Updated on 2024-07-11 GMT+08:00

Entry API Operator

An API workflow starts with the Entry API operator. After the API workflow is published, it can be invoked through the Entry API operator. In the Entry API operator, you need to define the API workflow name, URL, parameter protocol, request method, reviewer, security authentication, and request parameters.

Table 1 Entry API operator parameters




Entry API name, that is, API workflow name

An API name consists of 3 to 64 characters and starts with a letter. Only letters, numbers, and underscores (_) are allowed.

Request Path

Entry API access path, that is, API workflow access path, for example, /getUserInfo

It is the part between the domain name and query parameters in the URL of a request path, for example, /blogs/xxxx shown in the following figure.
Figure 1 API access path in the URL

Braces ({}) can be used to identify parameters in a request path as wildcard characters. For example, /blogs/{blog_id} indicates that any parameter can follow /blogs. /blogs/188138 and /blogs/0 can both match /blogs/{blog_id}, and are processed by this API.

In addition, duplicate request paths are not allowed for the same domain name. When a path parameter is used as a wildcard, the name is not unique. For example, /blogs/{blog_id} and /blogs/{xxxx} are considered as the same path.


Protocol used to transmit requests. The exclusive edition supports HTTPS.

HTTPS is recommended. It is an HTTP-based protocol with SSL or TLS encryption verification. It can effectively verify identities and protect data integrity. To access HTTPS APIs, you need to configure related SSL certificates or skip SSL verification.

Request Method

HTTP request method, indicating the type of the requested operation, such as GET and POST. The method complies with the resultful style.
  • GET requests the server to return specified resources. This method is recommended.
  • POST requests the server to add resources or perform special operations. This method is used only for API registration. The POST request does not have a body. Instead, it involves transparent transmission.


A brief description of the API to create.


API tag. The tag is used to mark the API attributes. After the API is created, you can quickly search for the API by tag. A maximum of 20 tags can be set for an API.


A reviewer who has permissions to review APIs. Click Add to enter the Review Center page and click Add on the Reviewers tab page to add a reviewer.

Security Authentication

When creating an API, you can select one of the following authentication modes. The three modes differ in how the API is called. You are advised to use App Authentication, which is more secure that the other two modes.
  • App authentication: App authentication is used for calling an API. The AppKey & AppSecret is used for authentication. It is highly secure.

    When App authentication is used, an SDK is required for access. Java, Go, Python, JavaScript, C#, PHP, C++, C, and Android SDKs are available. For details about how to call APIs in each language, see Calling APIs Through App Authentication.

  • IAM authentication: IAM authenticates API requests. This mode is available only for Huawei cloud users. The security level is medium.

    When using IAM authentication, you need to call the Obtaining a User Token API of IAM to obtain a token, add the X-Auth-Token parameter with the obtained token as the value to the request header, and use an API calling tool or SDK to call released APIs.

  • Non-authentication: No authentication is required. This mode allows all users to access APIs, which may pose security risks. It is recommended only for testing APIs. If the caller is not a trusted user, there is a risk of data leakage, breakdowns caused by high concurrent access, SQL injection, and others.

    This mode does not require any authentication information. You can use an API calling tool or SDK to directly call an API by specifying required parameters.

Display Scope

After the API is published, all users in the selected scope can view the API in the service catalog.
  • Current workspace APIs
  • Current project APIs
  • Current tenant's APIs

Access Log

If you select this option, the API query result will be recorded and retained for seven days. You can choose Operations Management > Access Logs and select the request date to view the logs.

Min. Retention Period

Minimum retention period of the API publishing status, in hours. Value 0 indicates that the retention period is not limited.

You can suspend, unpublish, or cancel authorization for an API only after the minimum retention period ends. The system notifies the authorized users. If all authorized users have processed the notifications or unbound the API from their apps, the API will be suspended or unpublished, or the API authorization will be canceled. Otherwise, the system will forcibly suspend, unpublish, or cancel authorization for the API when the minimum retention periods ends.

For example, if the minimum retention period is set to 24 hours, the API can be suspended 24 hours after it is published. If the authorized user handles the notifications in the review center or unbind the API from the app, the API will be directly suspended. Otherwise, the API will be forcibly suspended when the minimum retention period ends.

Input Parameters

Parameters required for invoking the API workflow.

An input parameter consists of the parameter location, parameter type, whether the parameter is mandatory, and the default value.
  • The parameter location can be Query, Header, Path, or Body. In addition, static parameters are supported.
    • Query is the query parameter following the URL. It starts with a question mark (?) and connects multiple parameters with &.
    • Header is located in the request header and is used to transfer current information, for example, host and token.
    • Path is a request parameter in the request path. If you configure a path parameter, you must also add this parameter to the request path.
    • Body is a parameter in the request body and is generally in JSON format.
    • Static is a static parameter that does not change with the value passed by API callers. The parameter value is determined upon API authorization. If the parameter value is not set during authorization, the default value of the API input parameter is used.
  • The parameter type can be Number or String. Number corresponds to numeric data types such as int, double, and long. String corresponds to text data types such as char, vachar, and text.
  • Mandatory and Default Value: If you select Yes for Mandatory, parameters must be passed for accessing the API. Otherwise, the default value of the parameter will be used if the parameter is not passed for accessing the API.

When defining an input parameter, ensure that the following size requirements are met:

  • Query and Path: 32 KB.
  • HEADER: The maximum size is 128 KB.
  • BODY: The maximum size is 128 KB.
You need to set input parameters based on the designed request parameters for the API workflow. For example, the request path of the API workflow used to query user information in multiple tables by user ID is /getUserInfo. You can configure input parameters as follows:
  • If the request parameter for calling the API is id, and the information about the user with id needs to be returned through the API workflow , configure an input parameter as follows:
    1. Click Add and enter id for Name.
    2. Set Parameter Location to Query.
    3. Set Type to Number.
    4. Select Yes for Mandatory.
    5. Retain the default value.
  • If the request parameters for calling the API are id1 and id2, and the user information between id1 and id2 needs to be returned through the API workflow, configure input parameters as follows:
    1. Click Add and enter id1 for Name.
    2. Set Parameter Location to Query.
    3. Set Type to Number.
    4. Select Yes for Mandatory.
    5. Retain the default value.
    6. Click Add again and configure parameter id2.