Updated on 2024-01-02 GMT+08:00

Using OBS

You can manage OBS resources in the ways listed in the table below.



How to Use


OBS Console

OBS Console is a web-based GUI where you can manage your OBS resources with ease.

Create an account or an IAM user to log in to OBS Console.

For details, see Logging In to OBS Console.

Console Operation Guide


OBS SDKs encapsulate the REST API to simplify development. You can call API functions provided by the OBS SDKs to use OBS.

Configure the endpoint during environment preparation and set the access keys (AK/SK) during initialization.

For details, see SDK Reference.

SDK Reference


OBS provides REST APIs that support HTTP/HTTPS requests. You can call these APIs to create, modify, and delete buckets, as well as to upload, download, and delete objects.

Configure the endpoint during environment preparation and make the access keys (AK and SK) part of your signature in any requests you send. If you use REST APIs to develop a program, you need to calculate the signature based on the signature algorithm defined by OBS and add the signature to the requests.

For details, see User Signature Authentication.

API Reference

OBS Browser+

OBS Browser+ is a Windows client that lets you easily manage OBS resources from your desktop.

Download OBS Browser+ and use access keys (AK and SK) for identity authentication. You can use OBS Browser+ to directly access OBS resources or you can configure a server address to access OBS resources.

For details, see Where Can I Obtain Access Keys (AK and SK)?

OBS Browser+ Tool Guide


obsutil is a command line tool for accessing and managing OBS resources. If you are familiar with command line interface (CLI), obsutil is a good choice for batch processing and automated tasks.

Download obsutil, configure the server address, and use access keys (AK and SK) for identity authentication.

For details, see Performing the Initial Configuration.

obsutil Tool Guide


obsfs is an OBS tool based on Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE). It helps you mount parallel file systems to Linux, so that you can easily access virtually unlimited storage space of OBS the same way as you would use a regular local file system.

Download the obsfs tool and use access keys (AK and SK) for identity authentication.

For details, see Initializing obsfs.

obsfs Tool Guide