Updated on 2024-04-03 GMT+08:00

DateUtil Embedded Objects

A DateUtil embedded object provides methods of formatting time and calculating time.


Table 1 Method description




String format(Date date, String pattern)

Formats Date to character strings according to the specified pattern.

Convert the planned job scheduling time to the millisecond format.

#{DateUtil.format(Job.planTime,"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS")}

Subtracts one day from the planned job scheduling time and convert the time to the week format.

  • #{DateUtil.format(DateUtil.addDays(Job.planTime,-1),"yyyyw")}

    If Job.planTime is January 7, 2024, value 20241 is returned.

  • #{DateUtil.format(DateUtil.addDays(Job.planTime,-1),"yyyyww")}

    If Job.planTime is January 7, 2024, value 202401 is returned.

Date addMonths(Date date, int amount)

After the specified number of months is added to Date, the new Date object is returned. The amount can be a negative number.

Subtract one month from the planned job scheduling time and convert the time to the month format.


Date addDays(Date date, int amount)

After the specified number of days is added to Date, the new Date object is returned. The amount can be a negative number.

Subtracts one day from the planned job scheduling time and convert the time to the yyyy-MM-dd format.


Subtracts one day from the planned job scheduling time and convert the time to the week format.

  • #{DateUtil.format(DateUtil.addDays(Job.planTime,-1),"yyyyw")}

    If Job.planTime is January 7, 2024, value 20241 is returned.

  • #{DateUtil.format(DateUtil.addDays(Job.planTime,-1),"yyyyww")}

    If Job.planTime is January 7, 2024, value 202401 is returned.

Date addHours(Date date, int amount)

After the specified number of hours is added to Date, the new Date object is returned. The amount can be a negative number.

Subtract one hour from the planned job scheduling time and convert the time to the hour format.

#{DateUtil.format(DateUtil.addHours(Job.planTime,-1),"yyyy-MM-dd HH")}

Date addMinutes(Date date, int amount)

After the specified number of minutes is added to Date, the new Date object is returned. The amount can be a negative number.

Subtract one minute from the planned job scheduling time and convert the time to the minute format.

#{DateUtil.format(DateUtil.addMinutes(Job.planTime,-1),"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")}

int getDay(Date date)

Obtains the day from the date. For example, if the date is 2018-09-14, 14 is returned.

Obtain the day from the job scheduling plan.


int getMonth(Date date)

Obtains the month from the date. For example, if the date is 2018-09-14, 9 is returned.

Obtain the month from the date.


int getQuarter(Date date)

Obtains the quarter from the date. For example, if the date is 2018-09-14, 3 is returned.

Obtain the quarter from the date.


int getYear(Date date)

Obtains the year from the date. For example, if the date is 2018-09-14, 2018 is returned.

Obtain the year from the date.


Date now()

Returns the current time.

Return the current time accurate to second.

#{DateUtil.format(DateUtil.now(),"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}

long getTime(Date date)

Converts a time of the date type to one of the long type.

Convert the planned job scheduling time to a timestamp.


Date parseDate(String str, String pattern)

Converts the character string to the date by pattern. The pattern is the date and time mode. For details, see Date and Time Mode.

Convert the job start time string to a time accurate to second.

#{DateUtil.parseDate(Job.getPlanTime("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS"),"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")}


The previous day of the job scheduling plan time is used as the subdirectory name to generate an OBS path. The EL expression is as follows:
