Updated on 2024-01-02 GMT+08:00

Configuring WORM Retention for an Object


This operation configures or updates the retention period for objects uploaded to a bucket with WORM enabled.

  • When you upload an object, if you do not configure a protection period or apply the default bucket-level protection rule to the object, you can perform this operation to configure a protection period for the object.
  • When you upload an object, if you configure a protection period or apply the default bucket-level protection rule to the object, you can perform this operation to prolong the protection period for the object.
  • The protection period of an object can only be modified, but not deleted.

    To configure or update the protection period of an object, you must have the PutObjectRetention permission.


OBS automatically enables versioning when you enable WORM for a bucket. In such case, the object you uploaded to the bucket will be assigned a version ID. An object-level WORM policy is applied to the current object version by default, but you can specify a version ID to make the policy applied to a specific object version. The WORM configuration does not apply to a delete marker with a unique version ID.

Multipart Upload

Before a multipart upload is complete, the default bucket-level WORM policy is not automatically applied to the object parts uploaded. Besides, you cannot configure an object-level WORM policy using a header when you upload a part or assemble the object parts, or for a part that is already uploaded to the bucket. You can call this API to configure a WORM retention policy for the new object after the object parts are assembled.

Request Syntax

PUT /ObjectName?retention HTTP/1.1 
Host: bucketname.obs.region.example.com
Date: date
Authorization: authorization


Request Parameters

Table 1 describes the parameters.

Table 1 Request parameters





ID of the object version on which this operation will be performed. If this header is not carried, this operation applies to the current object version.

Type: string


Request Headers

This request uses common headers. For details, see Table 3.

Request Elements





Container for configuring an object-level WORM retention policy.

Type: container



Protection mode for the object. It can only be set to COMPLIANCE now.

Type: string




Protection period for the object. Its value is a timestamp accurate to milliseconds, for example, 1435728035000 (corresponding to 13:20:35 on July 1, 2015).


The value of this field must be later than the current time and can be extended but not shortened.

Type: long

Example: 1435728035000


Response Syntax

HTTP/1.1 status_code
Date: date
Content-Length: length

Response Headers

This response uses common headers. For details, see Table 1.

Response Elements

This response contains no elements.

Error Responses

Table 2 describes possible special errors in this request.

Table 2

Error Code


HTTP Status Code


The object retention period cannot be configured, because object lock is not enabled for the bucket.



The retention period date must be later than the current or the configured date.



Invalid format of the Object Lock configuration.


For other errors, see Table 2.

Sample Request

PUT /objectname?retention HTTP/1.1
Host: bucketname.obs.region.example.com
Date: WED, 01 Jul 2015 02:25:05 GMT
Authorization: OBS H4IPJX0TQTHTHEBQQCEC:75/Y4Ng1izvzc1nTGxpMXTE6ynw=
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: 157

Sample Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: OBS
x-obs-request-id: BF260000016435CE298386946AE4C482
Date: WED, 01 Jul 2015 02:25:06 GMT
Content-Length: 0