Updated on 2023-09-27 GMT+08:00

Related Services

Figure 1 Relationships between CCE and other services

Relationships Between CCE and Other Services

Table 1 Relationships between CCE and other services



Related Feature


An ECS with multiple EVS disks is a node in CCE. You can choose ECS specifications during node creation.


For security reasons, all clusters created by CCE must run in VPCs. When creating a namespace, create a VPC or bind an existing VPC to the namespace so all containers in the namespace will run in this VPC.

Buying a CCE Cluster


CCE works with ELB to load balance a workload's access requests across multiple pods.

When ELB is used, the load balancer's address, instead of the workload address, is exposed to users. User requests first arrive at ELB via a public network and then routed by ELB to different pods of the workload.

NAT Gateway

The NAT Gateway service provides source network address translation (SNAT), which translates private IP addresses to a public IP address by binding an elastic IP address (EIP) to the gateway.

You can define SNAT rules on the NAT gateway to let containers access the Internet.


An image repository is used to store and manage Docker images.

You can create workloads from images in SWR.


EVS disks can be attached to cloud servers and scaled to a higher capacity whenever needed.

An ECS with multiple EVS disks is a node in CCE. You can choose ECS specifications during node creation.

Using an EVS Disk Through a Dynamic PV


OBS provides stable, secure, cost-efficient, and object-based cloud storage for data of any size. With OBS, you can create, modify, and delete buckets, as well as uploading, downloading, and deleting objects.

CCE allows you to create an OBS volume and attach it to a path inside a container.

Using an OBS Bucket Through a Dynamic PV


SFS is a shared, fully managed file storage service. Compatible with the Network File System protocol, SFS file systems can elastically scale up to petabytes, thereby ensuring top performance of data-intensive and bandwidth-intensive applications.

You can use SFS file systems as persistent storage for containers and attach the file systems to containers when creating a workload.

Using an SFS File System Through a Dynamic PV


AOM collects container log files in formats like .log from CCE and dumps them to AOM. On the AOM console, you can easily query and view log files. In addition, AOM monitors CCE resource usage. You can define metric thresholds for CCE resource usage to trigger auto scaling.


Cloud Trace Service (CTS)

CTS records operations on your cloud resources, allowing you to query, audit, and backtrack resource operation requests initiated from the management console or open APIs as well as responses to these requests.

CCE Operations Supported by CTS