Updated on 2023-03-28 GMT+08:00


Database permission types are classified into database permission, database owner, and database DBA.

Request for Permissions

  • The database permissions you apply for this time will overwrite the existing database permissions.
  • The application cannot be submitted repeatedly for the database being approved. Submit a new application after the current application is approved.
  1. On the top menu bar, choose Instance/Databases/Sensitive Columns > Databases.
  2. In the database list, click Request for Permissions.
  3. Click Add. On the displayed page, select the databases you want to request permissions and click OK.
  4. Select a permission type (Database Permission, Database Owner, or Database DBA).
  5. Set Permissions, Duration, and Application Reason. Click Submit.

    Query: data query, used for SQL window query and table data query.

    Data modification: data writes used for data modifications.

    Structure modification: structure modifications used for table structure modification.

    O&M: O&M writes, such as grant, kill, and other operations.

    High-risk operation: operations involving physical deletion, such as dropping databases or stables, truncating tables, and dropping tables.

  6. In the database list, click Permissions Details to view the details and click Manage to go to the database management page.

    • Permissions details

      In the database list, click Permissions Details. In the dialog box, view Current Database, Database DBA, Database Owner, and Users.

    • Database management. For details, see Database Management.
    • SQL window. For details, see SQL Window.