更新时间:2024-11-12 GMT+08:00
- 支持分区类型:范围分区、哈希分区、列表分区。
- 支持表达式类型:比较表达式(<,<=,=,>=,>)、逻辑表达式、数组表达式。
- 支持隐式类型转换和函数:对于类型可以相互转换的场景和immutable函数可以支持PBE动态剪枝
- PBE动态剪枝支持表达式、隐式转换、immutable函数和stable函数,不支持子查询表达式和volatile函数。对于stable函数,如to_timestamp等类型转换函数,可能会受GUC参数变化,影响剪枝结果。为了保持性能优化,此情况可以通过analyze表重新生成gplan解决。
- 由于PBE动态剪枝是基于generic plan的剪枝,所以判断语句是否能PBE动态剪枝时,需要设置参数plan_cache_mode = 'force_generic_plan',排除custom plan的干扰。
- PBE动态剪枝支持的典型场景具体示例如下:
- 比较表达式。
gaussdb=# --创建分区表 CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int, c2 int) PARTITION BY RANGE (c1) ( PARTITION p1 VALUES LESS THAN(10), PARTITION p2 VALUES LESS THAN(20), PARTITION p3 VALUES LESS THAN(MAXVALUE) ); gaussdb=# PREPARE p1(int) AS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = $1; PREPARE gaussdb=# EXPLAIN (VERBOSE ON, COSTS OFF) EXECUTE p1(1); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------ Data Node Scan Output: t1.c1, t1.c2 Node/s: datanode1 Node expr: $1 Remote query: SELECT c1, c2 FROM public.t1 WHERE c1 = $1 Remote SQL: SELECT c1, c2 FROM public.t1 WHERE c1 = $1 Datanode Name: datanode1 Partition Iterator Output: c1, c2 Iterations: PART -> Partitioned Seq Scan on public.t1 Output: c1, c2 Filter: (t1.c1 = $1) Selected Partitions: 1 (pbe-pruning) (16 rows)
- 逻辑表达式。
gaussdb=# PREPARE p2(INT, INT) AS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = $1 AND c2 = $2; PREPARE gaussdb=# EXPLAIN (VERBOSE ON, COSTS OFF) EXECUTE p2(1, 2); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data Node Scan Output: t1.c1, t1.c2 Node/s: datanode1 Node expr: $1 Remote query: SELECT c1, c2 FROM public.t1 WHERE c1 = $1 AND c2 = $2 Remote SQL: SELECT c1, c2 FROM public.t1 WHERE c1 = $1 AND c2 = $2 Datanode Name: datanode1 Partition Iterator Output: c1, c2 Iterations: PART -> Partitioned Seq Scan on public.t1 Output: c1, c2 Filter: ((t1.c1 = $1) AND (t1.c2 = $2)) Selected Partitions: 1 (pbe-pruning) (16 rows)
- 类型转换触发隐式转换。
gaussdb=# set plan_cache_mode = 'force_generic_plan'; gaussdb=# PREPARE p3(TEXT) AS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = $1; PREPARE gaussdb=# EXPLAIN (VERBOSE ON, COSTS OFF) EXECUTE p3('12'); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Node Scan Output: t1.c1, t1.c2 Node/s: datanode1 Node expr: $1 Remote query: SELECT c1, c2 FROM public.t1 WHERE c1 = $1::bigint Remote SQL: SELECT c1, c2 FROM public.t1 WHERE c1 = $1::bigint Datanode Name: datanode1 Partition Iterator Output: c1, c2 Iterations: PART -> Partitioned Seq Scan on public.t1 Output: c1, c2 Filter: (t1.c1 = ($1)::bigint) Selected Partitions: 2 (pbe-pruning) (16 rows)
- 比较表达式。
- PBE动态剪枝不支持的典型场景具体示例如下:
- 子查询表达式。
gaussdb=# PREPARE p4(INT) AS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = ALL(SELECT c2 FROM t1 WHERE c1 > $1); PREPARE gaussdb=# EXPLAIN (VERBOSE ON, COSTS OFF) EXECUTE p4(1); QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Streaming (type: GATHER) Output: public.t1.c1, public.t1.c2 Node/s: All datanodes -> Partition Iterator Output: public.t1.c1, public.t1.c2 Iterations: 3 -> Partitioned Seq Scan on public.t1 Output: public.t1.c1, public.t1.c2 Distribute Key: public.t1.c1 Filter: (SubPlan 1) Selected Partitions: 1..3 SubPlan 1 -> Materialize Output: public.t1.c2 -> Streaming(type: BROADCAST) Output: public.t1.c2 Spawn on: All datanodes Consumer Nodes: All datanodes -> Partition Iterator Output: public.t1.c2 Iterations: 3 -> Partitioned Seq Scan on public.t1 Output: public.t1.c2 Distribute Key: public.t1.c1 Filter: (public.t1.c1 > 1) Selected Partitions: 1..3 (26 rows)
- 类型转换无法直接触发隐式转换。
gaussdb=# PREPARE p5(name) AS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = $1; PREPARE gaussdb=# EXPLAIN (VERBOSE ON, COSTS OFF) EXECUTE p5('12'); QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Node Scan Output: t1.c1, t1.c2 Node/s: All datanodes Remote query: SELECT c1, c2 FROM public.t1 WHERE c1::text = '12'::text Remote SQL: SELECT c1, c2 FROM public.t1 WHERE c1::text = '12'::text Datanode Name: datanode1 Partition Iterator Output: c1, c2 Iterations: 3 -> Partitioned Seq Scan on public.t1 Output: c1, c2 Filter: ((t1.c1)::text = '12'::text) Selected Partitions: 1..3 (15 rows)
- stable/volatile函数。
gaussdb=# create sequence seq; gaussdb=# PREPARE p6(TEXT) AS SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = currval($1);--volatile函数不支持剪枝。 PREPARE gaussdb=# EXPLAIN (VERBOSE ON, COSTS OFF) EXECUTE p6('seq'); QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data Node Scan Output: t1.c1, t1.c2 Node/s: All datanodes Remote query: SELECT c1, c2 FROM ONLY public.t1 WHERE true Coordinator quals: ((t1.c1)::numeric = currval(('seq'::text)::regclass)) Remote SQL: SELECT c1, c2 FROM ONLY public.t1 WHERE true Datanode Name: datanode1 Partition Iterator Output: c1, c2 Iterations: 3 -> Partitioned Seq Scan on public.t1 Output: c1, c2 Selected Partitions: 1..3 (15 rows) --清理示例环境。 gaussdb=# DROP TABLE t1;
- 子查询表达式。
父主题: 分区表动态剪枝