Deploy a Service named origin-service and associate it with the created origin-server workload. (Create a NodePort Service in a CCE standard cluster or a ClusterIP Service in a CCE Turbo cluster.)
    3. Deploy an ingress named origin-ingress and associate it with the created origin-service Service.
      Configure the ingress as follows:
      apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
      kind: Ingress
        name: origin-ingress
        namespace: default
          kubernetes.io/elb.port: '81'
          kubernetes.io/elb.id: e491f4e7-2351-4984-ad0a-8569e5e964a3
          kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance
          - host: example.com
                - path: /
                      name: origin-service
                        number: 81
                    ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
                  pathType: ImplementationSpecific
        ingressClassName: cce

  2. Grayscale release a new version for the Service.

    Deploy the workload, Service, and ingress of a new version so that traffic can be routed to the Service of the new version by weight or header.

    1. Deploy a workload named canary-server.
    2. Deploy a Service named canary-service and associate it with the created canary-server workload. (Create a NodePort Service in a CCE standard cluster or a ClusterIP Service in a CCE Turbo cluster.)
    3. Create a grayscale released ingress. For details about parameter settings, see Parameters.
      1. Scenario 1, by HTTP request header: When the header key-value pair in an HTTP request is matched, the grayscale released Service is accessed.

        Deploy an ingress named canary-header-ingress and associate it with the created canary-service Service for grayscale release by header.

        Configure the ingress as follows:
        apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
        kind: Ingress
          name: canary-header-ingress
          namespace: default
            kubernetes.io/elb.canary: 'true'                        # Set this parameter to true, indicating that canary annotation is enabled.
            kubernetes.io/elb.canary-by-header: 'location'          # Set the header key to location.
            kubernetes.io/elb.canary-by-header-value: '{"values":["hz","sz","sh"]}'  # Set the header values to hz, sz, and sh.
            kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance         # Only dedicated load balancers support grayscale release.
            kubernetes.io/elb.id: e491f4e7-2351-4984-ad0a-8569e5e964a3
            kubernetes.io/elb.port: '81'
          ingressClassName: cce
            - host: example.com
                  - path: /
                    pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                        name: canary-service
                          number: 80
                      ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
      2. Scenario 2: by proportion: Configure the proportion of requests for accessing the grayscale released Service.

        Deploy an ingress named canary-weight-ingress and associate it with the created canary-service Service for grayscale release by weight.

        Configure the ingress as follows:
        apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
        kind: Ingress
          name: canary-weight-ingress
          namespace: default
            kubernetes.io/elb.canary: 'true'             # Set this parameter to true, indicating that canary annotation is enabled.
            kubernetes.io/elb.canary-weight: '40'        # Configure a weight, indicating that 40% of the request traffic will be routed to the Service of the new version.
            kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance         # Only dedicated load balancers support grayscale release.
            kubernetes.io/elb.id: e491f4e7-2351-4984-ad0a-8569e5e964a3
            kubernetes.io/elb.port: '81'
          ingressClassName: cce
            - host: example.com
                  - path: /
                    pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                        name: canary-service
                          number: 81
                      ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
      3. Scenario 3, by cookie: When the cookie key-value pair in a request is matched, the grayscale released Service is accessed.

        Deploy an ingress named canary-cookie-ingress and associate it with the created canary-service Service for grayscale release by cookie.

        Configure the ingress as follows:
        apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
        kind: Ingress
          name: canary-cookie-ingress
          namespace: default
            kubernetes.io/elb.canary: 'true'                   # Set this parameter to true, indicating that canary annotation is enabled.
            kubernetes.io/elb.canary-by-cookie: 'location'     # Set the header key to location.
            kubernetes.io/elb.canary-by-cookie-value: '{"values":["hz","sz","sh"]}'  // Set the header values to hz, sz, and sh.
            kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance                  # Only dedicated load balancers support grayscale release.
            kubernetes.io/elb.id: e491f4e7-2351-4984-ad0a-8569e5e964a3
            kubernetes.io/elb.port: '81'
          ingressClassName: cce
            - host: example.com
                  - path: /
                    pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                        name: canary-service
                          number: 81
                      ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
    4. Check whether the new version is grayscale released.
      1. Check the creation of the ingress.
        $ kubectl get ingress
        NAME                    CLASS   HOSTS        ADDRESS        PORTS   AGE
        canary-cookie-ingress   cce     example.com   80      16s
        canary-header-ingress   cce     example.com   80      46s
        canary-weight-ingress   cce     example.com   80      117s
        origin-ingress          cce     example.com   80      2m25s
      2. Check ELB rules.

      3. Check the result of a service request.
        1. Use the location: hz request header to access the Service.
          $ curl -H "Host: example.com" -H "location: hz"
          Expected result:
          $ new

          Attempt the access for multiple times. All the returned results are new.

        2. Access the Service without using a request header.
          $ curl -H "Host: example.com"

          Expected result: 40% for new, and 60% for old

  3. Terminate the old-version Service.

    After the Service of the new version runs stably, terminate the Service of the old version. During the Service termination, change the original Service to the new-version Service so that all traffic will be routed to the new-version Service. Then, delete the grayscale released ingress.

    1. Change the original Service to the new-version Service.
      apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
      kind: Ingress
        name: origin-ingress
        namespace: default
          kubernetes.io/elb.port: '81'
          kubernetes.io/elb.id: e491f4e7-2351-4984-ad0a-8569e5e964a3
          kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance
          - host: example.com
                - path: /
                      name: canary-service
                        number: 81
                    ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
                  pathType: ImplementationSpecific
        ingressClassName: cce
    2. Check whether the old-version Service has been terminated.
      1. Initiate a request with a header and a request without a header to access the Service.
        $ curl -H "Host: example.com" -H "location: hz"
        $ curl -H "Host: example.com"
      2. Expected result: All results are returned from the new-version Service.
    3. Delete the grayscale released ingress.
      $ kubectl delete ingress canary-weight-ingress canary-header-ingress


Table 2 Parameters for grayscale release








Grayscale release status for an ingress. If this parameter is set to true, the implementation of grayscale release varies depending on annotation configurations.

Option: true

  • Grayscale release applies only to dedicated load balancers.
  • If this parameter is set to true, the configuration cannot be deleted or modified.




Weight of a grayscale release. After this parameter is configured, the ingress will be grayscale released based on the weight.

  • The value is a positive integer ranging from 0 to 100. It is a percentage of traffic for routing.
  • This parameter is mandatory when an ingress is grayscale released by weight.
  • Do not configure this parameter with other grayscale release functions.




After weight-based grayscale release is enabled, configure sticky session.

This parameter can only be set to HTTP_COOKIE for grayscale release.





Sticky session timeout after sticky session is enabled for weight-based grayscale release.

The parameter value is a JSON string in the following format:

{"persistence_timeout": "1440"}


  • Timeout range: 1 to 1440
  • Default value: 1440




Key of an ingress header used for grayscale release, indicating the name of a request header. This parameter must be used with kubernetes.io/elb.canary-by-header-value.


Enter 1 to 40 characters. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) are allowed.




Value of an ingress header used for grayscale release. This parameter must be used with kubernetes.io/elb.canary-by-header.

The parameter value is an array in JSON format, for example:



  • Array length: At least one value must be configured.
    • If domain names and paths are configured for an ingress forwarding policy, a maximum of eight values can be configured.
    • If only paths are configured for an ingress forwarding policy, a maximum of nine values can be configured.
  • Enter 1 to 128 characters. Asterisks (*) and question marks (?) are allowed, but spaces and double quotation marks are not allowed. An asterisk can match zero or more characters, and a question mark can match one character.




Key of cookie-based grayscale release, indicating the name of a request cookie. This parameter must be used with kubernetes.io/elb.canary-by-cookie-value.


Enter 1 to 100 characters, including letters, digits, and other characters (!%'"()*+,./:=?@^\\-_`~).




Value of cookie-based grayscale release. This parameter must be used with kubernetes.io/elb.canary-by-cookie.

The parameter value is an array in JSON format, for example:



  • Array length: At least one value must be configured.
    • If domain names and paths are configured for an ingress forwarding policy, a maximum of eight values can be configured.
    • If only paths are configured for an ingress forwarding policy, a maximum of nine values can be configured.
  • Enter 1 to 100 characters, including letters, digits, and other characters (!%'"()*+,./:=?@^\\-_`~). Spaces are not allowed.




UID of the original ingress associated with the grayscale release ingress, which is used to display the association between the original ingress and the grayscale release ingress.

● Format: character string

● Value: metadata.uid of the original ingress