Updated on 2024-04-03 GMT+08:00

Migrating Resources

To migrate resources in one workspace to another, you can use the resource migration function provided by DataArts Studio.

Resources that can be migrated include those in DataArts DataService and DataArts Catalog as well as the data connections in Management Center.


  • Resources can be imported from OBS or a local path.
  • There are resources that can be migrated. For details on how to create data connections, see Managing Data Connections. For details on how to classify metadata and add tags, see Tags. For details on how to create collection tasks, see Task Management. For details on how to publish APIs, see Publishing an API.


  • Collection tasks with the same name cannot be migrated repeatedly.
  • Categories and tags with the same name cannot be migrated repeatedly.
  • Only an exported .zip file can be imported. During the import, the system verifies the resources in the file.
  • For security concerns, passwords of connections are not exported when the connections are exported. You need to enter the passwords when importing the connections.
  • Only the enterprise edition supports the export of data catalogs (categories, tags, and collection tasks). The expert edition does not support this function.
  • The size of the file to be imported from an OBS bucket or local path cannot exceed 10 MB.

Exporting a Resource

  1. Log in to the DataArts Studio console by following the instructions in Accessing the DataArts Studio Instance Console.
  2. On the DataArts Studio console, locate a workspace and click Management Center.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Migrate Resources.

    Figure 1 Migrating Resources

  4. Click Create Export Task to configure the file name and the OBS path for saving the file.

    Figure 2 Export Task

  5. Click Next and select the resources to export.

    Figure 3 Selecting the resource to export

  6. Click Next and wait until the export is complete. The resource package is exported to the OBS path you have set.

    Figure 4 Export completed

    If no result is displayed in 1 minute, the export fails. Try again. If the failure persists, contact the customer service or technical support.

  7. After the export is complete, you can click Download in the row of the corresponding migration task to download the exported resource package.

    Figure 5 Downloading the exported result

Importing a Resource

  1. Log in to the DataArts Studio console by following the instructions in Accessing the DataArts Studio Instance Console.
  2. On the DataArts Studio console, locate a workspace and click Management Center.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Migrate Resources.

    Figure 6 Migrating Resources

  4. Click Create Import Task. On the displayed page, select an import mode and set the OBS bucket and path or local path that stores resources. The resource to be imported must be a .zip file exported from the console.

    Figure 7 Configuring the path that stores the resources to be imported

  5. Click Create Import Task and upload a .zip resource file that you have exported.
  6. Click Next and select the resources to import.

    Figure 8 Selecting the resource to import

  7. If you select DataSource, click Next to configure a data connection.

    Figure 9 Configuring a data connection

  8. Click Next and wait until the import task is delivered. When the import task is delivered successfully, the system displays message "Import task started."

    Figure 10 Import task started

  9. Click OK. You can view the import result in the resource migration task list.

    Subtasks that fail are marked in red. You can click their names to view the failure causes.
    Figure 11 Viewing the import result