Updated on 2022-06-08 GMT+08:00

SDK Initialization

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ObsClient functions as the C client for accessing OBS. It offers callers a series of APIs for interaction with OBS. These APIs are used for managing and operating resources, such as buckets and objects, stored in OBS. Before using the OBS C SDK to initiate an OBS request, you need to call the initialization API. When you are exiting the process, you need to call the initialization cancellation API to release resources.

Before using the C SDK, you need to call the initialization API obs_initialize. You can only call it once in the main process.

obs_status  ret_status = OBS_STATUS_BUTT;
ret_status = obs_initialize(OBS_INIT_ALL);
if (OBS_STATUS_OK != ret_status)
    printf("obs_initialize failed(%s).\n", obs_get_status_name(ret_status));
    return ret_status;