Updated on 2024-06-03 GMT+08:00

AI Feature Functions

  • gs_index_advise(text)

    Description: Recommends an index for a single query statement.

    Parameter: SQL statement string

    Return type: record

    For details, see section "DBMind: Autonomous Database O&M > AI Sub-functions of DBMind > Index-advisor: Index Recommendation > Single-Query Index Recommendation" in Feature Guide.

  • hypopg_create_index(text, [text])

    Description: Creates a virtual index.

    Parameter: (optional) character string of the statement for creating an index, level of the created virtual index

    Return type: record

    For details, see section "DBMind: Autonomous Database O&M > AI Sub-functions of DBMind > Index-advisor: Index Recommendation > Virtual Index" in Feature Guide.

  • hypopg_display_index([text])

    Description: Displays information about all created virtual indexes.

    Parameter: (optional) level of the virtual index to be displayed

    Return type: record

    For details, see section "DBMind: Autonomous Database O&M > AI Sub-functions of DBMind > Index-advisor: Index Recommendation > Virtual Index" in Feature Guide.

  • hypopg_drop_index(oid)

    Description: Deletes a specified virtual index.

    Parameter: OID of the index

    Return type: Boolean

    For details, see section "DBMind: Autonomous Database O&M > AI Sub-functions of DBMind > Index-advisor: Index Recommendation > Virtual Index" in Feature Guide.

  • hypopg_reset_index([text])

    Description: Clears all virtual indexes.

    Parameter: (optional) level of the virtual index to be cleared

    Return type: none

    For details, see section "DBMind: Autonomous Database O&M > AI Sub-functions of DBMind > Index-advisor: Index Recommendation > Virtual Index" in Feature Guide.

  • hypopg_estimate_size(oid)

    Description: Estimates the space required for creating a specified index.

    Parameter: OID of the index

    Return type: int8

    For details, see section "DBMind: Autonomous Database O&M > AI Sub-functions of DBMind > Index-advisor: Index Recommendation > Virtual Index" in Feature Guide.

  • db4ai_predict_by_bool (text, VARIADIC "any")

    Description: Obtains a model whose return value is of the Boolean type for model inference. This function is an internal function. You are advised to use the PREDICT BY syntax for inference.

    Parameter: model name and input column name of the inference task

    Return type: Boolean

  • db4ai_predict_by_float4(text, VARIADIC "any")

    Description: Obtains a model whose return value is of the float4 type for model inference. This function is an internal function. You are advised to use the PREDICT BY syntax for inference.

    Parameter: model name and input column name of the inference task

    Return type: float

  • db4ai_predict_by_float8(text, VARIADIC "any")

    Description: Obtains a model whose return value is of the float8 type for model inference. This function is an internal function. You are advised to use the PREDICT BY syntax for inference.

    Parameter: model name and input column name of the inference task

    Return type: float

  • db4ai_predict_by_int32(text, VARIADIC "any")

    Description: Obtains a model whose return value is of the int32 type for model inference. This function is an internal function. You are advised to use the PREDICT BY syntax for inference.

    Parameter: model name and input column name of the inference task

    Return type: int

  • db4ai_predict_by_int64(text, VARIADIC "any")

    Description: Obtains a model whose return value is of the int64 type for model inference. This function is an internal function. You are advised to use the PREDICT BY syntax for inference.

    Parameter: model name and input column name of the inference task

    Return type: int

  • db4ai_predict_by_numeric(text, VARIADIC "any")

    Description: Obtains a model whose return value is of the numeric type for model inference. This function is an internal function. You are advised to use the PREDICT BY syntax for inference.

    Parameter: model name and input column name of the inference task

    Return type: numeric

  • db4ai_predict_by_text(text, VARIADIC "any")

    Description: Obtains a model whose return value is of the character type for model inference. This function is an internal function. You are advised to use the PREDICT BY syntax for inference.

    Parameter: model name and input column name of the inference task

    Return type: text

  • db4ai_predict_by_float8_array(text, VARIADIC "any")

    Description: Obtains a model whose return value is of the character type for model inference. This function is an internal function. You are advised to use the PREDICT BY syntax for inference.

    Parameter: model name and input column name of the inference task

    Return type: text

  • gs_explain_model(text)

    Description: Obtains the model whose return value is of the character type for text-based model parsing.

    Parameter: model name

    Return type: text

  • gs_ai_stats_explain(text, text[])

    Description: Prints the intelligent statistics of multiple columns in the corresponding table and columns on the current node.

    Parameters: table name and column name collection.

    Return type: text

  • gs_acm_analyze_workload_manual()

    Description: Manually trains the cardinality estimation model based on the operator feedback data in the current database.

    Parameter: none

    Return type: text

    Description: This function is unavailable in the current version.

  • gs_stat_get_acm_feedback_operator_info()

    Description: Displays all operator feedback data collected in the global memory.

    Parameter: none

    Return type: record

    Description: This function is unavailable in the current version.

  • gs_stat_get_sql_feedback_info()

    Description: Displays the number of times that SQL statements are used and the execution time when SQL statements are used and not used within the effective range of the feedback cardinality function in the global memory.

    Parameter: none

    Return type: record

    Description: This function is unavailable in the current version.

  • gs_costmodel_calibration_manual()

    Description: Manually triggers operator time collection and corrects cost model parameters.

    Parameter: none

    Return type: text

    Description: This function is unavailable in the current version.

  • gs_show_aplan(cstring)

    Description: Views the multi-plan cache of queries cached in the current session.

    Parameter: prepare name is used to search for the corresponding cache plan.

    Return type: text

    Description: This function is unavailable in the current version.

  • ai_watchdog_detection_warnings()

    Description: Obtains the risk alarm information of the AI watchdog. The sysadmin or monadmin access permission is required.

    Parameter: none

    Return type: record

  • ai_watchdog_monitor_status(int)

    Description: Obtains the monitoring information of the AI watchdog. The sysadmin or monadmin access permission is required.

    Parameter: Returns the upper limit of the length of the monitored sequence.

    Return type: record

  • ai_watchdog_parameters()

    Description: Obtains the internal parameters or status information of the AI watchdog. The sysadmin or monadmin access permission is required.

    Parameter: none

    Return type: record