Updated on 2024-05-31 GMT+08:00

Viewing Basic Information of a Bucket

On OBS Console, you can view a bucket's details, including basic bucket information, usage statistics, alarms, process flows for common scenarios, domain name details, FAQs, basic configurations, and others. You can also export all buckets of the current account and view their basic information in the exported Excel file.

Viewing Bucket Details

  1. In the navigation pane of OBS Console, choose Object Storage.
  2. In the bucket list, click the bucket you want to operate to go to the Objects page.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Overview.
  4. On the top of the page, view the bucket information, including the bucket name, storage class, data redundancy policy, region, and creation time.

    Figure 1 Bucket information
    Table 1 Bucket information



    Bucket name

    Name of the bucket

    Storage class

    Storage class of the bucket, which can be Standard, Infrequent Access, Archive, or Deep Archive.

    Data redundancy

    Data redundancy storage policy of a bucket, which can be multi-AZ storage or single-AZ storage. This setting cannot be changed after the bucket is created.


    Region where the bucket is located


    Creation time of the bucket

  5. In the Basic Information area, view the number of objects, storage usage, bucket version, versioning status, enterprise project, and account ID.

    Figure 2 Bucket's basic information
    Table 2 Parameters in the Basic Information area




    The total number of objects (including folders and all object versions) stored in a bucket

    Used Capacity

    Total storage space occupied by objects of all versions in the bucket


    If usage statistics is available for the bucket, storage usage data is not displayed here.

    Bucket Version

    Version number of the bucket. 3.0 indicates the latest bucket version, and -- indicates versions earlier than 3.0.


    Versioning status

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project where the bucket belongs

    Account ID

    Unique identity of the bucket owner. It is the same as Account ID on the My Credentials page.

  6. In the Usage Statistics area, view the storage, traffic, and request information of the bucket, as shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3 Bucket usage statistics
    Table 3 Bucket usage metrics




    Measures the storage occupied by all objects, Standard objects, Infrequent Access objects, and Archive objects in the bucket.


    Total Download Traffic: It measures the total download traffic for the bucket in the current month. Both intranet and Internet traffic are covered.

    Download Traffic (Intranet): It measures the total intranet download traffic for the bucket in the current month.

    Download Traffic (Internet): It measures the total Internet download traffic for the bucket in the current month.

    Total Upload Traffic: It measures the total upload traffic for the bucket in the current month. Both intranet and Internet traffic are covered.

    Upload Traffic (Intranet): It measures the total intranet upload traffic for the bucket in the current month.

    Upload Traffic (Internet): It measures the total Internet upload traffic for the bucket in the current month.


    Total: It measures the total number of requests (including PUT, POST, COPY, LIST, GET, HEAD, and DELETE requests) made for the bucket and the objects in it in the current month.

    GET: It measures the total number of GET and HEAD requests made for the bucket and the objects in it in the current month.

    PUT: It measures the total number of PUT, POST, COPY, and LIST requests made for the bucket and the objects in it in the current month.

    DELETE: It measures the total number of DELETE requests made for the bucket and the objects in it in the current month.

    Month-over-month growth

    It compares the current month's data with the previous month's data, showing the data increase or decrease.

    Take the comparison between January 2023 and February 2023 as an example.

    Month-over-month (MoM) growth = (Current month's data – Previous month's data)/Previous month's data x 100%

    Suppose the Standard storage in January was 60 MB and that in February was 120 MB, the MoM growth was calculated as follows: (120 – 60) ÷ 60 x 100% = 100%. This tells that the Standard storage in February was doubled compared to January.

    The data is not displayed in real time. There may be approximately one hour delay.

    To view the number of requests and traffic statistics, you must have the CES ReadOnlyAccess permission or a higher Cloud Eye permission for the region where the bucket is located.

    Usage Statistics is only available for buckets that support usage analysis.

  7. In the Alarms area, view the alarm severities and the alarm number of each severity. By clicking View details, you can explore more on the Alarm Records page of Cloud Eye.

    Figure 4 Information about bucket alarms

    Alarms is only available for buckets that support usage analysis.

  8. In the Process Flow area, view the process flows for common scenarios. You can click Change Scenario in the upper right corner to choose a desired scenario, as shown in Figure 5.

    In each flow, you can click a node to view relevant details, or click a card to navigate to the operation guide or console page.
    Figure 5 Process flows for common scenarios

  9. In the Domain Information Details area, view information about the endpoint, access domain name, and static website hosting domain name. You can also perform related operations by clicking buttons in the Operation column, as shown in Figure 6.

    Figure 6 Domain name details of the bucket

  10. In the Basic Configurations area, view the bucket's basic configurations, including lifecycle rules, static website hosting, and CORS rules. You can click a card to make required configurations, as shown in Figure 7.

    Figure 7 Basic configurations of the bucket

  11. In the FAQs area, view bucket-related FAQs. You can click More in the upper right corner to view more FAQs, as shown in Figure 8.

    Figure 8 Bucket FAQs

  12. In the Learn More area, choose to view best practices or usage guide, as shown in Figure 9.

    Figure 9 Learn More

Exporting a Bucket List

  1. In the navigation pane of OBS Console, choose Object Storage.
  2. Export all buckets. Specifically, click Export in the upper left corner of the bucket list.

    Figure 10 Exporting all buckets

  3. Export the selected buckets. Specifically, select the buckets to export and click Export in the upper left corner of the bucket list.

    Figure 11 Exporting the selected buckets

  4. Obtain the bucket list in Excel, which is automatically downloaded to your local computer.

    The file lists all the buckets of the current account and includes the following information: bucket name, storage class, region, data redundancy policy, used capacity, object quantity, bucket version, enterprise project, and bucket creation time.