Help Center> Cloud Container Engine> FAQs> Chart and Add-on> What Can I Do If a Chart Fails to Be Uploaded?
Updated on 2024-07-04 GMT+08:00

What Can I Do If a Chart Fails to Be Uploaded?


When a chart is uploaded, a request error "Request failed. Try again later" is displayed. The error code is SVCSTG.CCECAM.4000121, and the error message is "Package name and version must be valid and same with chart name and version!".

Figure 1 Chart upload failure

Possible Causes

If the preceding error information is displayed, the values of the name and version fields in the Chart.yaml file are inconsistent with those in the chart package.

To customize the name and version of a chart package, modify the name and version fields in the Chart.yaml file.


  1. Check the name and version fields in the Chart.yaml file.

    The following shows an example Chart.yaml file, where the chart name is newer-nginx-ingress and the version is 4.4.2:

    annotations: |
        - Adding support for disabling liveness and readiness probes to the Helm chart
        - add:(admission-webhooks) ability to set securityContext
        - Updated Helm chart to use the fullname for the electionID if not specified
        - Rename controller-wehbooks-networkpolicy.yaml "false"
    apiVersion: v2
    appVersion: 1.5.1
    description: Ingress controller for Kubernetes using NGINX as a reverse proxy and
      load balancer
    - ingress
    - nginx
    kubeVersion: '>=1.20.0-0'
    - name: rikatz
    - name: strongjz
    - name: tao12345666333
    name: newer-nginx-ingress
    version: 4.4.2

  2. Change the name of the chart package based on the Chart.yaml file. The chart package is named in the format of {Name}-{Version}.tgz, for example, newer-nginx-ingress-4.4.2.tgz. {Version} indicates the version number. It is named in the format of {Major version number}.{Minor version number}.{Revision number}.
  3. Upload the chart again.

Chart and Add-on FAQs
