Updated on 2022-05-17 GMT+08:00

User-Defined Domain Name Binding Overview

Application Scenarios

A user needs to migrate files from a website to OBS, and does not want to modify the web page code, that is, to remain the link of the website unchanged. In this case, you can use user-defined domain name binding solution.

For example, if the domain name of user A's website is www.example.com and the file is abc.html, then the website is http://www.example.com/abc.html. The configuration procedure is as follows:

  1. Create a bucket on OBS, and upload the abc.html website file to the bucket.
  2. On OBS console, bind the user's website domain name www.example.com to the created bucket.
  3. On the DNS server, add a CNAME record and map www.example.com to the domain name of the bucket.
  4. After the http://www.example.com/abc.html request reaches OBS, OBS finds the mapping between the www.example.com and the bucket domain name, and redirects it to the abc.html file stored in the bucket. That is, after OBS processes the request of access to the http://www.example.com/abc.html, the http://bucket domain name/abc.html is actually accessed.

Limitations and Constraints

  1. Only buckets whose version is 3.0 support user-defined domain name binding. The version number of a bucket is displayed in the Basic Information area.
  2. Currently, user domain names bound to OBS only allow access requests over HTTP.
  3. A user-defined domain name can be bound to only one bucket.
  4. Currently, the suffix of a user-defined domain name can contain 2 to 6 uppercase and lowercase letters.