Updated on 2023-09-28 GMT+08:00


What Is an Auto Launch Group?

An auto launch group lets you rapidly create ECSs distributed across multiple AZs, using a combination of different types of spot and pay-per-use ECSs to meet capacity targets at the lowest price possible.

Application Scenarios

Auto launch groups are applicable to scenarios such as image rendering, stateless web services, DNA sequencing, offline analysis, function computing, batch computing, sample analysis, CI/CD, and test.


  • An auto launch group can create ECSs across AZs but cannot create ECSs across regions.
  • The target capacity of each auto launch group is limited.
    • If the number of ECSs is used as the target capacity, a maximum of 500 ECSs can be created.
    • If the number of vCPUs is used as the target capacity, a maximum of 40,000 vCPUs can be created.
  • You can specify one launch template for each auto launch group.


  • Spot ECSs and pay-per-use ECSs

    Spot ECSs are much less expensive than regular pay-per-use ECSs, but they can be reclaimed suddenly. Spot ECSs are a great way to save money when running stateless, fault-tolerant instances that are not sensitive to interruptions. Pay-per-use ECSs can be created and deleted at any time and are a good way to save money when you are not sure about expected usage as you pay only for what you use.

    An auto launch group lets you rapidly create both spot and pay-per-use ECSs to meet capacity targets at the lowest price possible.

  • ECSs from different AZs

    An auto launch group can create ECSs across AZs to improve the disaster recovery capability.

  • ECSs of different types

    An auto launch group can create ECSs of different types to meet your requirements of different scenarios.

  • Flexible allocation strategies

    You can specify your desired target capacity and how much of that must be pay-per-use ECSs.

    You can also let your auto launch group continue to create ECSs until the total target capacity is reached or delete ECSs when the target capacity is exceeded.

  • Cost effectiveness

    If your set Optimize for to Lowest price, the auto launch group will create the least expensive ECSs possible.

Pricing Details

Auto launch groups are free, but you will be billed for the ECSs created by the group.

For details, see Elastic Cloud Server Pricing Details.