Help Center/ DataArts Studio/ Best Practices/ Advanced Data Development Guidance/ Dependency Policies for Periodic Scheduling/ Comparison Between Traditional Periodic Scheduling Dependency and Natural Periodic Scheduling Dependency
Updated on 2023-06-21 GMT+08:00

Comparison Between Traditional Periodic Scheduling Dependency and Natural Periodic Scheduling Dependency

Currently, DataArts Factory supports two types of job dependency policies, that is, dependency between jobs whose scheduling periods are traditional periods and dependency between jobs whose scheduling periods are natural periods.

In the traditional periodic scheduling dependency mode, jobs with the same same period can depend on each other, or jobs with a longer period can depend on those with a shorter period. Jobs with a shorter period cannot depend on those with a longer period. The details are as follows:

  • Same-period dependency: The dependency time range is one period earlier than the current batch time.
  • Cross-period dependency: The dependency time range is within the previous period.
    Figure 1 Dependency between jobs with traditional periods
In the natural period scheduling dependency mode, jobs with the same period or different periods can depend on each other (jobs with a longer period can depend on those with a shorter period and vice versa). This mode is flexible and can meet complex scenarios of users. The detailed dependency inference rules are as follows:
  • Rule 1: Infer the dependency between daily and hourly jobs by calendar day and hour.
  • Rule 2: Infer the dependency between weekly and monthly jobs based on the calendar day of the current day.
  • Rule 3: Jobs with a longer period depend only on the last job with a shorter period. For example, daily jobs depend on hourly jobs.

    Calendar day: [00:00:00–23:59:59]

    Calendar hour: [00:00–59:59]

    Figure 2 Dependency between jobs with natural periods

How Do I Determine Whether the Current Periodic Scheduling Dependency Is a Traditional Periodic Scheduling Dependency or a Natural Periodic Scheduling Dependency?

Job A is scheduled by hour, and job B is scheduled by day.

  • When job A is being associated with a dependency job, if job B can be selected, the natural periodic scheduling dependency mode is used. (Jobs with a shorter period can depend only those with a longer period.)
  • When job A is being associated with a dependency job, if job B cannot be selected, the traditional periodic scheduling dependency mode is used. (Jobs with a shorter period cannot depend only those with a longer period.)
    Figure 3 Job dependency