Updated on 2024-04-17 GMT+08:00

Archiving Log Files


You can use this command to archive log files to a local PC or to a specified bucket.

Command Line Structure

  • In Windows
    • Archiving to a local PC
      obsutil archive [file_or_folder_url] [-config=xxx] 
    • Archiving to a specified bucket
      obsutil archive obs://bucket[/key] [-config=xxx] 
  • In Linux or macOS
    • Archiving to a local PC
      obsutil archive [file_or_folder_url] [-config=xxx] 
    • Archiving to a specified bucket
      obsutil archive obs://bucket[/key] [-config=xxx] 


  • Take the Windows OS as an example. Run the obsutil archive command to archive log files to the same directory where the tool is executed.
    obsutil archive
    [----------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 15/15 35ms
    Succeed to archive log files to [D:\obsutil\obsutil_log.zip]

Parameter Description


Optional or Mandatory




Indicates the path to which log files are archived. The rules are as follows:

  • If this parameter is left blank, log files are archived to the same directory where obsutil commands reside with obsutil_log.zip as the archive file name.
  • If this parameter specifies a file or folder path that does not exist, the tool checks whether the value ends with a slash (/) or backslash (\). If yes, a folder is created based on the path, and log files are archived to the newly created directory with obsutil_log.zip as the archive file name.
  • If this parameter specifies a file or folder path that does not exist and the value does not end with a slash (/) or backslash (\), log files are archived to a local PC with the value as the archive file name.
  • If this parameter specifies an existing .zip file, then log files are archived to a local PC overwriting the existing file, with the value as the archive file name.
  • If this parameter specifies an existing folder, then log files are archived to the specified directory with obsutil_log.zip as the archive file name.

All archive files are .zip files.


Mandatory for archiving log files to a specified bucket

Bucket name


Optional for archiving log files to a specified bucket

Indicates the object name or object name prefix when archiving log files to a specified bucket.

The rules are as follows:

  • If this parameter is left blank, log files are archived to the root directory of the bucket with obsutil_log.zip as the object name.
  • If the value ends with a slash (/), the value is used as the object name prefix when archiving log files, and the object name is the value plus obsutil_log.zip. Otherwise, log files are archived with the value as the object name.


Optional (additional parameter)

User-defined configuration file for executing a command. For details about parameters that can be configured, see Parameter Description.