Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ SDK Reference/ Go/ Before You Start (SDK for Go)
Updated on 2024-06-21 GMT+08:00

Before You Start (SDK for Go)

This section describes the version updates, compatibility, and important notes about Object Storage Service (OBS) SDK for Go.

Version Updates and Compatibility

Table 1 describes the version updates and compatibility of OBS SDK for Go.

Table 1 Version updates and compatibility of OBS SDK for Go




Compatible or Not

3.23.4 (the latest version)

New features

  • Added obs.WithCustomHeader that allows you to add custom headers in the requests of clients interacting with OBS.
  • Supported custom bucket domain names, with the SetBucketCustomDomain, GetBucketCustomDomain, and DeleteBucketCustomDomain APIs added.
  • Supported mirroring-based back to source, with the SetBucketMirrorBackToSource, GetBucketMirrorBackToSource, and DeleteBucketMirrorBackToSource APIs added.



New features

Added obs.WithCallbackHeader that allows you to configure callback parameters in object upload requests.



Code optimization

Optimized the OBS SDK for Go code.



New features

Added obs.WithTrafficLimitHeader that limits the bandwidth for a single connection.


Important Notes

  • Make sure that you are familiar with basic OBS concepts, such as buckets, objects, access keys (AKs/SKs), and endpoints and domain names.
  • Some features are available only for some regions. If 405 HTTP status code is returned for a certain feature API, check whether the region supports that feature. For details, refer to Function Overview or submit a service ticket to contact technical support.
  • obs is used as the namespace, which is compatible with earlier OBS 2.0 versions (2.2.x).
  • API functions are compatible with earlier OBS 2.0 versions (2.2.x).