Object Storage Service
Object Storage Service
Todos los resultados de "
" dentro de este producto
Todos los resultados de "
" dentro de este producto
Descripción general del servicio
Acerca de OBS
Escenarios de aplicación
Responsabilidades compartidas
Autenticación de identidad y control de acceso
Autenticación de identidad y control de acceso
Protección de datos
Auditoría y registro
Monitoreo de riesgos
Gestión de permisos
Restricciones y limitaciones
Servicios relacionados
Conceptos básicos
Sistema de archivos paralelo
Claves de acceso (AK/SK)
Puntos de conexión y nombres de dominio
Región y AZ
Pasos iniciales
Proceso general
Paso 1: Preparaciones
Paso 2: Obtención de las claves de acceso (AK y SK)
Paso 3: Obtención de puntos de conexión
Paso 4: Descarga e inicio de herramientas
Paso 5: Creación de un bucket
Paso 6: Carga de un objeto
Paso 7: Descarga de un objeto
Historial de revisiones
Guía del usuario
Antes de comenzar
Descripción general
Uso de OBS
Acceso a OBS
Clases de almacenamiento
Gestión de buckets
Descripción de bucket
Creación de un bucket
Enumeración de buckets
Consulta de información de buckets
Gestión de cuotas de bucket
Eliminación de buckets
Replicación de ajustes de un bucket existente
Gestión de objetos
Descripción del objeto
Carga de objetos
Carga de un objeto
Carga de objetos mediante una carga de varias partes
Descarga de objetos
Gestión de carpetas
Creación de una carpeta
Compartir una carpeta
Otras operaciones de objetos
Enumeración de objetos
Copia de objetos
Consulta de información de objeto
Uso compartido de objetos
Gestión de metadatos de objetos
Restauración de objetos desde el almacenamiento Archive
Lectura directa
Eliminación de objetos
Eliminación de un objeto
Recuperación de un objeto
Gestión de fragmentos
Control de permisos
Gestión de datos
Gestión del ciclo de vida
Inventario de buckets
Notificaciones de eventos
Estadísticas de uso
Acceso a los datos
Alojamiento de sitio web estático
Vuelta a la fuente
Gestión de nombres de dominio
Configuración del nombre de dominio definido por el usuario
Seguridad de datos
Encriptación del lado del servidor
Control de versiones
Replicación entre regiones
Validación de URL
Procesamiento de datos
Procesamiento de imágenes
Descompresión en línea
Monitoreo y registro
Sistema de archivos paralelo
Guía del usuario
Descripción de la función de consola
Compatibilidad del navegador web
Pasos iniciales
Descripción del proceso
Configuración de permisos de usuario
Logging In to OBS Console
Creación de un bucket
Carga de un objeto
Descarga de un objeto
Eliminación de un objeto
Eliminación de un bucket
Storage Classes Overview
Gestión de bucket
Creación de un bucket
Consulta de información básica de un bucket
Búsqueda de bucket
Eliminación de un bucket
Gestión de objetos
Creación de la carpeta
Carga de un objeto
Descarga de un objeto
Compartir un objeto
Compartir una carpeta
Búsqueda de un objeto o una carpeta
Enumeración de objetos
Acceso a un objeto mediante su URL
Restauración de objetos del almacenamiento Archive
Eliminación de un objeto o una carpeta
Recuperación de un objeto
Gestión de fragmentos
Gestión de paquetes de recursos
Configuración de encriptación del lado del servidor
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Configuración de encriptación predeterminada del bucket
Carga de un objeto en modo de encriptación del lado del servidor
Descripción de WORM
Configuración de la retención de WORM
Metadatos de objeto
Object Metadata Overview
About Object Metadata Content-Type
Configuración de metadatos de objeto
Inventarios de bucket
Bucket Inventory Overview
Configuración de un inventario de bucket
Control de permisos
Mecanismos de control de permisos
IAM Permissions
Bucket Policies and Object Policies
Bucket ACLs and Object ACLs
Relationship Between a Bucket ACL and a Bucket Policy
How Does Authorization Work When Multiple Access Control Mechanisms Co-Exist?
Bucket Policy Parameters
Configuración de permisos de IAM
Creación de un usuario de IAM y concesión de permisos de OBS
Políticas personalizadas de OBS
Recursos de OBS
Condiciones de solicitud de OBS
Configuración de la política de bucket
Creación de una política de bucket con una plantilla
Creación de una política de bucket personalizada (Visual Editor)
Creación de una política de bucket personalizada (vista JSON)
Replicación de políticas de bucket
Configuración de una política de objeto
Configuración de la ACL de bucket
Configuración de una ACL de objeto
Application Cases
Granting an IAM User Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
Granting Other Huawei Cloud Accounts Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
Restricting Access to a Bucket to Specific Addresses
Limiting the Time When Objects in a Bucket Are Accessible
Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Objects
Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Folders
Configuración de lectura directa
Control de versiones
Versioning Overview
Configuración del control de versiones
Logging Overview
Configuración del registro de acceso para un bucket
Descripción general de la etiqueta
Configuración de etiquetas para un bucket
Configuración de notificaciones de eventos
SMN-Enabled Event Notifications
Configuración de la notificación de eventos habilitados para SMN
Application Example: Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Replicación entre regiones
Cross-Region Replication Overview
Configuración de la replicación entre regiones
Gestión del ciclo de vida
Lifecycle Management Overview
Configuración de una regla de ciclo de vida
Configuración de nombres de dominio definidos por el usuario
Configuración de un nombre de dominio definido por el usuario
Vuelta a la fuente
Configuración de una regla de vuelta a la fuente
Alojamiento de sitio web estático
Alojamiento de sitios web estático
Redirection Overview
Configuración del alojamiento de sitios web estáticos
Configuración de redirección
Intercambio de recursos entre orígenes
CORS Overview
Configuración de CORS
Validación de URL
URL Validation Overview
Configurar la validación de URL
Monitoreo de OBS
Métricas de monitoreo de OBS
Cloud Trace Service
Configuración de una política de descompresión en línea
Uso de visualización
Gestión de tareas
Operaciones relacionadas
Creación de una delegación de IAM
Solución de problemas
Un objeto no se puede descargar mediante Internet Explorer 11
No se puede abrir OBS Console en Internet Explorer 9
El nombre del objeto cambia después de que un objeto con un nombre largo se descarga en un equipo local
Failed to Configure Event Notification
La diferencia horaria es superior a 15 minutos entre el cliente y el servidor
Lista de códigos de error
Referencia de la API
Antes de comenzar
Descripción general
Invocación a API
Puntos de conexión
Conceptos básicos
Descripción de las API
Llamar a APIs
Construcción de una solicitud
Autenticación con la firma del usuario
Autenticación de la firma en un encabezado
Autenticación de la firma en una URL
Autenticación de la firma transportada en la tabla cargada con un navegador
Generadores de firmas
Valores devueltos
Pasos iniciales
Creación de un bucket
Enumeración de buckets
Carga de un objeto
Operaciones en buckets
Enumeración de buckets
Creación de un bucket
Listado de objetos en un bucket
Obtención de metadatos de bucket
Obtención de la ubicación del bucket
Eliminación de buckets
Configuración avanzada del bucket
Configuración de la política de bucket
Obtención de información sobre la política de bucket
Eliminación de una política de bucket
Configuración de la ACL de bucket
Obtención de información de ACL de bucket
Configuración del registro de un bucket
Obtención de una configuración de registro de bucket
Configuración de reglas del ciclo de vida del bucket
Obtención de la configuración del ciclo de vida del bucket
Eliminación de reglas del ciclo de vida
Configuración del control de versiones para un bucket
Obtención del estado de control de versiones del bucket
Configuración de Notificación de Evento para un Bucket
Obtención de la configuración de notificación de evento de un bucket
Configuración de la clase de almacenamiento para un bucket
Obtención de información de clase de almacenamiento de bucket
Configuración de la replicación entre regiones para un bucket
Obtención de la configuración de replicación entre regiones de un bucket
Eliminación de la configuración de replicación entre regiones de un bucket
Configuración de etiquetas para un bucket
Obtención de etiquetas de bucket
Eliminación de etiquetas
Configuración de la cuota de almacenamiento de bucket
Consulta de la cuota de almacenamiento de bucket
Obtención de información de almacenamiento de un bucket
Configuración de inventarios de bucket
Obtención de inventarios de bucket
Listado de inventarios de bucket
Eliminación de inventarios de bucket
Configuración de un nombre de dominio personalizado para un bucket
Obtención del nombre de dominio personalizado de un bucket
Eliminación del nombre de dominio personalizado de un bucket.
Configuración de la encriptación de bucket
Obtención de la configuración de la encriptación de bucket
Eliminación de la configuración de la encriptación de bucket
Configuración de la política de lectura directa para objetos de Archive en un bucket
Obtención de la política de lectura directa de objetos de Archive en un bucket
Eliminación de la política de lectura directa para objetos de Archive en un bucket
Configuración de reglas de vuelta a la fuente de duplicación
Obtención de reglas de vuelta a la fuente de duplicación
Eliminación de reglas de vuelta a la fuente de duplicación
Setting an Online Decompression Policy
Obtaining an Online Decompression Policy
Deleting an Online Decompression Policy
Configuring a Default WORM Policy for a Bucket
Obtaining the Default WORM Policy of a Bucket
Alojamiento de sitio web estático
Configuración de alojamiento estático de sitios web para un bucket
Obtención de la configuración de alojamiento de sitios web estáticos de un bucket
Eliminación de la configuración de alojamiento de sitios web estáticos de un bucket
Configuración de Bucket CORS
Obtención de la configuración CORS de un bucket
Eliminación de la configuración CORS de un bucket
Bucket de OPTIONS
Objeto de OPTIONS
Operaciones en objetos
Carga de objetos - PUT
Carga de objetos - POST
Copia de objetos
Descarga de objetos
Consulta de metadatos de objetos
Eliminación de un objeto
Eliminación de objetos
Restauración de objetos de Archive
Adición de un objeto
Configuración de una ACL de objeto
Obtención de la configuración de ACL de objetos
Modificación de metadatos de objetos
Modificación de un objeto
Truncamiento de un objeto
Cambio de nombre de un objeto
Configuring WORM Retention for an Object
Operaciones en carga multiparte
Listado de cargas de varias partes iniciadas en un bucket
Inicio de una carga multiparte
Carga de piezas
Copia de piezas
Enumeración de piezas cargadas
Completo de una carga de varias partes
Cancelación de tareas de carga multiparte
Encriptación del lado del servidor
Descripción de la encriptación del lado del servidor
Operaciones de API relacionadas con la encriptación del lado del servidor
Códigos de error
Permisos y acciones soportadas
Acciones relacionadas con bucket
Acciones relacionadas con objetos
Códigos de estado
Obtención de claves de acceso (AK/SK)
Obtención de las informaciones de cuenta, de usuario de IAM, de proyecto, de grupo de usuarios, de región y de delegación
Consistencia de las operaciones simultáneas
Preguntas frecuentes
Introducción a OBS
¿Cómo puedo empezar a usar OBS?
¿Cómo obtengo un punto de conexión de OBS?
¿Cuáles son las ventajas del almacenamiento de objetos en comparación con el almacenamiento de SAN y de NAS?
¿Qué tipos de datos se pueden almacenar en OBS?
¿Cuánto dato puedo almacenar en OBS?
¿OBS soporta el monitoreo de tráfico?
¿Se pueden usar las carpetas en OBS de la misma manera que en un sistema de archivos?
¿Dónde se almacenan los datos en OBS?
¿Cómo puedo determinar en qué región almacenar mis datos?
¿OBS admite el acceso con HTTPS?
¿Pueden otros usuarios acceder a mis datos almacenados en OBS?
¿OBS admite la transferencia reanudable?
¿OBS soporta la carga por lotes?
¿OBS admite la descarga por lotes?
¿OBS admite la eliminación por lotes de objetos?
¿Cuáles son los factores que afectan la velocidad de carga y descarga de OBS?
¿Por qué se perdieron algunos mis datos almacenados en OBS?
¿Se pueden recuperar datos eliminados?
¿Habrá datos sobrantes en OBS después de eliminar un objeto?
¿Qué puedo hacer si mi acceso al nombre de dominio de OBS falló debido a un error de conexión de certificado de CA?
¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre OBS, EVS y SFS?
¿Por qué se reporta una alarma cuando accedo a un URL de OBS?
¿Cómo puedo determinar si estoy accediendo a OBS por una intranet?
¿El rendimiento de mi bucket se verá afectado por los servicios de otros usuarios?
¿Cómo compro un OBS?
¿Por qué OBS aún no está disponible aunque mi cuenta esté recargada y no haya facturas pendientes?
¿Por qué mi bucket genera tarifas de almacenamiento aunque no hay objetos en él?
¿Por qué todavía me están facturando por el tráfico de extracción utilizado por la aceleración de CDN cuando ya tengo un paquete del tráfico de extracción?
¿Por qué me siguen facturando después de comprar un paquete de recursos?
¿Para qué se utiliza un paquete de almacenamiento Standard (AZ múltiples)?
¿Necesito comprar un paquete de tráfico de Internet saliente si ya tengo un paquete de tráfico de extracción?
¿Por qué mi bucket genera tráfico cuando no hay objetos en él?
¿Cómo se cuentan las solicitudes?
¿Tengo que comprar un paquete de recursos? ¿Puedo aplicar un paquete a un bucket específico?
¿Puedo cancelar la suscripción o modificar un paquete de recursos?
¿Puedo comprar la solicitud?
¿Los sistemas de archivos paralelos admiten paquetes de recursos?
¿Qué tipos de paquetes de recursos restablecerán su cuota por mes y qué tipos no?
¿La cuota de paquete restante en un mes determinado se llevará al mes siguiente?
¿Qué puedo hacer si mi paquete de recursos caduca?
¿Se restringirá la escritura de mis datos cuando se haya agotado mi paquete de OBS?
¿Por qué hay un cargo de $0.01 USD en mi factura de OBS?
Control de acceso
¿Cómo puedo controlar el acceso a OBS?
¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre el uso de un permiso de IAM y una política de bucket en el control de acceso?
¿Cuál es la relación entre una política de bucket y una política de objeto?
¿Por qué sigue apareciendo el mensaje "Access denied" después de que IAM asignara los permisos del sistema de OBS?
¿Por qué aparece el mensaje "Access denied" después de que se me otorgaron los permisos de lectura y escritura para un bucket?
¿Por qué no puedo acceder a OBS (403 AccessDenied) después de recibir el permiso de acceso de OBS?
Buckets y objetos
¿Por qué no puedo crear un bucket?
¿Por qué no puedo cargar un objeto?
¿Por qué no puedo descargar un objeto?
¿Por qué no puedo eliminar un bucket?
¿Por qué no puedo acceder a un objeto con su URL?
¿Cuál es la relación entre las clases de almacenamiento de bucket y las clases de almacenamiento de objetos?
¿Puedo cambiar el nombre de un objeto?
¿Puedo modificar la región de un bucket?
¿Puedo copiar un archivo entre los buckets?
¿Puedo mover un archivo entre los bucket?
¿Puedo editar objetos en OBS en línea?
¿Cómo obtengo la ruta de acceso a un objeto?
¿Por qué no puedo buscar ciertos objetos en mi bucket?
¿Cómo previsualizo objetos en OBS en un navegador en línea?
¿Qué debo hacer si se muestra un mensaje de error cuando uso Internet Explorer para acceder a un URL de objeto que contiene los caracteres chinos?
Con la aceleración de CDN activada, ¿por qué se descargan directamente los objetos de mi bucket de OBS cuando accedo a ellos?
¿Cómo puedo eliminar por lotes un gran número de objetos desde un bucket o vaciar un bucket?
Al descargar una carpeta usando obsutil, la velocidad de descarga se ralentiza después de que el progreso de descarga de la carpeta alcanza el 90 %
Con obsutil, la descarga de un archivo falla después de que el progreso de descarga alcanza el 99 %
Carga y descarga lenta a través de obsutil
¿Cómo uso el comando de obsutil cp para habilitar la carga, descarga o replicación incremental?
¿Puedo montar mi sistema de archivos paralelo en un servidor de Windows?
¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre los métodos de carga de PUT y de POST?
Error con el SDK de OBS al cargar un archivo superior a 5 GB
¿Qué puedo hacer cuando se muestra el mensaje de error "okhttp3.RequestBody.create(java.lang.String,okhttp3.MediaType)" para el SDK de Java?
¿Una carga anexada admite el mecanismo de bloqueo para operaciones simultáneas?
¿Por qué no coinciden las firmas?
¿Cómo se asegura la seguridad de los datos en OBS?
¿OBS escanea mis datos para otros propósitos?
¿Pueden los ingenieros exportar mis datos desde el fondo de OBS?
¿Cómo protege OBS mis datos de ser robados?
¿Se puede reemplazar un par de AK y SK cuando se utiliza para acceder a OBS?
¿Pueden varios usuarios compartir un par de AK y SK para acceder a OBS?
¿Puedo recuperar datos de OBS después de que se eliminen o se sobrescriben?
Durabilidad y disponibilidad
¿Cuáles son la durabilidad y la disponibilidad de OBS?
¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre el almacenamiento de única AZ y de varias AZ en OBS?
¿Qué técnicas de almacenamiento de redundancia utiliza OBS?
Migración y copia de respaldo de datos
¿Cómo puedo migrar datos a OBS?
¿Cómo implementa OBS el respaldo y la recuperación ante desastres?
¿Cómo puedo migrar datos entre SFS y OBS?
¿Cómo uso la gestión de fragmentos?
¿Por qué se generan fragmentos?
¿Cómo gestiono fragmentos?
¿Cómo uso el control de versiones?
¿Puedo cargar un objeto a una carpeta donde ya exista un objeto homónimo?
¿Puedo recuperar un objeto eliminado?
¿Cómo uso las etiquetas?
¿Puedo buscar un bucket por etiqueta?
¿Qué puedo hacer con las etiquetas?
Notificación de evento
¿Qué eventos pueden activar notificaciones de eventos?
¿Cómo uso la gestión del ciclo de vida?
¿Cuáles son los escenarios de aplicación de la gestión del ciclo de vida?
¿Cómo uso el alojamiento de sitio web estático?
¿OBS puede hospedar mis sitios web estáticos?
¿Qué tipos de sitios web puedo utilizar OBS para alojar?
¿Cómo obtengo la dirección estática de alojamiento de sitios web de un Bucket?
¿Cómo uso la replicación entre regiones?
¿Cuáles son los escenarios de aplicación de la replicación entre regiones?
¿Se sincronizará una eliminación de objetos en un bucket de origen con el bucket de destino?
¿Por qué los objetos no se copian en el bucket de destino después de que se haya creado la regla de replicación entre regiones?
¿Cómo gestiono los nombres de dominio?
¿Por qué se muestra el mensaje "NoSuchBucket" cuando uso un nombre de dominio definido por el usuario para acceder a un bucket al que puede acceder el nombre de dominio de OBS?
¿Cuál es la relación entre los nombres de bucket de OBS y los nombres de dominio?
¿Por qué no puedo encontrar las estadísticas sobre los códigos de estado de OBS 5XX en Cloud Eye?
Encriptación del lado del servidor
¿OBS admite la carga cifrada?
¿Cómo puedo acceder o descargar un objeto encriptado?
¿Por qué una cuenta autorizada o usuario no puede cargar o descargar objetos cifrados de KMS?
¿Qué tecnologías de cifrado puedo utilizar para cifrar datos en OBS?
¿Encriptación del lado del servidor de OBS cifrará mis objetos existentes que no están cifrados?
¿Se me facturará la encriptación proporcionada por la encriptación del lado del servidor de OBS?
¿OBS SSE-KMS permite el acceso anónimo?
¿Se requieren permisos adicionales cuando comparto un objeto con SSE-OBS encriptado?
What's New
Function Overview
Product Notices
Billing Overview
Billing Items
Storage Space
Data Transfer
Data Retrievals
Data Processing
Billing in Special Scenarios
Billing Modes
Pay-per-Use Billing
Yearly/Monthly (Resource Packages)
Resource Package Overview
Resource Package Purchase
Purchase of Additional Resource Packages
Viewing Resource Package Details
Billing Examples
Billing Mode Changes
Renewing Subscriptions
Manually Renewing a Resource Package
Auto-renewing a Resource Package
Billing Termination
Billing FAQ
Permissions Configuration Guide
Differences Between OBS Permissions Control Methods
OBS Access Control at a Glance
Permission Control Methods
IAM Permissions
Bucket Policies
Access Requests
Accessing OBS Using Permanent Access Keys
Accessing OBS Using Temporary Access Keys
Accessing OBS Using a Temporary URL
Accessing OBS Using an IAM Agency
Permission Configuration in Typical Scenarios
Typical Permissions Scenarios
Granting Permissions to an IAM User Under the Current Account
Granting an IAM User the Permissions to Create and List Buckets
Granting an IAM User the Read/Write Permission on a Bucket
Granting an IAM User the Specified Permissions for a Bucket
Granting an IAM User the Read Permissions on Specific Objects
Granting an IAM User the Specified Permissions on Specified Objects
Granting Permissions to Multiple IAM Users or User Groups Under the Current Account
Granting IAM User Groups All Permissions for All OBS Resources
Granting IAM User Groups Basic Permissions for All OBS Resources
Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for All OBS Resources
Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for Certain OBS Resources
Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for a Folder
Granting Permissions to Other Accounts
Granting Other Accounts the Read/Write Permission for a Bucket
Granting Other Accounts the Specified Permissions for a Bucket
Granting IAM Users Under an Account the Access to a Bucket and the Resources in It
Granting Other Accounts the Read Permission for Certain Objects
Granting Other Accounts the Specified Permissions for Certain Objects
Granting Permissions to All Accounts
Granting All Accounts the Public Read Permission for a Bucket
Granting All Accounts the Read Permission for a Directory
Granting All Accounts the Read Permission for Certain Objects
Temporarily Sharing Objects with All Accounts
Granting Temporary Access to OBS
Allowing IAM Users to View Only Authorized Buckets
Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific IP Addresses
Best Practices for Enterprise Data Access Control
Access Management on Department Public Data
Data Sharing Among Departments/Projects
Authorizing Business Departments with Independent Resource Permissions
Isolating Bucket Resources Between Business Departments
Bucket Policy Parameters
Relationship Between Bucket Policies and Bucket ACLs
Tools Guide
OBS Tools
OBS Browser+
OBS Browser+ Function Overview
Downloading OBS Browser+
Installing OBS Browser+
Logging In to OBS Browser+
Basic Bucket Operations
Creating a Bucket
Searching for a Bucket
Viewing a Bucket's Basic Information
Managing Fragments
Deleting a Bucket
Advanced Bucket Settings
Bucket ACLs
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Lifecycle Management
Configuring a Lifecycle Rule
Bucket Policies
Configuring a Bucket Policy
External Bucket Adding
Adding an External Bucket
Object Operations
Creating a Folder
Uploading a File or Folder
Searching for a File or Folder
Downloading a File or Folder
Copying a File or Folder
Moving a File or Folder
Deleting a File or Folder
Sharing a File or Folder
Restoring a File
Task Management
Managing Running and Queued Tasks
Managing Suspended Tasks
Managing Completed Tasks
Managing Tasks Being Restored
Managing Failed Tasks
Best Practices
Drag-and-Drop Upload
Folder Sharing
Background Running
Auto Upload
Optimizing the Upload and Download Performance
Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
Where Can I Obtain an IAM User ID?
Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
What Are the Differences Between OBS Browser+ and OBS Browser?
Does OBS Browser+ Support the Migration of Account and Task Information From OBS Browser?
Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
Why Is the Deliver Attribute Configured Using an SDK Overwritten to False After I Configure a Bucket ACL on OBS Browser+?
What If "Login request denied." Is Displayed When I Try to Log In to OBS Browser+ Using an Account?
What If "Failed to obtain the user token from IAM." Is Displayed When I Try to Log In to OBS Browser+ Using an Account?
What If Message "Incorrect Account or Password" Is Displayed When I Try to Log In to OBS Browser+ Using an Account?
Will Incremental Upload Be Used in Auto Upload Tasks?
How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
Can I Cancel the Directory Sharing After a Directory Has Been Shared with Others?
Can I Query the Number and Size of Files in a Folder?
How Do I Troubleshoot a DNS Resolution Failure?
Can OBS Browser+ List Objects with Special Characters in Their Names?
Why Are Objects Always in the Restoring State?
Uninstalling OBS Browser+
Change History
obsutil Introduction
Downloading and Installing obsutil
Getting Started
Preparing the Environment
Initializing the Configuration
Quick Start
Bucket Commands
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Querying Bucket Properties
Setting Bucket Properties
Deleting a Bucket
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Obtaining a Bucket Policy
Deleting a Bucket Policy
Object Commands
Creating a Folder
Uploading an Object
Querying Object Properties
Setting Object Properties
Listing Objects
Copying an Object
Moving an Object
Downloading an Object
Generating the Download Link of an Object
Deleting an Object
Synchronously Uploading Incremental Objects
Synchronously Copying Incremental Objects
Synchronously Downloading Incremental Objects
Restoring Objects from the Archive Storage
Resuming a Failed Upload Task
Resuming a Failed Copy Task
Resuming a Failed Download Task
Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
Deleting a Multipart Upload Task
Creating an Authorization Code for Directory Sharing
Listing Objects by Using an Authorization Code
Downloading Objects by Using an Authorization Code
Auxiliary Commands
Updating a Configuration File
Deleting Part Records
Viewing Command Help Information
Querying the Version Number
Archiving Log Files
Listing Failure Result Files
Common Examples
Synchronous Upload
Synchronous Download
Synchronous Copy
Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
Deleting All Multipart Upload Tasks in a Bucket
Fault Locating
Log Files
Result Lists
Return Codes
Best Practices
Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
Configuring Scheduled Tasks Using the Crontab Command
Setting obsutil Commands as Built-in Commands
Configuring Auto Obtaining of Access Keys for obsutil
Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance
Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer
Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link
Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil
Using obsutil to Share Directories
Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side
Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil
After Some Files Are Deleted in My Local Directory, Can obsutil Synchronously Delete Them from the Bucket?
Can I Use obsutil to Directly Save a Listing Result to a Local File?
Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
How Can I Find Out Why Some Tasks in a Batch Task Failed?
How Can I Locate and Rectify I/O Timeout and EOF Errors?
Why Is a Question Mark Displayed in the Batch Task Progress Bar?
Can Multiple config Files Be Placed in One Directory?
Why Is the Number of Objects I Downloaded from OBS to My Local Windows PC Different from That in OBS?
Can I Rename an Object or a Folder?
Configuration Parameters
Introduction to obsfs
Environment Preparation
Resource Preparation
Downloading and Installing obsfs
Initializing obsfs
Operation Guide
Mounting a Parallel File System
Unmounting a Parallel File System
Failures in Mounting a Parallel File System
Failure in Unmounting a Parallel File System
Related Operations
libfuse Installation Guide
obsbrowser (abandoned)
Introduction to OBS Browser
OBS Browser Overview
Function Description
Getting Started
Process Description
Configuring User Permissions
Logging In to OBS Console
Downloading OBS Browser
Creating Access Keys (AK and SK)
Logging In to OBS Browser
Adding a Bucket
Uploading a File or Folder
Downloading a File or Folder
Deleting a File or Folder
Deleting a Bucket
Storage Classes Overview
Managing Buckets
Bucket Management Methods
Adding a Bucket
Searching for a Bucket
Viewing Basic Information of a Bucket
Managing Fragments
Deleting a Bucket
Managing Objects
Object Management Methods
Creating a Folder
Uploading a File or Folder
Downloading a File or Folder
MD5 Verification
Renaming a File
Copying a File or Folder
Moving a File or Folder
Sharing a File
Sharing a Folder
Accessing an Object Using Its Object URL
Searching for a File or Folder
Deleting a File or Folder
Restoring an Archive File in OBS
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Uploading a File with Server-Side Encryption
Permission Control
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Configuring an Object Policy
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Configuring Object ACL
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Configuring a Lifecycle Rule
CORS Overview
Configuring CORS
Logging Overview
Configuring Logging
CDN Facilitated Download
CDN Download Overview
Configuring CDN Download
External Buckets
External Bucket Overview
Adding External Buckets
Application Example 1: Authorizing Access Permissions Required for Adding an External Bucket Through the Bucket ACL
Application Example 2: Authorizing Access Permissions Required for Adding an External Bucket Through the Standard Bucket Policy
Application Example 3: Authorizing Access Permissions Required for Adding an External Bucket Through the Custom Bucket Policy
Task Management
Related Operations
Configuring the System
Managing Accounts
Access Path
Updating OBS Browser
Login Page of OBS Browser Does Not Respond upon User Login
No Upload Task Is Created After a Large Number of Files Are Selected for Upload On OBS Browser
Blue or Black Screen of Death Occurs During File Upload on OBS Browser
Tasks Are Not Displayed in the Task List When Objects Are Managed Using OBS Browser
Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and the Server
An Error Occurs During the Start-up of OBS Browser, Indicating That the Task Management Function Cannot Work Properly Due to Unavailability of the Database
File Upload or Download Through OBS Browser Is Stuck
List of OBS Error Codes
Change History
Best Practices
Uploading Data to OBS
Using the PostObject API to Upload Data from a Web Client to OBS
Uploading Data from Mobile Apps to OBS
Using a Temporary Security Credential to Upload Data to OBS
Using a Presigned URL to Upload Data to OBS
Uploading Data from Mini Programs to OBS
Migrating Data to OBS
Migrating Local Data to OBS
Using Backup Software to Back Up Local Data to OBS
Migrating Data from a Third-Party Vendor to OBS
Migrating Data Between OBS Buckets
Accessing Data Stored in OBS
Accessing OBS from an ECS over the Intranet
Using OBS Browser+ on a Windows ECS to Access OBS over the Intranet
Using obsutil on a Linux ECS to Access OBS over the Intranet
Accessing OBS Through an NGINX Reverse Proxy
Using a User-Defined Domain Name to Host a Static Website
Verifying Data Consistency
Suggestions on OBS Security Configuration
Suggestions on OBS Performance Optimization
Using OBS to Decouple Storage from Compute in Big Data Scenarios
Connecting Big Data Platforms to OBS
Supported Big Data Platforms
Connecting MRS to OBS
Connecting Cloudera CDH to OBS
Connecting Hortonworks HDP to OBS
Connecting OBS to Big Data Components
Supported Big Data Components
Connecting Hadoop to OBS
Connecting Hive to OBS
Connecting Spark to OBS
Connecting Presto to OBS
Connecting Flume to OBS
Connecting DataX to OBS
Connecting Druid to OBS
Connecting Flink to OBS
Connecting Logstash to OBS
Migrating HDFS Data to OBS
Using s3fs to Mount an OBS Bucket
SDK Reference
SDK Overview
SDK Function Matrices
Before You Start (SDK for Python)
API Overview of OBS SDK for Python
Preparations (SDK for Python)
Downloading and Installing OBS SDK for Python
Getting Started with OBS SDK for Python
Initialization (SDK for Python)
Initializing an Instance of ObsClient (SDK for Python)
Initializing a BucketClient Instance (SDK for Python)
Log Initialization (SDK for Python)
SDK Common Results (SDK for Python)
Bucket-Related APIs (SDK for Python)
Creating a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining a Bucket List (SDK for Python)
Checking Whether a Bucket Exists (SDK for Python)
Deleting a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Listing Objects in a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Listing Object Versions in a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining Bucket Metadata (SDK for Python)
Obtaining the Region of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Configuring a Storage Quota (SDK for Python)
Obtaining a Bucket Storage Quota (SDK for Python)
Configuring a Storage Class for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Configuring a Bucket ACL (SDK for Python)
Obtaining a Bucket ACL (SDK for Python)
Configuring Logging for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining the Logging Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Configuring a Bucket Policy (SDK for Python)
Obtaining the Policy of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Deleting a Bucket Policy (SDK for Python)
Configuring Lifecycle Rules for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Deleting the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Deleting Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Configuring Versioning for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Configuring CORS for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Configuring Tags for a Bucket (SDK for Python)
Obtaining Bucket Tags (SDK for Python)
Deleting Bucket Tags (SDK for Python)
Object-Related APIs (SDK for Python)
Object Upload Overview (SDK for Python)
Uploading Objects - Text-Based (SDK for Python)
Uploading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Python)
Uploading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Python)
Uploading an Object - Append (SDK for Python)
Uploading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Python)
Obtaining the Upload Progress (SDK for Python)
Uploading an Object - Browser-Based (SDK for Python)
Object Download Overview (SDK for Python)
Downloading an Object - Binary (SDK for Python)
Downloading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Python)
Downloading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Python)
Downloading an Object - Range-Based (SDK for Python)
Downloading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Python)
Downloading an Object - Obtaining the Download Progress (SDK for Python)
Uploading an Object - Creating a Folder (SDK for Python)
Copying an Object (SDK for Python)
Deleting an Object (SDK for Python)
Batch Deleting Objects (SDK for Python)
Obtaining Object Metadata (SDK for Python)
Modifying Object Metadata (SDK for Python)
Configuring an Object ACL (SDK for Python)
Obtaining an Object ACL (SDK for Python)
Restoring an Archive Object (SDK for Python)
APIs Related to Multipart Upload (SDK for Python)
Multipart Upload Overview (SDK for Python)
Initiating a Multipart Upload (SDK for Python)
Uploading a Part (SDK for Python)
Listing Uploaded Parts (SDK for Python)
Listing Multipart Uploads (SDK for Python)
Assembling Parts (SDK for Python)
Copying a Part (SDK for Python)
Aborting a Multipart Upload (SDK for Python)
Client-Side Encryption APIs (SDK for Python)
Introduction (SDK for Python)
Client-Side Encryption (SDK for Python)
Other APIs (SDK for Python)
Creating a Signed URL (SDK for Python)
Generating Authentication Parameters for Browser-Based Uploads (SDK for Python)
Server-Side Encryption (SDK for Python)
Static Website Hosting (SDK for Python)
User-defined Header (SDK for Python)
Troubleshooting (SDK for Python)
HTTP Status Codes (SDK for Python)
OBS Server-Side Error Codes (SDK for Python)
Log Analysis (SDK for Python)
FAQs (SDK for Python)
How Do I Make an Object Accessible to Anonymous Users? (SDK for Python)
How Can I Obtain the AK and SK? (SDK for Python)
How Do I Obtain an Object URL? (Python SDK)
How Do I Improve the Uploading Speed of Large Files over the Public Network? (SDK for Python)
How Do I Specify Content-SHA256? (SDK for Python)
Why Does the SDK Source Code Contain acs.amazonaws.com? (SDK for Python)
Setting an Object Expiration Time (SDK for Python)
What Is Content-Type (MIME)? (Python SDK)
How Do I Get My Account ID and IAM User ID? (SDK for Python)
Before You Start (SDK for Java)
API Overview (SDK for Java)
Preparations (SDK for Java)
SDK Download and Installation (SDK for Java)
Getting Started (SDK for Java)
Initialization (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Creating and Configuring an OBS Client (SDK for Java)
Configuring SDK Logging (SDK for Java)
Bucket Management (SDK for Java)
Creating a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Obtaining a Bucket List (SDK for Java)
Deleting a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Checking Whether a Bucket Exists (SDK for Java)
Obtaining Bucket Metadata (SDK for Java)
Configuring a Bucket ACL (SDK for Java)
Obtaining a Bucket ACL (SDK for Java)
Configuring a Bucket Policy (SDK for Java)
Obtaining the Policy of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Deleting a Bucket Policy (SDK for Java)
Obtaining the Region of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Configuring a Storage Quota (SDK for Java)
Obtaining a Bucket Storage Quota (SDK for Java)
Configuring a Storage Class for a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Bucket Inventory (SDK for Java)
Configuring an Inventory Rule (SDK for Java)
Obtaining an Inventory Rule (SDK for Java)
Listing Inventory Rules (SDK for Java)
Deleting an Inventory Rule (SDK for Java)
Parallel File System Management (SDK for Java)
Creating a Parallel File System (SDK for Java)
Listing Parallel File Systems (SDK for Java)
Listing Objects in a Parallel File System (SDK for Java)
Modifying an Object (SDK for Java)
Renaming an Object (SDK for Java)
Truncating an Object (SDK for Java)
Object Upload (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Uploading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Java)
Uploading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Java)
Obtaining the Upload Progress (SDK for Java)
Creating a Folder (SDK for Java)
Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Java)
Multipart Upload (SDK for Java)
Multipart Upload Overview (SDK for Java)
Initiating a Multipart Upload (SDK for Java)
Uploading a Part (SDK for Java)
Assembling Parts (SDK for Java)
Code Example of a Multipart Upload (SDK for Java)
Aborting a Multipart Upload (SDK for Java)
Listing Uploaded Parts (SDK for Java)
Listing Multipart Uploads (SDK for Java)
Configuring Lifecycle Rules (SDK for Java)
Uploading an Object - Append (SDK for Java)
Uploading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Java)
Uploading an Object - Browser-Based (SDK for Java)
Object Download (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Downloading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Java)
Downloading an Object - Range-Based (SDK for Java)
Obtaining the Download Progress (SDK for Java)
Downloading an Object - Conditional (SDK for Java)
Rewriting Response Headers (SDK for Java)
Obtaining User-defined Metadata (SDK for Java)
Restoring an Archive Object (SDK for Java)
Downloading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Java)
Downloading a Processed Image (SDK for Java)
Creating a Signed URL for Downloading a Processed Image (SDK for Java)
Object Management (SDK for Java)
Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Java)
Obtaining Object Metadata (SDK for Java)
Configuring an Object ACL (SDK for Java)
Obtaining an Object ACL (SDK for Java)
Listing Objects (SDK for Java)
Deleting an Object (SDK for Java)
Batch Deleting Objects (SDK for Java)
Copying an Object (SDK for Java)
Copying an Object - Multipart (SDK for Java)
Checking Whether an Object Exists (SDK for Java)
Temporarily Authorized Access (SDK for Java)
Accessing OBS Using a Signed URL (SDK for Java)
Versioning (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Configuring Versioning for a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Obtaining the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Obtaining an Object Version (SDK for Java)
Copying an Object Version (SDK for Java)
Restoring a Specific Archive Object Version (SDK for Java)
Listing Object Versions (SDK for Java)
Setting an ACL for an Object Version (SDK for Java)
Obtaining the ACL of an Object Version (SDK for Java)
Deleting an Object Version (SDK for Java)
Batch Deleting Object Versions (SDK for Java)
Lifecycle Management (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Setting Lifecycle Rules (SDK for Java)
Obtaining Lifecycle Rules (SDK for Java)
Deleting Lifecycle Rules (SDK for Java)
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Configuring a CORS Rule (SDK for Java)
Obtaining a CORS Rule (SDK for Java)
Deleting a CORS Rule (SDK for Java)
Logging (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Configuring Logging for a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Obtaining the Logging Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Static Website Hosting (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Hosting Website Files in a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Configuring Static Website Hosting (SDK for Java)
Obtaining Static Website Hosting Configurations (SDK for Java)
Deleting Static Website Hosting Configurations (SDK for Java)
Bucket Tag Management (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Configuring Tags for a Bucket (SDK for Java)
Obtaining Bucket Tags (SDK for Java)
Deleting Bucket Tags (SDK for Java)
Server-Side Encryption (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Server-Side Encryption APIs (SDK for Java)
Code Examples for Server-Side Encryption (SDK for Java)
Client-Side Encryption (SDK for Java)
Overview (SDK for Java)
Client-Side Encryption APIs (SDK for Java)
Fault Locating (SDK for Java)
Methods (SDK for Java)
Resolving Dependency Missing or Conflicts (SDK for Java)
Other Notable Issues (SDK for Java)
Troubleshooting (SDK for Java)
HTTP Status Codes (SDK for Java)
OBS Server-side Error Codes (SDK for Java)
SDK Exceptions (SDK for Java)
SDK Common Response Headers (SDK for Java)
Log Analysis (SDK for Java)
FAQs (SDK for Java)
Can I Use This Document for Union SDK?
How Can I Set an Object to Be Accessible to Anonymous Users? (Java SDK)
What Is the Retry Mechanism of SDK? (SDK for Java)
How Do I Obtain the Static Website Access Address of a Bucket? (Java SDK)
How Do I Obtain an Object URL? (Java SDK)
How to Improve the Speed of Uploading Large Files over the Public Network? (SDK for Java)
How Can I Perform a Multipart Upload? (SDK for Java)
How Can I Perform a Download in Multipart Mode? (Java SDK)
How Do I Confirm that an Upload is Successful If I Upload an Object to Overwrite an Existing Object with the Same Name in a Bucket? (SDK for Java)
How Do I Download an Encrypted Object Using a URL? (SDK for Java)
How Do I Generate an SSE-C Encryption Key?
How Do I Obtain the Security Token? (Java SDK)
Does the SDK Support Uploading, Downloading, or Copying Objects in a Batch? (Java SDK)
How Do I Specify Content-SHA256?
Why Does the SDK Source Code Contain acs.amazonaws.com? (Java SDK)
What Is Content-Type (MIME)? (Java SDK)
How Do I Get My Account ID and User ID?
Before You Start (SDK for Go)
API Overview of OBS SDK for Go
Preparations (SDK for Go)
Downloading and Installing OBS SDK for Go
Getting Started with OBS SDK for Go
Initializing OBS SDK for Go
obsClient Initialization (OBS SDK for Go)
Log Initialization (SDK for Go)
Custom Errors of OBS SDK for Go
Buckets (SDK for Go)
Bucket API Overview (SDK for Go)
Creating a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining a Bucket List (SDK for Go)
Checking Whether a Bucket Exists (SDK for Go)
Deleting a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Listing Objects in a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Listing Object Versions in a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining Bucket Metadata (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Region of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Configuring a Storage Quota (SDK for Go)
Obtaining a Bucket Storage Quota (SDK for Go)
Configuring Storage Class for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Configuring a Bucket ACL (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Bucket ACL (SDK for Go)
Configuring Logging for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Logging Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Configuring a Bucket Policy (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Policy of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Deleting a Bucket Policy (SDK for Go)
Configuring Lifecycle Rules for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Deleting the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Configuring Versioning for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Configuring CORS for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Configuring Tags for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining Bucket Tags (SDK for Go)
Deleting Bucket Tags (SDK for Go)
Configuring Bucket Encryption (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Bucket Encryption Configuration (SDK for Go)
Deleting the Bucket Encryption Configuration (SDK for Go)
Configuring a Custom Domain Name for a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Obtaining the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Deleting the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket (SDK for Go)
Parallel File System APIs (SDK for Go)
Creating a Parallel File System (SDK for Go)
Listing Parallel File Systems (SDK for Go)
Listing Objects in a Parallel File System (SDK for Go)
Renaming an Object (SDK for Go)
Objects (SDK for Go)
Object API Overview (SDK for Go)
Object Upload Overview (SDK for Go)
Uploading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Go)
Uploading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Go)
Uploading an Object - Append (SDK for Go)
Uploading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Go)
Object Download Overview (SDK for Go)
Downloading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Go)
Downloading an Object - Range-Based (SDK for Go)
Downloading an Object - Conditional (SDK for Go)
Downloading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Go)
Creating a Folder (SDK for Go)
Copying an Object (SDK for Go)
Deleting an Object (SDK for Go)
Batch Deleting Objects (SDK for Go)
Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Go)
Obtaining Object Metadata (SDK for Go)
Configuring an Object ACL (SDK for Go)
Obtaining Object ACL Information (SDK for Go)
Rewriting Response Headers (SDK for Go)
Processing an Image (SDK for Go)
Restoring an Archive Object (SDK for Go)
Modifying an Object (SDK for Go)
Multipart Uploads (SDK for Go)
Multipart Upload Overview (SDK for Go)
Initiating a Multipart Upload (SDK for Go)
Uploading a Part (SDK for Go)
Assembling Parts (SDK for Go)
Listing Multipart Uploads (SDK for Go)
Listing Uploaded Parts (SDK for Go)
Copying a Part (SDK for Go)
Aborting a Multipart Upload (SDK for Go)
Other APIs (SDK for Go)
Creating a Signed URL (SDK for Go)
Creating Authentication Parameters for a Browser-based Upload (SDK for Go)
Server-Side Encryption (SDK for Go)
Single-Connection Bandwidth Throttling (SDK for Go)
Troubleshooting (SDK for Go)
OBS Server-Side Error Codes
SDK Custom Errors
Log Analysis
FAQ (SDK for Go)
How Do I Get My Account ID and User ID?
What Is Content-Type (MIME)?
How Do I Specify Content-SHA256?
Why Does the SDK Source Code Contain acs.amazonaws.com?
Installing the SDK
Example Programs
Quick Start
Before You Start
Setting Up an OBS Environment
Preparing a Development Environment
Installing the SDK
Obtaining Endpoints
Initializing an Instance of ObsClient
Creating a Bucket
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Listing Objects
Deleting an Object
General Examples of ObsClient
Configuring the AK/SK
Creating an Instance of ObsClient
Configuring an Instance of ObsClient
Configuring SDK Logging
Bucket Management
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Deleting a Bucket
Identifying Whether a Bucket Exists
Obtaining Bucket Metadata
Managing Bucket ACLs
Managing Bucket Policies
Obtaining a Bucket Location
Obtaining Storage Information About a Bucket
Setting or Obtaining a Bucket Quota
Storage Class
Object Upload
Object Upload Overview
Performing a Streaming Upload
Performing a File-Based Upload
Obtaining Upload Progresses
Creating a Folder
Setting Object Properties
Performing a Multipart Upload
Configuring Lifecycle Management
Performing an Appendable Upload
Performing a Multipart Copy
Performing a Resumable Upload
Performing a Browser-Based Upload
Object Download
Object Download Overview
Performing a Streaming Download
Performing a Partial Download
Obtaining Download Progresses
Performing a Conditioned Download
Rewriting Response Headers
Obtaining Customized Metadata
Downloading an Archive Object
Performing a Resumable Download
Processing an Image
Object Management
Setting Object Properties
Obtaining Object Attributes
Managing Object ACLs
Listing Objects
Deleting Objects
Copying an Object
Temporarily Authorized Access
Using a Temporary URL for Authorized Access
Versioning Management
Versioning Overview
Setting Versioning Status for a Bucket
Viewing Versioning Status of a Bucket
Obtaining a Versioning Object
Copying a Versioning Object
Restoring a Specific Archive Object Version
Listing Versioning Objects
Setting or Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL
Deleting Versioning Objects
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Setting Lifecycle Rules
Viewing Lifecycle Rules
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
CORS Overview
Setting CORS Rules
Viewing CORS Rules
Deleting CORS Rules
Access Logging
Logging Overview
Enabling Bucket Logging
Viewing Bucket Logging
Disabling Bucket Logging
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Website File Hosting
Setting Website Hosting
Viewing Website Hosting Settings
Deleting Website Hosting Settings
Tag Management
Tagging Overview
Setting Bucket Tags
Viewing Bucket Tags
Deleting Bucket Tags
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Encryption Description
Example of Encryption
OBS Server-Side Error Codes
SDK Custom Exceptions
SDK Common Response Headers
Log Analysis
Lack of Classes
Connection Timeout
Resources Cannot Be Released
Unmatched Signatures
Does the SDK Support Uploading, Downloading, or Copying Objects in a Batch?
API Reference
Before You Start
SDK Download
Quick Start
Setting Up an OBS Environment
Service Address
Initializing the SDK
Initializing option
Creating a Bucket
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Listing Object
Deleting an Object
Configuring the AK and SK
SDK Initialization
Configuring option
Configuring SDK Logging
Bucket Management
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Deleting a Bucket
Checking Whether a Bucket Exists
Managing Bucket ACLs
Obtaining Bucket Storage Information
Bucket Quota
Storage Class
Uploading an Object
Performing a Streaming Upload
Performing a File-Based Upload
Creating a Folder
Setting Object Properties
Performing a Multipart Upload
Performing a Multipart Copy
Performing a Resumable Upload
Performing an Appendable Upload
Performing a Modification
Downloading an Object
Downloading an Object
Performing a Conditioned Download
Downloading an Archive Object
Performing a Resumable Download
Processing an Image
Object Management
Obtaining Object Properties
Managing Object ACLs
Listing Objects
Deleting Objects
Copying an Object
Renaming an Object or Directory
Truncating an Object
Temporarily Authorized Request
What Is a Temporarily Authorized Request
Temporarily Authorized Request Example
URL for Creating a Bucket
URL for Uploading an Object
URL for Downloading an Object
URL for Listing Objects
URL for Deleting an Object
Accessing OBS Through a User-Defined Domain Name
Configuring a User-Defined Domain Name
Using a User-Defined Domain Name to Access OBS
Versioning Management
Versioning Overview
Setting Versioning Status for a Bucket
Viewing Versioning Status of a Bucket
Obtaining a Versioning Object
Copying a Versioning Object
Restoring a Specific Archive Object Version
Listing Versioning Objects
Setting or Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL
Deleting Versioning Objects
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Setting Lifecycle Rules
Viewing Lifecycle Rules
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
CORS Overview
Setting CORS Rules
Viewing CORS Rules
Deleting CORS Rules
Setting Access Logging
Logging Overview
Enabling Bucket Logging
Viewing Bucket Logging Configuration
Disabling Bucket Logging
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Website File Hosting
Setting Website Hosting
Viewing Website Hosting Settings
Deleting Hosting Settings
Tag Management
Tagging Overview
Setting Bucket Tags
Viewing Bucket Tags
Deleting Bucket Tags
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Encryption Description
Example of Encryption
OBS Server-Side Error Codes
SDK Error Handling
Log Analysis
Invalid Proxy Settings
Before You Start
SDK Download Links
Example Programs
Quick Start
Setting Up an OBS Environment
Preparing a Development Environment
Installing SDK
Obtaining Endpoints
Configuring CORS
Initializing an Instance of ObsClient
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Listing Objects
Deleting an Object
General Examples of ObsClient
Pre-defined Constants
Configuring CORS for a Bucket
Configuring the AK and SK
Creating an Instance of ObsClient
Configuring an Instance of ObsClient
Configuring SDK Logging
Fault Locating
Notable Issues
Bucket Management
Obtaining Bucket Metadata
Identifying Whether a Bucket Exists
Deleting a Bucket
Managing Bucket ACLs
Management Bucket Policies
Obtaining a Bucket Location
Obtaining Storage Information About a Bucket
Setting or Obtaining a Bucket Quota
Storage Class
Object Upload
Object Upload Overview
Performing a Text-Based Upload
Performing a File-Based Upload
Obtaining Upload Progresses
Creating a Folder
Setting Object Properties
Performing a Multipart Upload
Configuring Lifecycle Management
Performing an Appendable Upload
Performing a Multipart Copy
Performing a Resumable Upload
Performing a Browser-Based Upload
Object Download
Object Download Overview
Performing a Text-Based Download
Performing a Binary Download
Performing a File-Based Download
Performing a Partial Download
Obtaining Download Progresses
Performing a Conditioned Download
Rewriting Response Headers
Obtaining Customized Metadata
Downloading an Archive Object
Processing an Image
Object Management
Configuring Object Metadata
Obtaining Object Properties
Managing Object ACLs
Listing Objects
Deleting Objects
Copying an Object
Temporarily Authorized Access
Using a Temporary URL for Authorized Access
Versioning Management
Versioning Overview
Setting Versioning Status for a Bucket
Viewing Versioning Status of a Bucket
Obtaining a Versioning Object
Copying a Versioning Object
Restoring a Specific Archive Object Version
Listing Versioning Objects
Setting or Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL
Deleting Versioning Objects
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Setting Lifecycle Rules
Viewing Lifecycle Rules
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
Access Logging
Logging Overview
Enabling Bucket Logging
Viewing Bucket Logging
Disabling Bucket Logging
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Website File Hosting
Setting Website Hosting
Viewing Website Hosting Settings
Deleting Website Hosting Settings
Tag Management
Tagging Overview
Setting Bucket Tags
Viewing Bucket Tags
Deleting Bucket Tags
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Encryption Description
Example of Encryption
HTTP Status Codes
OBS Server-Side Error Codes
SDK Common Result Objects
Log Analysis
How Do I Upload Files Using a Browser that Does Not Support window.File?
How Can I Set an Object to Be Accessible to Anonymous Users?
How Do I Obtain the Static Website Access Address of a Bucket?
How Do I Obtain an Object URL?
How to Improve the Speed of Uploading Large Files over the Public Network?
How Do I Suspend a Resumable Upload Task?
How Do I Interact with OBS Without Exposing My AK and SK?
How Do I Upload a Base64-Encoded Image?
What Do I Do If the Resumable Upload API Reports a "400 InvalidPart" Error?
SDK Download Links
Quick Start
Before You Start
Setting Up an OBS Environment
Preparing a Development Environment
Installing the SDK
Obtaining Endpoints
Initializing an Instance of OBSClient
Creating a Bucket
Uploading an object
Downloading an Object
Listing Objects
Deleting an Object
General Examples of OBSClient
Configuring the AK and SK
Creating an Instance of OBSClient
Configuring an Instance of OBSClient
Bucket Management
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Deleting a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Metadata
Managing Bucket ACLs
Obtaining the Location of a Bucket
Managing Bucket Policies
Obtaining Storage Information About a Bucket
Setting or Obtaining a Bucket Quota
Setting or Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket
Object Upload
Object Upload Overview
Performing a Streaming Upload
Performing a File-Based Upload
Creating a Folder
Setting Object Properties
Performing a Multipart Upload
Configuring Lifecycle Management
Appendable Upload
Performing a Multipart Copy
Performing a Resumable Upload
Pausing and Resuming/Aborting a Resumable Upload
Object Download
Object Download Overview
Performing a Streaming Download
Performing a Partial Download
Performing a Conditioned Download
Rewriting Response Headers
Obtaining Customized Metadata
Downloading an Archive Object
Performing a Resumable Download
Object Management
Obtaining Object Properties
Managing Object ACLs
Listing Objects
Deleting an Object
Copying an Object
Temporarily Authorized Access
Using a Temporary URL for Authorized Access
Versioning Management
Versioning Overview
Setting Versioning Status for a Bucket
Viewing Versioning Status of a Bucket
Obtaining a Versioning Object
Copying a Versioning Object
Restoring a Specific Archive Object Version
Listing Versioning Objects
Setting or Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL
Deleting Versioning Objects
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Setting Lifecycle Rules
Viewing Lifecycle Rules
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
CORS Overview
Setting CORS Rules
Viewing CORS Rules
Deleting CORS Rules
Access Logging
Logging Overview
Enabling Bucket Logging
Viewing Bucket Logging
Disabling Bucket Logging
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Setting Website Hosting
Viewing Hosting Settings
Deleting Hosting Settings
Tag Management
Tagging Overview
Setting Bucket Tags
Viewing Bucket Tags
Deleting Bucket Tags
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Encryption Description
Example of Encryption
OBS Server-Side Error Codes
SDK Custom Exceptions
SDK Common Response Headers
Log Analysis
How Do I Obtain a Temporary AK/SK Pair?
What Can I Do to Troubleshoot a Project Packing Error?
What Can I Do If "duplicate symbols" Error Appears During Project Compilation?
API Reference
SDK Download Links
Example Programs
Quick Start
Before You Start
Setting Up an OBS Environment
Preparing a Development Environment
Installing the SDK
Obtaining Endpoints
Initializing an Instance of ObsClient
Creating a Bucket
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Listing Objects
Deleting an Object
General Examples of ObsClient
Pre-defined Constants
Configuring the AK and SK
Creating an Instance of ObsClient
Configuring an Instance of ObsClient
Configuring SDK Logging
Asynchronous Method Call
Bucket Management
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Deleting a Bucket
Identifying Whether a Bucket Exists
Obtaining Bucket Metadata
Managing Bucket ACLs
Managing Bucket Policies
Obtaining a Bucket Location
Obtaining Storage Information About a Bucket
Setting or Obtaining a Bucket Quota
Storage Class
Object Upload
Object Upload Overview
Performing a Text-Based Upload
Performing a Streaming Upload
Performing a File-Based Upload
Creating a Folder
Setting Object Properties
Performing a Multipart Upload
Performing a Multipart Copy
Performing a Browser-Based Upload
Object Download
Object Download Overview
Performing a Text-Based Download
Performing a Streaming Download
Performing a File-Based Download
Performing a Partial Download
Performing a Conditioned Download
Rewriting Response Headers
Obtaining Customized Metadata
Downloading an Archive Object
Processing an Image
Object Management
Obtaining Object Properties
Managing Object ACLs
Listing Objects
Deleting Objects
Copying an Object
Temporarily Authorized Access
Using a Temporary URL for Authorized Access
Versioning Management
Versioning Overview
Setting Versioning Status for a Bucket
Viewing Versioning Status of a Bucket
Obtaining a Versioning Object
Copying a Versioning Object
Restoring a Specific Archive Object Version
Listing Versioning Objects
Setting or Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL
Deleting Versioning Objects
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Setting Lifecycle Rules
Viewing Lifecycle Rules
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
CORS Overview
Setting CORS Rules
Viewing CORS Rules
Deleting CORS Rules
Access Logging
Logging Overview
Enabling Bucket Logging
Viewing Bucket Logging Settings
Disabling Bucket Logging
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Website File Hosting
Setting Website Hosting
Viewing Website Hosting Settings
Deleting Website Hosting Settings
Tag Management
Tagging Overview
Setting Bucket Tags
Viewing Bucket Tags
Deleting Bucket Tags
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Encryption Description
Example of Encryption
OBS Server-Side Error Codes
SDK Custom Exceptions
SDK Common Result Objects
Log Analysis
Lack of Classes
Connection Timeout
Unmatched Signatures
Time Zone Configuration Failure
What Should I Do If the HTTP Status Code 405 Is Reported?
How Do I Resolve "Declaration of xxxx must be compatible with xxxx problem"?
Downloading an SDK (SDK for Node.js)
Example Programs (SDK for Node.js)
Getting Started (SDK for Node.js)
Before You Start (SDK for Node.js)
Setting Up an OBS Environment (SDK for Node.js)
Preparing a Development Environment (SDK for Node.js)
Installing the SDK (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining Endpoints (SDK for Node.js)
Initializing an Instance of ObsClient (SDK for Node.js)
Creating a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Uploading an Object (SDK for Node.js)
Downloading an Object (SDK for Node.js)
Listing Objects (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting an Object (SDK for Node.js)
General Ways to Use ObsClient (SDK for Node.js)
Initialization (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring Access Keys (SDK for Node.js)
Creating an Instance of ObsClient (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring an Instance of ObsClient (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring SDK Logging (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring an SDK Proxy (SDK for Node.js)
Bucket Management (SDK for Node.js)
Creating a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Listing Buckets (SDK for Node.js)
Checking Whether a Bucket Exists (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining Bucket Metadata (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring a Bucket ACL (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining a Bucket ACL (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring a Bucket Policy (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the Policy of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting a Bucket Policy (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the Region of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring a Storage Quota for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the Storage Quota of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring a Storage Class for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Object Upload (SDK for Node.js)
Object Upload Overview (SDK for Node.js)
Uploading an Object - Text-Based (SDK for Node.js)
Uploading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Node.js)
Uploading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Node.js)
Creating a Folder (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring a Lifecycle Rule When Uploading an Object (SDK for Node.js)
Uploading an Object - Append (SDK for Node.js)
Uploading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Node.js)
Uploading an Object - Browser-Based (SDK for Node.js)
Object Download (SDK for Node.js)
Overview (SDK for Node.js)
Downloading an Object - Text-Based (SDK for Node.js)
Downloading an Object - Streaming (SDK for Node.js)
Downloading an Object - File-Based (SDK for Node.js)
Downloading an Object - Range-Based (SDK for Node.js)
Downloading an Object - Conditional (SDK for Node.js)
Rewriting Response Headers (SDK for Node.js)
Downloading an Archive Object (SDK for Node.js)
Downloading an Object - Resumable (SDK for Node.js)
Processing an Image (SDK for Node.js)
Object Management (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring Object Metadata (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining Object Metadata (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring an Object ACL (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the ACL of an Object (SDK for Node.js)
Listing Objects in a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting an Object (SDK for Node.js)
Batch Deleting Objects (SDK for Node.js)
Copying an Object (SDK for Node.js)
Multipart Upload (SDK for Node.js)
Multipart Upload APIs (SDK for Node.js)
Initiating a Multipart Upload (SDK for Node.js)
Uploading a Part (SDK for Node.js)
Assembling Parts (SDK for Node.js)
Listing Uploaded Parts (SDK for Node.js)
Listing Multipart Uploads (SDK for Node.js)
Copying a Part (SDK for Node.js)
Aborting a Multipart Upload (SDK for Node.js)
Temporarily Authorized Access (SDK for Node.js)
Using a Temporary URL for Authorized Access (SDK for Node.js)
Versioning (SDK for Node.js)
Versioning Overview (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring Versioning for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Viewing the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
Copying an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
Restoring an Archive Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
Listing Object Versions in a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Setting an ACL for an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the ACL of an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting an Object Version (SDK for Node.js)
Lifecycle (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring Lifecycle Rules for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the Lifecycle Rules of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting the Lifecycle Rules of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Bucket CORS (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring CORS for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Logging (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring Logging for a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining the Logging Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Node.js)
Static Website Hosting (SDK for Node.js)
Overview (SDK for Node.js)
Configuring Static Website Hosting (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining Static Website Hosting Configurations (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting Website Hosting Settings (SDK for Node.js)
Tagging (SDK for Node.js)
Setting Bucket Tags (SDK for Node.js)
Obtaining Bucket Tags (SDK for Node.js)
Deleting Bucket Tags (SDK for Node.js)
Server-Side Encryption (SDK for Node.js)
Overview (SDK for Node.js)
APIs (SDK for Node.js)
Code Examples (SDK for Node.js)
Troubleshooting (SDK for Node.js)
OBS Server-Side Error Codes (SDK for Node.js)
SDK Common Results (SDK for Node.js)
Log Analysis (SDK for Node.js)
Missing Modules (SDK for Node.js)
Connection Timeout (SDK for Node.js)
Unmatched Signatures (SDK for Node.js)
FAQs (SDK for Node.js)
How Do I Specify Content-SHA256? (SDK for Node.js)
Why Does the SDK Source Code Contain acs.amazonaws.com? (SDK for Node.js)
How Do I Get My Account ID and User ID? (SDK for Node.js)
What Is Content-Type (MIME)? (SDK for Node.js)
Before You Start
SDK Download Links
Example Programs
Quick Start
Setting Up an OBS Environment
Installing the SDK
Obtaining Endpoints
Initializing an Instance of ObsClient
Creating a Bucket
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Listing Objects
Deleting an Object
General Examples of ObsClient
Configuring the AK/SK
Creating an Instance of ObsClient
Configuring an Instance of ObsClient
Configuring SDK Logging
Bucket Management
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Deleting a Bucket
Identifying Whether a Bucket Exists
Obtaining Bucket Metadata
Managing Bucket ACLs
Management Bucket Policies
Obtaining a Bucket Location
Obtaining Storage Information About a Bucket
Setting or Obtaining a Bucket Quota
Setting or Obtaining the Storage Class of a Bucket
Object Upload
Object Upload Overview
Performing a Streaming Upload
Performing a File-Based Upload
Performing an Asynchronous Upload
Obtaining Upload Progress
Creating a Folder
Setting Object Properties
Performing a Multipart Upload
Configuring Lifecycle Management
Performing an Appendable Upload
Performing a Multipart Copy
Performing a Resumable Upload
Object Download
Object Download Overview
Performing a Streaming Download
Performing a Partial Download
Performing an Asynchronous Download
Obtaining Download Progress
Performing a Conditioned Download
Rewriting Response Headers
Obtaining Custom Metadata
Downloading an Archive Object
Performing a Resumable Download
Processing an Image
Object Management
Obtaining Object Properties
Managing Object ACLs
Listing Objects
Deleting Objects
Copying an Object
HEAD Object
Temporarily Authorized Access
Using a Temporary URL for Authorized Access
Versioning Management
Versioning Overview
Setting Versioning Status for a Bucket
Viewing Versioning Status of a Bucket
Obtaining a Versioning Object
Copying a Versioning Object
Restoring a Specific Archive Object Version
Listing Versioning Objects
Setting or Obtaining a Versioning Object ACL
Deleting Versioning Objects
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Setting Lifecycle Rules
Viewing Lifecycle Rules
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
CORS Overview
Setting CORS Rules
Viewing CORS Rules
Deleting CORS Rules
Access Logging
Logging Overview
Enabling Bucket Logging
Viewing Bucket Logging
Disabling Bucket Logging
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Website File Hosting
Setting Website Hosting
Viewing Website Hosting Settings
Deleting Website Hosting Settings
Tag Management
Tagging Overview
Setting Bucket Tags
Viewing Bucket Tags
Deleting Bucket Tags
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Encryption Description
Example of Encryption
OBS Server-Side Error Codes
Log Analysis
Connection Timeout
Unmatched Signatures
SDK Custom Exceptions
SDK Common Response Headers
What Do I Do If a Process Is Suspended Occasionally?
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Service Overview
About OBS
Application Scenarios
Permissions Management
Using OBS
Related Services
Basic Concepts
Parallel File System
Access Keys (AK/SK)
Endpoints and Domain Names
Region and AZ
Billing Items
Storage Space
Data Transfer
Data Retrieval
Billing Modes
Special Billing Scenarios
OBS Console Operation Guide
Console Function Overview
Getting Started
Process Description
Configuring User Permissions
Creating a Bucket
Uploading a File
Downloading a File
Deleting a File
Deleting a Bucket
Storage Classes Overview
Managing Buckets
Creating a Bucket
Viewing Basic Information of a Bucket
Searching for a Bucket
Deleting a Bucket
Managing Objects
Creating a Folder
Uploading a File
Downloading a File
Searching for a File or Folder
Accessing an Object Using Its URL
Restoring a Cold File Stored in OBS
Deleting a File or Folder
Undeleting a File
Managing Fragments
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Bucket Default Encryption
Uploading a File with Server-Side Encryption
Object Metadata
Object Metadata Overview
About Object Metadata Content-Type
Configuring Object Metadata
Permission Control
Permission Control Mechanisms
IAM Policies
Bucket Policies and Object Policies
Bucket ACLs and Object ACLs
Relationship Between a Bucket ACL and a Bucket Policy
How Does Authorization Work When Multiple Access Control Mechanisms Co-Exist?
Bucket Policy Parameters
Configuring IAM Policies
Creating a User and Granting OBS Permissions
Configuring Fine-Grained Policies
OBS Resources
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Configuring a Standard Bucket Policy
Configuring a Custom Bucket Policy
Configuring an Object Policy
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Configuring an Object ACL
Application Cases
Granting an IAM User with the Operation Permissions for a Specified Bucket
Granting Other Accounts with the Operation Permissions for a Specified Bucket
Restricting Bucket Access to a Specified Address
Configuring the Start Time and End Time of Access to Objects in a Bucket
Authorizing Access Permissions to Anonymous Users
Authorizing Folder Access Permissions to Anonymous Users
Versioning Overview
Configuring Versioning
Logging Overview
Configuring Access Logging for a Bucket
Tag Overview
Configuring Tags for a Bucket
Event Notification
SMN-Enabled Event Notification
DIS-Enabled Event Notification
Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Configuring DIS-Enabled Event Notification
Application Example: Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Configuring a Lifecycle Rule
User-Defined Domain Name Binding
User-Defined Domain Name Binding Overview
Binding a User-Defined Domain Name
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Redirection Overview
Configuring Static Website Hosting
Configuring Redirection
Using a User-Defined Domain Name to Configure Static Website Hosting
CORS Overview
Configuring CORS
URL Validation
URL Validation Overview
Configuring URL Validation
Monitoring OBS
OBS Monitoring Metrics
Related Operations
Creating an IAM Agency
An Object Fails to Be Downloaded Using Internet Explorer 11
OBS Console Cannot Be Opened in Internet Explorer 9
The Object Name Changes After an Object with a Long Name Is Downloaded to a Local Computer
Failed to Configure Event Notification
Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and Server
Error Code List
OBS Basics
How Can I Get Started Using OBS?
What Are the Advantages of Object Storage over SAN and NAS Storage?
Which Types of Data Can Be Stored in OBS?
How Much Data Can I Store in OBS?
Does OBS Support Traffic Monitoring?
Can Folders in OBS Be Used the Same Way as in a File System?
Where Is Data Stored in OBS?
What Is the Relationship Between OBS Bucket Names and OBS Domain Names?
Does OBS Support Access over HTTPS?
Can Other Users Access My Data Stored in OBS?
Does OBS Support Resumable Data Transfer?
Does OBS Support Batch Upload?
Does OBS Support Batch Download?
Does OBS Support Batch Deletion of Objects?
What Are Factors that Affect the Upload and Download Speed of OBS?
Why Did Some of My Data Stored on OBS Get Lost?
Can Deleted Data Be Recovered?
Will There Be Data Left Over in OBS After I Delete an Object?
Access Control
How Can I Control Access to OBS?
What Are the Differences Between Using an IAM Policy and a Bucket Policy in Access Control?
What Is the Relationship Between a Bucket Policy and an Object Policy?
Buckets and Objects
Why Am I Unable to Create a Bucket?
Why Am I Unable to Upload an Object?
Why Am I Unable to Download an Object?
Why Can't I Delete a Bucket?
What Is the Relationship Between Bucket Storage Classes and Object Storage Classes?
Can I Modify the Region of a Bucket?
How Do I Obtain the Access Path to an Object?
Why Can't I Find Certain Objects in a Bucket When I Searched for Them?
How Is Data Security Ensured in OBS?
Does OBS Scan My Data for Other Purposes?
Can Background Engineers Export My Data from OBS?
How Does OBS Prevent My Data from Being Stolen?
Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Replaced When They Are Being Used to Access OBS?
Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Used by Multiple Users to Access OBS?
Which Encryption Technologies Are Supported by OBS?
How Do I Use Fragment Management?
Why Are Fragments Generated?
How Do I Manage Fragments?
How Do I Use Versioning?
Can I Upload an Object to a Folder Where a Namesake Object Already Exists?
Can I Recover a Deleted Object?
How Do I Use Tags?
Can I Search for a Bucket by Tag?
What Can I Do with Tags?
Event Notification
Which Events Can Trigger Event Notifications?
How Do I Use Lifecycle Management?
What Are the Application Scenarios of Lifecycle Management?
How Do I Use Static Website Hosting?
Can OBS Host My Static Websites?
Which Types of Websites Are Suitable for Static Website Hosting in OBS?
How Do I Obtain the Static Website Hosting Address of a Bucket?
Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
Basic Concepts
API Overview
Calling APIs
Constructing a Request
User Signature Authentication
Authentication of Signature in a Header
Authentication of Signature in a URL
Authentication of Signature Carried in the Table Uploaded Through a Browser
Returned Values
Getting Started
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Uploading an Object
Operations on Buckets
Listing Buckets
Creating a Bucket
Listing Objects in a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Metadata
Obtaining Bucket Location
Deleting Buckets
Advanced Bucket Settings
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Obtaining Bucket Policy Information
Deleting a Bucket Policy
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Obtaining Bucket ACL Information
Configuring Logging for a Bucket
Obtaining a Bucket Logging Configuration
Configuring Bucket Lifecycle Rules
Obtaining Bucket Lifecycle Configuration
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
Configuring Versioning for a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Versioning Status
Configuring Event Notification for a Bucket
Obtaining the Event Notification Configuration of a Bucket
Configuring Storage Class for a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Storage Class Information
Configuring Tags for a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Tags
Deleting Tags
Configuring Bucket Storage Quota
Querying Bucket Storage Quota
Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket
Configuring a Custom Domain Name for a Bucket
Obtaining the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
Deleting the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
Configuring Bucket Encryption
Obtaining Bucket Encryption Configuration
Deleting the Encryption Configuration of a Bucket
Configuring a DIS-Enabled Notification Policy
Obtaining a DIS-Enabled Notification Policy
Deleting a DIS-Enabled Notification Policy
Configuring a Default WORM Policy for a Bucket
Obtaining the Default WORM Policy of a Bucket
Static Website Hosting
Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket
Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
Configuring Bucket CORS
Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
Operations on Objects
Uploading Objects - PUT
Uploading Objects - POST
Copying Objects
Downloading an Object
Querying Object Metadata
Deleting an Object
Deleting Objects
Restoring Cold Objects
Appending an Object
Configuring an Object ACL
Obtaining Object ACL Configuration
Modifying Object Metadata
Modifying an Object
Truncating an Object
Renaming an Object
Configuring WORM Retention for an Object
Operations on Multipart Upload
Listing Initiated Multipart Uploads in a Bucket
Initiating a Multipart Upload
Uploading Parts
Copying Parts
Listing Uploaded Parts
Completing a Multipart Upload
Canceling a Multipart Upload Task
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
API Operations Related to Server-Side Encryption
Error Codes
IAM Policies and Supported Actions
Bucket-Related Actions
Object-Related Actions
Status Codes
Obtaining Access Keys (AK/SK)
Obtaining a Domain ID and a User ID
Consistency of Concurrent Operations
Change History
Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
OBS Browser+ Function Overview
Downloading OBS Browser+
Installing OBS Browser+
Logging In to OBS Browser+
Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
How Can I Locate Common Network Errors?
How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
Can I Cancel the Directory Sharing After a Directory Has Been Shared with Others?
Can I Query the Number and Size of Files in a Folder on OBS Browser+?
Uninstalling OBS Browser+
Change History
Tool Guide (obsfs) (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Introduction to obsfs
Environment Preparation
Resource Preparation
Downloading and Installing obsfs
Initializing obsfs
Operation Guide
Mounting a Parallel File System
Unmounting a Parallel File System
Failure in Mounting a Parallel File System
Failure in Unmounting a Parallel File System
Related Operations
libfuse Installation Guide
Change History
Tool Guide (obsutil) (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Introduction to obsutil
Download and Installation
Getting Started
Creating Access Keys (AK and SK)
Initializing Configurations
Quick Start
Bucket Commands
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Querying Bucket Properties
Setting Bucket Properties
Deleting a Bucket
Object Commands
Creating a Folder
Uploading an Object
Querying Object Properties
Setting Object Properties
Listing Objects
Copying an Object
Moving an Object
Downloading an Object
Generating the Download Link of an Object
Deleting an Object
Synchronously Uploading Incremental Objects
Synchronously Copying Incremental Objects
Synchronously Downloading Incremental Objects
Restoring Objects from
Resuming a Failed Upload Task
Resuming a Failed Copy Task
Resuming a Failed Download Task
Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
Deleting a Multipart Upload Task
Auxiliary Commands
Updating a Configuration File
Deleting Part Records
Viewing Command Help Information
Querying the Version Number
Archiving Log Files
Listing Failure Result Files
Common Examples
Synchronous Upload
Synchronous Download
Synchronous Copy
Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
Deleting All Multipart Upload Tasks in a Bucket
Fault Locating
Log Files
Result Lists
Return Codes
Best Practices
Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
Configuring Scheduled Tasks Using the Crontab Command
Setting obsutil Commands as Built-in Commands
Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance
Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer
Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link
Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil
Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side
Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil
After Some Files Are Deleted in My Local Directory, Can obsutil Synchronously Delete Them from the Bucket?
Can I Use obsutil to Directly Save a Listing Result to a Local File?
Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
How Can I Find Out Why Some Tasks in a Batch Task Failed?
How Can I Locate and Rectify I/O Timeout and EOF Errors?
Why Is a Question Mark Displayed in the Batch Task Progress Bar?
Can Multiple config Files Be Placed in One Directory?
Parameter Description
Change History
Parallel File System Feature Guide(ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
About Parallel File System
Application Scenarios
Using PFS
Managing Parallel File Systems on OBS Console
Creating a Parallel File System
Managing Parallel File Systems by APIs
Supported APIs
Managing Parallel File Systems by obsfs
Change History
User Guide (Paris Region)
Service Overview
About OBS
Application Scenarios
Permissions Management
Restrictions and Limitations
Related Services
Basic Concepts
Parallel File System
Access Keys (AK/SK)
Endpoints and Domain Names
Region and AZ
OBS Console Operation Guide
Console Function Overview
Getting Started
Process Description
Configuring User Permissions
Creating a Bucket
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Deleting an Object
Deleting a Bucket
Storage Classes Overview
Managing Buckets
Creating a Bucket
Viewing Basic Information of a Bucket
Searching for a Bucket
Deleting a Bucket
Managing Objects
Creating a Folder
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Sharing an Object
Searching for an Object or Folder
Accessing an Object Using Its URL
Restoring an Object from Cold Storage
Deleting an Object or Folder
Undeleting an Object
Managing Fragments
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Bucket Default Encryption
Uploading an Object in Server-Side Encryption Mode
Object Metadata
Object Metadata Overview
Configuring Object Metadata
Permissions Control
Permission Control Mechanisms
IAM Policies
Bucket Policies and Object Policies
Bucket ACLs and Object ACLs
Relationship Between a Bucket ACL and a Bucket Policy
How Does Authorization Work When Multiple Access Control Mechanisms Co-Exist?
Bucket Policy Parameters
Configuring IAM Policies
Creating an IAM User and Granting OBS Permissions
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Configuring a Standard Bucket Policy
Configuring a Custom Bucket Policy
Configuring an Object Policy
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Configuring an Object ACL
Application Cases
Granting an IAM User Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
Granting Other Accounts Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific Addresses
Limiting the Time When Objects in a Bucket Are Accessible
Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Objects
Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Folders
Versioning Overview
Configuring Versioning
Logging Overview
Configuring Access Logging for a Bucket
Event Notifications
SMN-Enabled Event Notifications
Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Application Example: Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Cross-Region Replication
Cross-Region Replication Overview
Configuring Cross-Region Replication
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Configuring a Lifecycle Rule
Configuring User-Defined Domain Names
Configuring a User-Defined Domain Name
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Redirection Overview
Configuring Static Website Hosting
Configuring Redirection
Using a User-Defined Domain Name to Configure Static Website Hosting
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
CORS Overview
Configuring CORS
URL Validation
URL Validation Overview
Configuring URL Validation
Monitoring OBS
OBS Monitoring Metrics
Related Operations
Creating an IAM Agency
An Object Fails to Be Downloaded Using Internet Explorer 11
OBS Console Cannot Be Opened in Internet Explorer 9
The Object Name Changes After an Object with a Long Name Is Downloaded to a Local Computer
Failed to Configure Event Notifications
Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and Server
Error Code List
OBS Basics
How Can I Get Started with OBS?
How Do I Obtain an OBS Endpoint?
What Are the Advantages of Object Storage over SAN and NAS Storage?
Which Types of Data Can Be Stored in OBS?
How Much Data Can I Store in OBS?
Does OBS Support Traffic Monitoring?
Can Folders in OBS Be Used the Same Way as in a File System?
Where Is Data Stored in OBS?
Does OBS Support Access over HTTPS?
Can Other Users Access My Data Stored in OBS?
Does OBS Support Resumable Transfer?
Does OBS Support Batch Upload?
Does OBS Support Batch Download?
Does OBS Support Batch Deletion of Objects?
What Are the Factors That Affect Upload and Download Speed of OBS?
Why Did Some of My Data Stored on OBS Get Lost?
Can Deleted Data Be Recovered?
Will There Be Data Left Over in OBS After I Delete an Object?
Will My Bucket Performance Be Affected by Other Users' Services?
Access Control
How Can I Control Access to OBS?
What Are the Differences Between Using an IAM Policy and a Bucket Policy in Access Control?
What Is the Relationship Between a Bucket Policy and an Object Policy?
Buckets and Objects
Why Am I Unable to Create a Bucket?
Why Am I Unable to Upload an Object?
Why Am I Unable to Download an Object?
Why Can't I Delete a Bucket?
What Is the Relationship Between Bucket Storage Classes and Object Storage Classes?
Can I Modify the Region of a Bucket?
How Do I Obtain the Access Path to an Object?
Why Can't I Search for Certain Objects in My Bucket?
What Should I Do If an Error Message Is Displayed When I Use Internet Explorer to Access an Object URL That Contains Chinese Characters?
When Downloading a Folder Using obsutil, the Download Speed Slows After the Folder Download Progress Reaches 90%
With obsutil, Downloading a File Fails After the Download Progress Reaches 99%
How Do I Use the obsutil cp Command to Enable Incremental Upload, Download, or Replication?
APIs and SDKs
What Are the Differences Between PUT and POST Upload Methods?
Failure with OBS SDK in Uploading a File Greater than 5 GB
Why Don't the Signatures Match?
How Is Data Security Ensured in OBS?
Does OBS Scan My Data for Other Purposes?
Can Engineers Export My Data from the Background of OBS?
How Does OBS Protect My Data from Being Stolen?
Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Replaced When It Is Being Used to Access OBS?
Can Multiple Users Share One Pair of AK and SK to Access OBS?
How Do I Use Fragment Management?
Why Are Fragments Generated?
How Do I Manage Fragments?
How Do I Use Versioning?
Can I Upload an Object to a Folder Where a Namesake Object Already Exists?
Can I Recover a Deleted Object?
Event Notification
Which Events Can Trigger Event Notifications?
How Do I Use Lifecycle Management?
What Are the Application Scenarios of Lifecycle Management?
How Do I Use Static Website Hosting?
Can OBS Host My Static Websites?
Which Types of Websites Can I Use OBS to Host?
How Do I Obtain the Static Website Hosting Address of a Bucket?
How Do I Use Cross-Region Replication?
What Are the Application Scenarios of Cross-Region Replication?
Will an Object Deletion in a Source Bucket Be Synchronized to the Destination Bucket?
Why Objects Are Not Copied to the Destination Bucket After the Cross-Region Replication Rule Has Been Created?
Server-Side Encryption
Does OBS Support Encrypted Upload?
What Encryption Technologies Can I Use to Encrypt Data on OBS?
Change History
Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (Paris Region)
OBS Browser+ Function Overview
Downloading OBS Browser+
Installing OBS Browser+
Logging In to OBS Browser+
Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
What Are the Differences Between OBS Browser+ and OBS Browser?
Does OBS Browser+ Support the Migration of Account and Task Information From OBS Browser?
Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
How Can I Locate Common Network Errors?
How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
Can I Cancel the Directory Sharing After a Directory Has Been Shared with Others?
Can OBS Browser+ List Objects with Special Characters in Their Names?
Uninstalling OBS Browser+
Change History
Tool Guide (obsfs) (Paris Region)
Introduction to obsfs
Environment Preparation
Resource Preparation
Downloading and Installing obsfs
Initializing obsfs
Operation Guide
Mounting a Parallel File System
Unmounting a Parallel File System
Failures in Mounting a Parallel File System
Failure in Unmounting a Parallel File System
Related Operations
libfuse Installation Guide
Change History
Tool Guide (obsutil) (Paris Region)
Introduction to obsutil
Downloading and Installing obsutil
Getting Started
Creating Access Keys (AK and SK)
Performing the Initial Configuration
Quick Start
Bucket Commands
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Querying Bucket Properties
Setting Bucket Properties
Deleting a Bucket
Object Commands
Creating a Folder
Uploading an Object
Querying Object Properties
Setting Object Properties
Listing Objects
Copying an Object
Moving an Object
Downloading an Object
Generating the Download Link of an Object
Deleting an Object
Synchronously Uploading Incremental Objects
Synchronously Copying Incremental Objects
Synchronously Downloading Incremental Objects
Restoring Objects from the Cold Storage
Resuming a Failed Upload Task
Resuming a Failed Copy Task
Resuming a Failed Download Task
Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
Deleting a Multipart Upload Task
Creating an Authorization Code for Directory Sharing
Listing Objects by Using an Authorization Code
Downloading Objects by Using an Authorization Code
Auxiliary Commands
Updating a Configuration File
Deleting Part Records
Viewing Command Help Information
Querying the Version Number
Archiving Log Files
Listing Failure Result Files
Common Examples
Synchronous Upload
Synchronous Download
Synchronous Copy
Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
Deleting All Multipart Upload Tasks in a Bucket
Fault Locating
Log Files
Result Lists
Return Codes
Best Practices
Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
Configuring Scheduled Tasks Using the Crontab Command
Setting obsutil Commands as Built-in Commands
Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance
Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer
Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link
Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil
Using obsutil to Share Directories
Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side
Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil
After Some Files Are Deleted in My Local Directory, Can obsutil Synchronously Delete Them from the Bucket?
Can I Use obsutil to Directly Save a Listing Result to a Local File?
Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
How Can I Find Out Why Some Tasks in a Batch Task Failed?
How Can I Locate and Rectify I/O Timeout and EOF Errors?
Why Is a Question Mark Displayed in the Batch Task Progress Bar?
Can Multiple config Files Be Placed in One Directory?
Can obsutil List Objects with Special Characters in Their Names?
Parameter Description
Change History
Parallel File System Feature Guide(Paris Region)
About Parallel File System
Application Scenarios
Using PFS
Managing Parallel File Systems on OBS Console
Creating a Parallel File System
Managing Parallel File Systems by APIs
Supported APIs
Change History
Image Processing (Paris Region)
What Is Image Processing?
Application Scenarios
Common Concepts
Methods to Access Image Processing
Image Processing Function Overview
Start to Process (Using OBS Console)
Uploading Images
Creating Image Styles
Applying Image Styles
Start to Process (Using APIs)
Uploading Images
Processing Images
Typical Cases
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Mode
Code Mode
Obtaining Image Information
Obtaining Average RGB Value of an Image
Setting Image Effects
Resizing Images
Rotating Images
Rotation Settings
Adaptive Orientation
Cropping Images
Common Cropping
Inscribed Circle
Rounded Corner Cropping
Watermarking Images
Public Parameters
Image Watermarks
Text Watermarks
Converting Formats
Converting Formats
Interlaced Image Loading
Changing Quality
Slimming Images
Image Persistency
What Is Image Processing?
How to Access Image Processing?
How Many Styles Are Allowed To Be Created for Each Bucket?
What Formats Are Supported by Image Processing?
How Do I Access Image Processing with a URL?
Change History
Permissions Configuration Guide (Paris Region)
Introduction to OBS Access Control
Permission Control Mechanisms
IAM Permissions
Bucket Policies
Access Requests
Accessing OBS Using Permanent Access Keys
Accessing OBS Using Temporary Access Keys
Accessing OBS Using a Temporary URL
Accessing OBS Using an IAM Agency
Typical Permission Control Scenarios
Configuration Cases in Typical Permission Control Scenarios
Granting Permissions to an IAM User Under the Current Account
Granting an IAM User the Permissions Required to List and Create Buckets
Granting an IAM User the Read/Write Permission for a Bucket
Granting an IAM User the Specified Permissions for a Bucket
Granting an IAM User the Read Permission for Specific Objects
Granting an IAM User the Specified Permissions for Certain Objects
Granting Permissions to Multiple IAM Users or User Groups Under the Current Account
Granting IAM User Groups All Permissions for All OBS Resources
Granting IAM User Groups Basic Permissions for All OBS Resources
Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for All OBS Resources
Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for Certain OBS Resources
Granting IAM User Groups the Specified Permissions for a Folder
Granting Permissions to Other Accounts
Granting Other Accounts the Read/Write Permission for a Bucket
Granting Other Accounts the Specified Permissions for a Bucket
Granting IAM Users Under an Account the Access to a Bucket and the Resources in It
Granting Other Accounts the Read Permission for Certain Objects
Granting Other Accounts the Specified Permissions for Certain Objects
Granting Permissions to Anonymous Users
Granting Anonymous Users the Public Read Permission for a Bucket
Granting Anonymous Users the Read Permission for a Directory
Granting Anonymous Users the Read Permission for Certain Objects
Temporarily Sharing Objects with Anonymous Users
Granting Temporary Access to OBS
Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific IP Addresses
Bucket Policy Parameters
Relationship Between Bucket Policies and Bucket ACLs
Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Service Overview
About OBS
Application Scenarios
Permissions Management
Using OBS
Related Services
Basic Concepts
Parallel File System
Access Keys (AK/SK)
Endpoints and Domain Names
Region and AZ
OBS Console Operation Guide
Console Function Overview
Getting Started
Process Description
Configuring User Permissions
Creating a Bucket
Uploading a File
Downloading a File
Deleting a File
Deleting a Bucket
Storage Classes Overview
Managing Buckets
Creating a Bucket
Viewing Basic Information of a Bucket
Searching for a Bucket
Deleting a Bucket
Managing Objects
Creating a Folder
Uploading a File
Downloading a File
Searching for a File or Folder
Accessing an Object Using Its URL
Restoring a Cold File
Deleting a File or Folder
Undeleting a File
Managing Fragments
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
Bucket Default Encryption
Uploading a File with Server-Side Encryption
Object Metadata
Object Metadata Overview
About Object Metadata Content-Type
Configuring Object Metadata
Permission Control
Permission Control Mechanisms
IAM Policies
Bucket Policies and Object Policies
Bucket ACLs and Object ACLs
Relationship Between a Bucket ACL and a Bucket Policy
How Does Authorization Work When Multiple Access Control Mechanisms Co-Exist?
Bucket Policy Parameters
Configuring IAM Policies
Creating a User and Granting OBS Permissions
Configuring Fine-Grained Policies
OBS Resources
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Configuring a Standard Bucket Policy
Configuring a Custom Bucket Policy
Configuring an Object Policy
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Configuring an Object ACL
Application Cases
Granting an IAM User with the Operation Permissions for a Specified Bucket
Granting Other Accounts with the Operation Permissions for a Specified Bucket
Restricting Bucket Access to a Specified Address
Configuring the Start Time and End Time of Access to Objects in a Bucket
Authorizing Access Permissions to Anonymous Users
Authorizing Folder Access Permissions to Anonymous Users
Versioning Overview
Configuring Versioning
Logging Overview
Configuring Access Logging for a Bucket
Tag Overview
Configuring Tags for a Bucket
Event Notification
SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Application Example: Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Configuring a Lifecycle Rule
User-Defined Domain Name Binding
User-Defined Domain Name Binding Overview
Binding a User-Defined Domain Name
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Redirection Overview
Configuring Static Website Hosting
Configuring Redirection
Using a User-Defined Domain Name to Configure Static Website Hosting
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
CORS Overview
Configuring CORS
URL Validation
URL Validation Overview
Configuring URL Validation
Monitoring OBS
OBS Monitoring Metrics
Related Operations
Creating an IAM Agency
An Object Fails to Be Downloaded Using Internet Explorer 11
OBS Console Cannot Be Opened in Internet Explorer 9
The Object Name Changes After an Object with a Long Name Is Downloaded to a Local Computer
Failed to Configure Event Notification
Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and Server
Error Code List
OBS Basics
How Can I Get Started Using OBS?
What Are the Advantages of Object Storage over SAN and NAS Storage?
Which Types of Data Can Be Stored in OBS?
How Much Data Can I Store in OBS?
Does OBS Support Traffic Monitoring?
Can Folders in OBS Be Used the Same Way as in a File System?
Where Is Data Stored in OBS?
What Is the Relationship Between OBS Bucket Names and OBS Domain Names?
Does OBS Support Access over HTTPS?
Can Other Users Access My Data Stored in OBS?
Does OBS Support Resumable Data Transfer?
Does OBS Support Batch Upload?
Does OBS Support Batch Download?
Does OBS Support Batch Deletion of Objects?
What Are Factors that Affect the Upload and Download Speed of OBS?
Why Did Some of My Data Stored on OBS Get Lost?
Can Deleted Data Be Recovered?
Will There Be Data Left Over in OBS After I Delete an Object?
Access Control
How Can I Control Access to OBS?
What Are the Differences Between Using an IAM Policy and a Bucket Policy in Access Control?
What Is the Relationship Between a Bucket Policy and an Object Policy?
Buckets and Objects
Why Am I Unable to Create a Bucket?
Why Am I Unable to Upload an Object?
Why Am I Unable to Download an Object?
Why Can't I Delete a Bucket?
What Is the Relationship Between Bucket Storage Classes and Object Storage Classes?
Can I Modify the Region of a Bucket?
How Do I Obtain the Access Path to an Object?
Why Can't I Find Certain Objects in a Bucket When I Searched for Them?
How Is Data Security Ensured in OBS?
Does OBS Scan My Data for Other Purposes?
Can Background Engineers Export My Data from OBS?
How Does OBS Prevent My Data from Being Stolen?
Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Replaced When They Are Being Used to Access OBS?
Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Used by Multiple Users to Access OBS?
Which Encryption Technologies Are Supported by OBS?
How Do I Use Fragment Management?
Why Are Fragments Generated?
How Do I Manage Fragments?
How Do I Use Versioning?
Can I Upload an Object to a Folder Where a Namesake Object Already Exists?
Can I Recover a Deleted Object?
How Do I Use Tags?
Can I Search for a Bucket by Tag?
What Can I Do with Tags?
Event Notification
Which Events Can Trigger Event Notifications?
How Do I Use Lifecycle Management?
What Are the Application Scenarios of Lifecycle Management?
How Do I Use Static Website Hosting?
Can OBS Host My Static Websites?
Which Types of Websites Are Suitable for Static Website Hosting in OBS?
How Do I Obtain the Static Website Hosting Address of a Bucket?
Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
Basic Concepts
API Overview
Calling APIs
Constructing a Request
User Signature Authentication
Authentication of Signature in a Header
Authentication of Signature in a URL
Authentication of Signature Carried in the Table Uploaded Through a Browser
Returned Values
Getting Started
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Uploading an Object
Operations on Buckets
Listing Buckets
Creating a Bucket
Listing Objects in a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Metadata
Obtaining Bucket Location
Deleting Buckets
Advanced Bucket Settings
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Obtaining Bucket Policy Information
Deleting a Bucket Policy
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Obtaining Bucket ACL Information
Configuring Logging for a Bucket
Obtaining a Bucket Logging Configuration
Configuring Bucket Lifecycle Rules
Obtaining Bucket Lifecycle Configuration
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
Configuring Versioning for a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Versioning Status
Configuring Event Notification for a Bucket
Obtaining the Event Notification Configuration of a Bucket
Configuring Storage Class for a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Storage Class Information
Configuring Tags for a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Tags
Deleting Tags
Configuring Bucket Storage Quota
Querying Bucket Storage Quota
Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket
Configuring a Custom Domain Name for a Bucket
Obtaining the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
Deleting the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
Configuring Bucket Encryption
Obtaining Bucket Encryption Configuration
Deleting the Encryption Configuration of a Bucket
Static Website Hosting
Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket
Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
Configuring Bucket CORS
Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
Operations on Objects
Uploading an Object - PUT
Uploading an Object - POST
Copying an Object
Downloading an Object
Querying Object Metadata
Deleting an Object
Deleting Objects
Restoring Cold Objects
Appending an Object
Configuring an Object ACL
Obtaining Object ACL Configuration
Modifying Object Metadata
Modifying an Object
Truncating an Object
Renaming an Object
Operations on Multipart Upload
Listing Initiated Multipart Uploads in a Bucket
Initiating a Multipart Upload
Uploading Parts
Copying Parts
Listing Uploaded Parts
Completing a Multipart Upload
Canceling a Multipart Upload Task
Server-Side Encryption
Server-Side Encryption Overview
API Operations Related to Server-Side Encryption
Error Codes
IAM Policies and Supported Actions
Bucket Actions
Object Actions
Status Codes
Obtaining Access Keys (AK/SK)
Obtaining a Domain ID and a User ID
Consistency of Concurrent Operations
Change History
Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (Kuala Lumpur Region)
OBS Browser+ Function Overview
Downloading OBS Browser+
Installing OBS Browser+
Logging In to OBS Browser+
Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
How Can I Locate Common Network Errors?
How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
Can I Cancel the Directory Sharing After a Directory Has Been Shared with Others?
Can I Query the Number and Size of Files in a Folder on OBS Browser+?
Uninstalling OBS Browser+
Change History
Tool Guide (obsfs) (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Introduction to obsfs
Environment Preparation
Resource Preparation
Downloading and Installing obsfs
Initializing obsfs
Operation Guide
Mounting a Parallel File System
Unmounting a Parallel File System
Failure in Mounting a Parallel File System
Failure in Unmounting a Parallel File System
Related Operations
libfuse Installation Guide
Change History
Parallel File System Feature Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
About Parallel File System
Application Scenarios
Using PFS
Managing Parallel File Systems on OBS Console
Creating a Parallel File System
Managing Parallel File Systems by APIs
Supported APIs
Managing Parallel File Systems by obsfs
Change History
Best Practices (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Accessing OBS from an ECS over the Intranet
Using OBS Browser+ on a Windows ECS to Access OBS over the Intranet
Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
Service Overview
About OBS
Application Scenarios
Permissions Management
Using OBS
Related Services
Basic Concepts
Parallel File System
Access Keys (AK/SK)
Endpoints and Domain Names
Region and AZ
Configuration Before Use
Configuring the Local hosts File
OBS Console Operation Guide
Console Function Overview
Getting Started
Process Description
Configuring User Permissions
Creating a Bucket
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Deleting an Object
Deleting a Bucket
Managing Buckets
Creating a Bucket
Viewing Basic Information of a Bucket
Searching for a Bucket
Deleting a Bucket
Managing Objects
Creating a Folder
Uploading an Object
Downloading an Object
Searching for an Object or Folder
Accessing an Object Using Its URL
Deleting an Object or Folder
Undeleting an Object
Managing Fragments
Object Metadata
Object Metadata Overview
About Object Metadata Content-Type
Configuring Object Metadata
Bucket Inventories
Bucket Inventory Overview
Configuring a Bucket Inventory
Permissions Control
Permission Control Mechanisms
IAM Policies
Bucket Policies and Object Policies
Bucket ACLs and Object ACLs
Relationship Between a Bucket ACL and a Bucket Policy
How Does Authorization Work When Multiple Access Control Mechanisms Co-Exist?
Bucket Policy Parameters
Configuring IAM Policies
Creating an IAM User and Granting OBS Permissions
Configuring Fine-Grained Policies
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Creating a Bucket Policy with a Template
Creating a Custom Bucket Policy (Visual Editor)
Creating a Custom Bucket Policy (JSON View)
Configuring an Object Policy
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Configuring an Object ACL
Application Cases
Granting an IAM User Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
Granting Other Accounts Permissions to Operate a Specific Bucket
Restricting Access to a Bucket for Specific Addresses
Limiting the Time When Objects in a Bucket Are Accessible
Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Objects
Granting Anonymous Users Permission to Access Folders
Versioning Overview
Configuring Versioning
Logging Overview
Configuring Access Logging for a Bucket
Event Notifications
SMN-Enabled Event Notifications
Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Application Example: Configuring SMN-Enabled Event Notification
Cross-Region Replication
Cross-Region Replication Overview
Configuring Cross-Region Replication
Cross-Cluster Replication
Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle Management Overview
Configuring a Lifecycle Rule
Configuring User-Defined Domain Names
Configuring a User-Defined Domain Name
Static Website Hosting
Static Website Hosting Overview
Redirection Overview
Configuring Static Website Hosting
Configuring Redirection
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
CORS Overview
Configuring CORS
URL Validation
URL Validation Overview
Configuring URL Validation
Task Center
Configuring Two-AZ DR
Related Operations
Creating an Agency
An Object Fails to Be Downloaded Using Internet Explorer 11
OBS Console Couldn't Be Opened in Internet Explorer 9
The Object Name Changes After an Object with a Long Name Is Downloaded to a Local Computer
Failed to Configure Event Notifications
Time Difference Is Longer Than 15 Minutes Between the Client and Server
Error Code 500 Is Returned When a Bucket with the Name of the Bucket Failing to Be Created in AZ 2 Is Created in AZ 1
Object Upload or Download Errors
Error Code List
OBS Basics
How Can I Get Started with OBS?
What Are the Advantages of Object Storage over SAN and NAS Storage?
Which Types of Data Can Be Stored in OBS?
How Much Data Can I Store in OBS?
Can Folders in OBS Be Used the Same Way as in a File System?
Where Is Data Stored in OBS?
Does OBS Support Access over HTTPS?
Can Other Users Access My Data Stored in OBS?
Does OBS Support Resumable Transfer?
Does OBS Support Batch Upload?
Does OBS Support Batch Download?
Does OBS Support Batch Deletion of Objects?
What Are the Factors That Affect Upload and Download Speeds of OBS?
Why Did Some of My Data Stored on OBS Get Lost?
Can Deleted Data Be Recovered?
Will There Be Data Left Over in OBS After I Delete an Object?
Will My Bucket Performance Be Affected by Other Users' Services?
Access Control
How Can I Control Access to OBS?
What Are the Differences Between Using an IAM Policy and a Bucket Policy in Access Control?
What Is the Relationship Between a Bucket Policy and an Object Policy?
Buckets and Objects
Why Am I Unable to Create a Bucket?
Why Am I Unable to Upload an Object?
Why Am I Unable to Download an Object?
Why Can't I Delete a Bucket?
Can I Rename an Object?
Can I Modify the Region of a Bucket?
How Do I Obtain the Access Path to an Object?
Why Can't I Search for Certain Objects in My Bucket?
Does OBS Support Storage Quota Management?
How Is Data Security Ensured in OBS?
Does OBS Scan My Data for Other Purposes?
Can Engineers Export My Data from the Background of OBS?
How Does OBS Protect My Data from Being Stolen?
Can a Pair of AK and SK Be Replaced When It Is Being Used to Access OBS?
Can Multiple Users Share One Pair of AK and SK to Access OBS?
Durability and Availability
How Are the Durability and Availability of OBS?
What Are the Differences Between Single-AZ and Multi-AZ Storage in OBS?
What Redundancy Techniques Does OBS Use?
What Are the OBS SLA and Its Constraints?
Fragment Management
Why Are Fragments Generated?
How Do I Manage Fragments?
Can I Upload Objects with the Same Name to the Same Folder?
Can I Recover a Deleted Object?
Event Notifications
Which Events Can Trigger Event Notifications?
How Do I Use Lifecycle Management?
What Are the Application Scenarios of Lifecycle Management?
How Do I Use Static Website Hosting?
Can I Host My Static Websites on OBS?
Which Types of Websites Can I Use OBS to Host?
How Do I Obtain the Static Website Hosting Address of a Bucket?
How Do I Use Cross-Region Replication?
What Are the Application Scenarios of Cross-Region Replication?
Will an Object Deletion in a Source Bucket Be Synchronized to the Destination Bucket?
Why Objects Are Not Copied to the Destination Bucket After the Cross-Region Replication Rule Has Been Created?
Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
Basic Concepts
API Overview
Calling APIs
Constructing a Request
User Signature Authentication
Authentication of Signature in a Header
Authentication of Signature in a URL
Authentication of Signature Carried in the Table Uploaded Through a Browser
Returned Values
Getting Started
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Uploading an Object
Operations on Buckets
Listing Buckets
Creating a Bucket
Listing Objects in a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Metadata
Obtaining Bucket Location
Deleting Buckets
Advanced Bucket Settings
Configuring a Bucket Policy
Obtaining Bucket Policy Information
Deleting a Bucket Policy
Configuring a Bucket ACL
Obtaining Bucket ACL Information
Configuring Logging for a Bucket
Obtaining a Bucket Logging Configuration
Configuring Bucket Lifecycle Rules
Obtaining Bucket Lifecycle Configuration
Deleting Lifecycle Rules
Configuring Versioning for a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Versioning Status
Configuring Event Notification for a Bucket
Obtaining the Event Notification Configuration of a Bucket
Configuring Cross-Region Replication for a Bucket
Obtaining the Cross-Region Replication Configuration of a Bucket
Deleting the Cross-Region Replication Configuration of a Bucket
Configuring Tags for a Bucket
Obtaining Bucket Tags
Deleting Tags
Configuring Bucket Storage Quota
Querying Bucket Storage Quota
Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket
Configuring Bucket Inventories
Obtaining a Specific Inventory of a Bucket
Listing All Inventories of a Bucket
Deleting Bucket Inventories
Configuring a Custom Domain Name for a Bucket
Obtaining the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
Deleting the Custom Domain Name of a Bucket
Configuring Cross-Cluster Replication for a Bucket
Obtaining the Cross-Cluster Replication Configuration of a Bucket
Deleting the Cross-Cluster Replication Configuration of a Bucket
Static Website Hosting
Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket
Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket
Configuring Bucket CORS
Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket
Operations on Objects
Uploading an Object - PUT
Uploading an Object - POST
Copying an Object
Downloading an Object
Querying Object Metadata
Deleting an Object
Deleting Objects
Appending an Object
Configuring an Object ACL
Obtaining Object ACL Configuration
Modifying Object Metadata
Modifying an Object
Truncating an Object
Renaming an Object
Operations on Multipart Upload
Listing Initiated Multipart Uploads in a Bucket
Initiating a Multipart Upload
Uploading Parts
Copying Parts
Listing Uploaded Parts
Completing a Multipart Upload
Canceling a Multipart Upload Task
Error Codes
IAM Policies and Supported Actions
Bucket Actions
Object Actions
Status Codes
Obtaining Access Keys (AK/SK)
Obtaining a Domain ID and a User ID
Consistency of Concurrent Operations
Change History
Parallel File System Feature Guide(Ankara Region)
About Parallel File System
Application Scenarios
Using PFS
Managing Parallel File Systems on OBS Console
Creating a Parallel File System
Managing Parallel File Systems by APIs
Supported APIs
Change History
Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (Ankara Region)
OBS Browser+ Function Overview
Downloading OBS Browser+
Installing OBS Browser+
Logging In to OBS Browser+
Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?
Can I Install Two OBS Browser+ Tools from Different Sites in One System?
Why Does the Task Processing Speed Slow After the Number of Tasks Exceeds a Million?
Why Are the Displayed Number of Objects and Used Storage Capacity Different from the Actual Number of Objects and Storage Capacity?
How Can I Access a Specific Bucket or Directory?
Can OBS Browser+ List Objects with Special Characters in Their Names?
Uninstalling OBS Browser+
Change History
Tool Guide (obsutil) (Ankara Region)
Introduction to obsutil
Downloading and Installing obsutil
Getting Started
Creating Access Keys (AK and SK)
Performing the Initial Configuration
Quick Start
Bucket Commands
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Querying Bucket Properties
Setting Bucket Properties
Deleting a Bucket
Object Commands
Creating a Folder
Uploading an Object
Querying Object Properties
Setting Object Properties
Listing Objects
Copying an Object
Moving an Object
Downloading an Object
Generating the Download Link of an Object
Deleting an Object
Synchronously Uploading Incremental Objects
Synchronously Copying Incremental Objects
Synchronously Downloading Incremental Objects
Resuming a Failed Upload Task
Resuming a Failed Copy Task
Resuming a Failed Download Task
Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
Deleting a Multipart Upload Task
Auxiliary Commands
Updating a Configuration File
Deleting Part Records
Viewing Command Help Information
Querying the Version Number
Archiving Log Files
Listing Failure Result Files
Common Examples
Synchronous Upload
Synchronous Download
Synchronous Copy
Listing Multipart Upload Tasks
Deleting All Multipart Upload Tasks in a Bucket
Fault Locating
Log Files
Result Lists
Return Codes
Best Practices
Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions
Configuring Scheduled Tasks Using the Crontab Command
Setting obsutil Commands as Built-in Commands
Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance
Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer
Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link
Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil
Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side
Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil
After Some Files Are Deleted in My Local Directory, Can obsutil Synchronously Delete Them from the Bucket?
Can I Use obsutil to Directly Save a Listing Result to a Local File?
Why Is the Size of Objects Queried by obsutil Inconsistent with That on OBS Console?
How Can I Find Out Why Some Tasks in a Batch Task Failed?
How Can I Locate and Rectify I/O Timeout and EOF Errors?
Why Is a Question Mark Displayed in the Batch Task Progress Bar?
Can Multiple config Files Be Placed in One Directory?
Can obsutil List Objects with Special Characters in Their Names?
Parameter Description
Change History
Operation Guide (Leaving soon. Moving to User Guide.)
Before You Start
Using OBS
Accessing OBS
Storage Classes
Bucket Management
Bucket Overview
Creating a Bucket
Listing Buckets
Viewing Bucket Information
Managing Bucket Quotas
Deleting Buckets
Replicating Settings from an Existing Bucket
Object Management
Object Overview
Uploading Objects
Uploading an Object
Uploading Objects Using a Multipart Upload
Downloading Objects
Managing Folders
Creating a Folder
Sharing a Folder
Other Object Operations
Listing Objects
Copying Objects
Viewing Object Information
Sharing Objects
Managing Object Metadata
Restoring Objects from the Archive or Deep Archive Storage
Direct Reading
Deleting Objects
Deleting an Object
Undeleting an Object
Managing Fragments
Permissions Control
Data Management
Lifecycle Management
Bucket Inventory
Event Notifications
Usage Statistics
Data Access
Static Website Hosting
Back to Source
Domain Name Management
User-Defined Domain Name Configuration
Data Security
Server-Side Encryption
Cross-Region Replication
URL Validation
Data Processing
Image Processing
Online Decompression
Monitoring and Logging
Parallel File System
Image Processing (Leaving soon. Moving to User Guide.)
What Is Image Processing?
Application Scenarios
Basic Concepts
Accessing Image Processing
Image Processing Functions
Using Image Processing on OBS Console
Logging In to OBS Console
Uploading an Image
Creating an Image Style
Using the Image Style
Using Image Processing with APIs
Creating an Account and Enabling OBS
Uploading an Image
Processing the Image
Typical Cases
Processing an Image with GUI
Processing an Image by Editing Code
Getting Information About an Image
Getting the Average RGB Value of an Image
Setting Image Effects
Resizing Images
Rotating Images
Rotation Settings
Adaptive Orientation
Cropping Images
Common Cropping
Inscribed Circles
Rounded Corner Cropping
Watermarking Images
Public Parameters
Image Watermarks
Text Watermarks
Converting Image Formats
Converting Formats
Interlaced Image Loading
Changing Image Quality
Slimming Images
Image Processing Persistency
What Is Image Processing?
How Do I Access Image Processing?
How Is Image Processing Billed?
How Many Image Styles Can I Create in a Bucket?
What Formats Does Image Processing Support?
How Do I Access Image Processing with a URL?
Where Are Processed Images Stored After CDN Acceleration Is Enabled?
Why Was My Bucket Accessed by IP Addresses Starting with 100 After I Performed Image Processing in My Logging-enabled Bucket?
Parallel File System (Leaving soon. Moving to User Guide.)
About PFS
Application Scenarios
Using PFS
Lifecycle Management
Permissions Configuration
Using PFS on a Console
Creating a Parallel File System
Using PFS with OBS APIs
Compatibility Between OBS APIs and PFS
Why Is 256 TB Displayed After I Mounted a Parallel File System?
Can I Sort Files in the File List?
Change History