Help Center/ Elastic Cloud Server/ User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ FAQs/ How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
Updated on 2024-04-19 GMT+08:00

How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?


This section helps you resolve the following issues:

  • An error message was displayed on the management console after you performed ECS-related operations.
  • An error code was displayed after you used an ECS API (see Elastic Cloud Server API Reference).


After you perform ECS-related operations on the management console, the system displays the request status on the Elastic Cloud Server page. You can determine the request execution status based on the information displayed in the request status.

  • If the operation request is executed, the system automatically clears the task prompt.
  • If an error occurs during the request execution, the system displays an error code and its description in the taskbar.


If an error occurs, check the error code and perform the corresponding operations listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Error codes and solution suggestions

Error Code

Message Displayed on the Management Console

Solution Suggestion


Request error. Try again later or contact customer service.

Adjust the request structure as requested in the Elastic Cloud Server API Reference.


The maximum number of ECSs or EVS disks has been reached. Contact customer service and request an ECS quota increase.

Contact customer service and request an ECS quota increase.


Before requesting for increasing your ECS quota, consider the number of to-be-added ECSs, vCPUs, and memory capacity required.


You do not have the permission or your balance is insufficient.

Contact customer service to check your account information.


System error. Try again later or contact customer service.

Adjust the request structure as directed in Elastic Cloud Server API Reference.


The private IP address is in use. Select an available IP address for ECS creation.

Use an idle IP address for ECS creation.


Invalid password. Change the password to make it meet the password complexity requirements, and perform the required operation again.

Input a password that meets password complexity requirements. Then, initial the request again.


Insufficient IP addresses in the subnet. Release IP addresses in the subnet or select another subnet for ECS creation.

Release IP addresses in the subnet or select another subnet for ECS creation.


Contact customer service and request an EIP quota increase.

Contact customer service and request an EIP quota increase.


The disk of this type is not supported by the ECS.

Select a proper disk and attach it to the ECS.


Invalid ECS status. Change the status and try again.

Change the ECS status to the desired one and try again.


The disk is unavailable.

Change the ECS status to the desired one and try again. If the EVS disk is faulty, contact customer service for troubleshooting.


The number of disks to be attached to an ECS exceeds the number allowed.

Detach EVS disks from the ECS before attaching new ones.


No system disk found.

Attach the system disk to the ECS and perform the desired operation again.


The number of shared disks to be attached to an ECS exceeds the maximum limit.

Detach EVS disks from the ECS before attaching new ones.

Other error codes

Other error messages

Initiate the request again. If the error persists, record the returned error code and contact customer service for troubleshooting.