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Updated on 2023-11-10 GMT+08:00

Billed Items


You will be billed for the DB instance, storage space, backup space, and EIP bandwidth. For details, see Table 1.

The billed items marked with asterisks (*) are mandatory.

Table 1 GaussDB billed items

Billed Item


Billing Mode


*DB instance

Billed by instance specifications, including vCPUs and memory. Computing and storage capabilities vary by the number of vCPUs and memory size.

Yearly/Monthly and pay-per-use

Unit price of a single node x Required duration x Number of billed nodes

The unit price of a single node varies depending on the instance specifications. For details, see section "Specification Price" on GaussDB Pricing Details.


Number of billed nodes = Number of coordinator nodes (CNs) + Number of data nodes (DNs)

  • Independent deployment: If you retain the default configurations for an instance, including three shards (each containing three replicas, namely, three DNs) and three CNs, there will be a total of nice DNs in the instance, and the number of billed nodes is 12 (3 CNs + 9 DNs).
  • HA (1 primary + 2 standby): There are three DNs in an instance, and the number of billed nodes is 3.

*Storage space

Billed by storage type and capacity based on unified standards.

Yearly/Monthly and pay-per-use

Unit price of the storage space x Required duration x Storage capacity (GB)

For details about the unit price of the storage space, see section "Storage Space Price" on GaussDB Pricing Details.

Backup space

Billed based on unified standards.


Unit price of the backup space x Billed duration x (Backup capacity – Storage capacity) (GB)

For details about the unit price of the backup space, see section "Backup Storage Price" on GaussDB Pricing Details.

  • The billed duration refers to the length of time the billed backup space was used for.

EIP bandwidth

An EIP is required if a DB instance needs to access the Internet.

Billed by bandwidth, traffic, and the EIP reservation price.

  • EIP for a yearly/monthly DB instance: billed by bandwidth.
  • EIP for a pay-per-use DB instance: billed by bandwidth, traffic, or shared bandwidth. You are also charged for IP reservation if you do not bind the EIP to any instance.

Yearly/Monthly and pay-per-use

You can purchase a bandwidth add-on package or a shared traffic package.

Tiered pricing based on fixed bandwidth

  • 0 Mbit/s to 5 Mbit/s (included): billed at a fixed unit price per Mbit/s
  • Greater than 5 Mbit/s: billed at a different price per Mbit/s

For details about the unit price, see section "Bandwidth Price" on ECS Pricing Details, or see EIP Pricing Details.