- JDK:建议使用1.8及以上版本。
- Ant:建议使用apache-ant-1.10及以上版本。
- Benchmark SQL:建议使用 Benchmark SQL 5.0。
- ECS客户端:建议使用32U64GB及以上规格。
- 数据库:建议提前准备GaussDB数据库,并同时创建压测数据库$db_name和压测用户$db_user。
安装Benchmark SQL
- 下载安装包。
- 解压安装包。
unzip download -d /home
- 进入Benchmark SQL解压后的目录,使用ant编译 Benchmark SQL。
cd /home/benchmarksql-5.0 ant
GaussDB适配Benchmark SQL
- 更换驱动包。
cd /home wget unzip cd GaussDB_driver/Distributed/Euler2.5_X86_64 tar -zxvf GaussDB-Kernel_505.1.0_Euler_64bit_Jdbc.tar.gz rm -rf /home/benchmarksql-5.0/lib/postgres/postgresql-9.3-1102.jdbc41.jar cp -rp gsjdbc4.jar /home/benchmarksql-5.0/lib/postgres/
- 修改配置文件。
db=postgres driver=org.postgresql.Driver //集中式版 //conn=jdbc:postgresql://$host_ip:$host_port/$db_name?targetServerType=master&loggerLevel=OFF //分布式版 conn=jdbc:postgresql://$host_ip1:$host_port1,host_ip2:$host_port2,host_ip3:$host_port3/$db_name?autoBalance=true&loggerLevel=OFF user=$db_user password=$db_user_passwd warehouses=10 loadWorkers=10 terminals=5 //To run specified transactions per terminal- runMins must equal zero runTxnsPerTerminal=0 //To run for specified minutes- runTxnsPerTerminal must equal zero runMins=3 //Number of total transactions per minute limitTxnsPerMin=0 //Set to true to run in 4.x compatible mode. Set to false to use the //entire configured database evenly. terminalWarehouseFixed=true //The following five values must add up to 100 //The default percentages of 45, 43, 4, 4 & 4 match the TPC-C spec newOrderWeight=45 paymentWeight=43 orderStatusWeight=4 deliveryWeight=4 stockLevelWeight=4 // Directory name to create for collecting detailed result data. // Comment this out to suppress. resultDirectory=my_result_%tY-%tm-%td_%tH%tM%tS //osCollectorScript=./misc/ //osCollectorInterval=1 //osCollectorSSHAddr=user@dbhost //osCollectorDevices=net_eth0 blk_sda
prop.pg中的关键参数说明:- conn:JDBC连接串,请根据实际的实例类型选择对应的连接串。
- 集中式版:conn=jdbc:postgresql://$host_ip:$host_port/$db_name?targetServerType=master&loggerLevel=OFF
- 分布式版:conn=jdbc:postgresql://$host_ip1:$host_port1,host_ip2:$host_port2,host_ip3:$host_port3/$db_name?autoBalance=true&loggerLevel=OFF
- conn:JDBC连接串,请根据实际的实例类型选择对应的连接串。
- 改造 BenchMarkSQL5中的SQL。
- 新建/home/benchmarksql-5.0/run/sql.postgres/tableCreates.sql。
- 集中式版建表语句:
create table bmsql_config ( cfg_name varchar(30), cfg_value varchar(50) ) ; create table bmsql_warehouse ( w_id integer not null, w_ytd decimal(12,2), w_tax decimal(4,4), w_name varchar(10), w_street_1 varchar(20), w_street_2 varchar(20), w_city varchar(20), w_state char(2), w_zip char(9) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80); create table bmsql_district ( d_w_id integer not null, d_id integer not null, d_ytd decimal(12,2), d_tax decimal(4,4), d_next_o_id integer, d_name varchar(10), d_street_1 varchar(20), d_street_2 varchar(20), d_city varchar(20), d_state char(2), d_zip char(9) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80); create table bmsql_customer ( c_w_id integer not null, c_d_id integer not null, c_id integer not null, c_discount decimal(4,4), c_credit char(2), c_last varchar(16), c_first varchar(16), c_credit_lim decimal(12,2), c_balance decimal(12,2), c_ytd_payment decimal(12,2), c_payment_cnt integer, c_delivery_cnt integer, c_street_1 varchar(20), c_street_2 varchar(20), c_city varchar(20), c_state char(2), c_zip char(9), c_phone char(16), c_since timestamp, c_middle char(2), c_data varchar(500) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) ; create sequence bmsql_hist_id_seq cache 1000; create table bmsql_history ( hist_id integer, h_c_id integer, h_c_d_id integer, h_c_w_id integer, h_d_id integer, h_w_id integer, h_date timestamp, h_amount decimal(6,2), h_data varchar(24) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80); create table bmsql_new_order ( no_w_id integer not null, no_d_id integer not null, no_o_id integer not null )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) ; create table bmsql_oorder ( o_w_id integer not null, o_d_id integer not null, o_id integer not null, o_c_id integer, o_carrier_id integer, o_ol_cnt integer, o_all_local integer, o_entry_d timestamp )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) ; create table bmsql_order_line ( ol_w_id integer not null, ol_d_id integer not null, ol_o_id integer not null, ol_number integer not null, ol_i_id integer not null, ol_delivery_d timestamp, ol_amount decimal(6,2), ol_supply_w_id integer, ol_quantity integer, ol_dist_info char(24) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) ; create table bmsql_item ( i_id integer not null, i_name varchar(24), i_price decimal(5,2), i_data varchar(50), i_im_id integer ); create table bmsql_stock ( s_w_id integer not null, s_i_id integer not null, s_quantity integer, s_ytd integer, s_order_cnt integer, s_remote_cnt integer, s_data varchar(50), s_dist_01 char(24), s_dist_02 char(24), s_dist_03 char(24), s_dist_04 char(24), s_dist_05 char(24), s_dist_06 char(24), s_dist_07 char(24), s_dist_08 char(24), s_dist_09 char(24), s_dist_10 char(24) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) ;
- 分布式建表语句:
create table bmsql_config ( cfg_name varchar(30), cfg_value varchar(50) ) DISTRIBUTE BY REPLICATION; create table bmsql_warehouse ( w_id integer not null, w_ytd decimal(12,2), w_tax decimal(4,4), w_name varchar(10), w_street_1 varchar(20), w_street_2 varchar(20), w_city varchar(20), w_state char(2), w_zip char(9) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(w_id); create table bmsql_district ( d_w_id integer not null, d_id integer not null, d_ytd decimal(12,2), d_tax decimal(4,4), d_next_o_id integer, d_name varchar(10), d_street_1 varchar(20), d_street_2 varchar(20), d_city varchar(20), d_state char(2), d_zip char(9) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(d_w_id); create table bmsql_customer ( c_w_id integer not null, c_d_id integer not null, c_id integer not null, c_discount decimal(4,4), c_credit char(2), c_last varchar(16), c_first varchar(16), c_credit_lim decimal(12,2), c_balance decimal(12,2), c_ytd_payment decimal(12,2), c_payment_cnt integer, c_delivery_cnt integer, c_street_1 varchar(20), c_street_2 varchar(20), c_city varchar(20), c_state char(2), c_zip char(9), c_phone char(16), c_since timestamp, c_middle char(2), c_data varchar(500) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(c_w_id); create sequence bmsql_hist_id_seq cache 1000; create table bmsql_history ( hist_id integer, h_c_id integer, h_c_d_id integer, h_c_w_id integer, h_d_id integer, h_w_id integer, h_date timestamp, h_amount decimal(6,2), h_data varchar(24) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(h_w_id); create table bmsql_new_order ( no_w_id integer not null, no_d_id integer not null, no_o_id integer not null )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(no_w_id); create table bmsql_oorder ( o_w_id integer not null, o_d_id integer not null, o_id integer not null, o_c_id integer, o_carrier_id integer, o_ol_cnt integer, o_all_local integer, o_entry_d timestamp )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(o_w_id); create table bmsql_order_line ( ol_w_id integer not null, ol_d_id integer not null, ol_o_id integer not null, ol_number integer not null, ol_i_id integer not null, ol_delivery_d timestamp, ol_amount decimal(6,2), ol_supply_w_id integer, ol_quantity integer, ol_dist_info char(24) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(ol_w_id); create table bmsql_item ( i_id integer not null, i_name varchar(24), i_price decimal(5,2), i_data varchar(50), i_im_id integer ) DISTRIBUTE BY REPLICATION; create table bmsql_stock ( s_w_id integer not null, s_i_id integer not null, s_quantity integer, s_ytd integer, s_order_cnt integer, s_remote_cnt integer, s_data varchar(50), s_dist_01 char(24), s_dist_02 char(24), s_dist_03 char(24), s_dist_04 char(24), s_dist_05 char(24), s_dist_06 char(24), s_dist_07 char(24), s_dist_08 char(24), s_dist_09 char(24), s_dist_10 char(24) )WITH (FILLFACTOR=80) DISTRIBUTE BY hash(s_w_id);
- 集中式版建表语句:
- 新建/home/benchmarksql-5.0/run/sql.postgres/tableDrops.sql。
drop table bmsql_config; drop table bmsql_new_order; drop table bmsql_order_line; drop table bmsql_oorder; drop table bmsql_history; drop table bmsql_customer; drop table bmsql_stock; drop table bmsql_item; drop table bmsql_district; drop table bmsql_warehouse; drop sequence bmsql_hist_id_seq;
- 新建/home/benchmarksql-5.0/run/sql.postgres/indexCreates.sql。
set maintenance_work_mem='4GB'; alter table bmsql_warehouse add constraint bmsql_warehouse_pkey primary key (w_id); alter table bmsql_district add constraint bmsql_district_pkey primary key (d_w_id, d_id); alter table bmsql_customer add constraint bmsql_customer_pkey primary key (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id); alter table bmsql_oorder add constraint bmsql_oorder_pkey primary key (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id); alter table bmsql_new_order add constraint bmsql_new_order_pkey primary key (no_w_id, no_d_id, no_o_id); alter table bmsql_order_line add constraint bmsql_order_line_pkey primary key (ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id, ol_number); alter table bmsql_stock add constraint bmsql_stock_pkey primary key (s_w_id, s_i_id); alter table bmsql_item add constraint bmsql_item_pkey primary key (i_id); create index bmsql_oorder_idx1 on bmsql_oorder(o_w_id, o_d_id, o_c_id, o_id); create index bmsql_customer_idx1 on bmsql_customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_last, c_first);
- 新建/home/benchmarksql-5.0/run/sql.postgres/indexDrops.sql。
set statement_timeout=0; set maintenance_work_mem='4GB'; alter table bmsql_warehouse drop constraint bmsql_warehouse_pkey; alter table bmsql_district drop constraint bmsql_district_pkey; alter table bmsql_customer drop constraint bmsql_customer_pkey; drop index bmsql_customer_idx1; alter table bmsql_oorder drop constraint bmsql_oorder_pkey; drop index bmsql_oorder_idx1; drop index bmsql_oorder_idx2; alter table bmsql_new_order drop constraint bmsql_new_order_pkey; alter table bmsql_order_line drop constraint bmsql_order_line_pkey; alter table bmsql_stock drop constraint bmsql_stock_pkey; alter table bmsql_item drop constraint bmsql_item_pkey; alter table bmsql_history drop constraint bmsql_history_pkey;
- 新建/home/benchmarksql-5.0/run/sql.postgres/tableCreates.sql。
- 更新./。
vim /home/benchmarksql-5.0/run/
将光标移至AFTER_LOAD="indexCreates foreignKeys extraHistID buildFinish"中foreignKeys的第一个字符,按“x”键依次删除foreignKeys及其后边的空格,输入“:wq”命令保存并退出。删除后的结果如下。
AFTER_LOAD="indexCreates extraHistID buildFinish"
运行Benchmark SQL
- 导入数据。
- 进行压测。
- 删除数据。