Help Center/ Elastic Cloud Server/ User Guide/ Instances/ Purchasing an ECS/ Purchasing ECSs Using Auto Launch Groups
Updated on 2024-10-18 GMT+08:00

Purchasing ECSs Using Auto Launch Groups


Auto Launch Groups let you rapidly create ECSs that are billed in different modes and distributed across AZs to meet capacity targets. It consists of auto launch templates and auto launch groups.

  • A launch template contains the configuration information to launch ECSs, for example, the ECS specifications, network settings, and a key pair (excluding the password). You can launch ECSs quickly without specifying the configuration parameters every time.

    For details, see Launch Template Overview

  • An auto launch group lets you customize configurations and rapidly create ECSs that are of different types, billed in different modes, and distributed across multiple AZs to meet capacity targets.

    For details, see Auto Launch Group Overview.

Notes and Constraints

  • Auto launch groups are available in AP-Singapore and CN-Hong Kong.
  • An auto launch group can create ECSs across AZs but cannot create ECSs across regions.
  • For ECSs created with auto launch groups, the target capacity is limited as follows:
    • If the number of ECSs is used as the target capacity, a maximum of 500 ECSs can be created.
    • If the number of vCPUs is used as the target capacity, a maximum of 40,000 vCPUs can be created.
  • You can specify one launch template for each auto launch group.
  • Auto launch groups are free, but you will be billed for the ECSs created by the group.


A launch template has been created for the ECS. For details, see Creating a Launch Template.

Using a Launch Template to Create ECSs

  1. In the launch template list, locate the row containing the target template and click Buy ECS in the Operation column.
    Figure 1 Launch templates
  2. On the Buy ECS page, modify the parameter preset in the template as needed.

    For example, select Password for Login Mode and set a password for your ECS.

    For details, see Purchasing a Custom ECS.

  3. In the Configuration Summary area on the right of the page, confirm the configuration details.
  4. Select the check box before the agreement and click Create.

    After the ECS is created, it will be started by default.

Using an Auto Launch Group to Create ECSs That Are Billed in Different Modes and Distributed Across AZs

  1. Log in to the cloud server console, access the Auto Launch Groups page, and click Create Group.
  2. Set the group name, target capacity, and quantity.
    Figure 2 Configuring an auto launch group (1)

    Table 1 Parameters (1)






    Name of an auto launch group.

    The name can contain 2 to 64 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

    Target Capacity

    ECSs: 5

    The total target capacity of ECSs created using an auto launch group.

    You can set Target Capacity to specify the total compute delivered by the auto launch group. The target capacity can be set to the number of ECSs or the number of vCPUs. The target capacity of each auto launch group is limited.

    • If the number of ECSs is used as the target capacity, a maximum of 500 ECSs can be created.
    • If the number of vCPUs is used as the target capacity, a maximum of 40,000 vCPUs can be created.



    This parameter is displayed only when Include pay-per-use ECSs. Select the quantity of ECSs or vCPUs that can be included is selected.

    This parameter specifies the quantity of pay-per-use ECSs or vCPUs of these ECSs. The value of Quantity must be less than or equal to that of Target Capacity.

  3. Set the launch template, ECS configuration, and optimization policy.
    Figure 3 Configuring an auto launch group (2)
    Table 2 Parameters (2)




    Launch Template


    You can select a launch template to use the configuration details it contains to launch an ECS.

    You can expand details to view the configuration of the selected launch template.

    ECS Configuration

    AZ1, s7.medium.2

    This parameter specifies the AZ and specifications in the launch template.

    You can add and customize configurations for multiple instances. You are advised to select different AZs and instance specifications to improve the resource delivery success rate.

    Optimize for

    Lowest price

    This parameter specifies the policy that instance allocation complies with.

    • Lowest price: The auto launch group will create the least expensive ECSs possible.
    • Compute balancing: The auto launch group will prioritize balancing compute loads by creating ECSs distributed across multiple AZs as evenly as possible.
    • High specifications: The auto launch group creates ECSs with the highest specifications possible. If you have configured a target number of ECSs, ECSs with more vCPUs will be prioritized and if the target is vCPUs, then that target will be met with as few ECSs as possible.
  4. Set Delivery Type, Start, End, and other parameters.
    Figure 4 Configuring an auto launch group (3)
    Table 3 Parameters (3)




    Delivery Type

    Single use

    This parameter specifies the type of an auto launch group.

    • Single use: The auto launch group only attempts to create ECSs to meet the target capacity when it is started, but will not create ECSs again even if the target capacity is not reached.
    • Continuous: The auto launch group monitors the target and current capacity in real time and continues to create ECSs until the total target capacity is reached.



    Specifies the time when the auto launch group starts to launch ECSs.

    • Immediately: The auto launch group starts to launch ECSs immediately after the group is created.
    • Custom: You can specify when the auto launch group starts to launch ECSs.


    Never expire

    This parameter specifies the time when the auto launch group expires. You can set both the start time and the end time to determine the validity period of the group.

    • Never expire: The auto launch group does not expire.
    • Custom: You can specify when the auto launch group expires.

    Global Maximum Price


    This parameter is displayed only when Maximum Price is selected. It specifies the allowed maximum price of a single spot ECS in the auto launch group.

    If the market price of a spot ECS in the group exceeds the global maximum price, the spot ECS will be deleted. If both the specific maximum price of a spot ECS and the global maximum price are set, the specific maximum price of the spot ECS will be used.

    ECS Deletion Settings

    • Delete ECSs When Auto Launch Group Expires
    • Delete ECSs When Target Capacity Is Exceeded

    This parameter is valid only when the end time of the auto launch group is specified.

    • Delete ECSs When Auto Launch Group Expires: ECSs in the auto launch group will be deleted when the group expires.
    • Delete ECSs When Target Capacity Is Exceeded: When the number of ECSs or vCPUs in the auto launch group exceeds the target capacity, the ECSs or vCPUs that exceed the target capacity will be deleted.
  5. Click Create Now.