Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ Tool Guide (OBS Browser+) (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ FAQs/ How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?
Updated on 2022-08-16 GMT+08:00

How Can I Permanently Share Files or Folders with Other Users?

You can use OBS Browser+ to share files or folders with other users through URLs. These URLs are valid for only a certain period. Once they expire, files or folders will not be accessed. If you want to share a file permanently, configure this file to be accessible from anonymous users, so anonymous users can access the file through the URL you shared. To share a folder permanently, configure a bucket policy that makes the objects prefixed with a certain folder readable for the public, so anonymous users can access all objects under that folder. For details about how to configure a bucket policy and how to obtain an object URL, see and respectively.