Help Center/ GaussDB/ Centralized_3.x/ Partitioned Table/ Partitioned Table O&M Management/ RENAME PARTITION/ Renaming a Level-2 Partition in a Level-2 Partitioned Table
Updated on 2024-05-20 GMT+08:00

Renaming a Level-2 Partition in a Level-2 Partitioned Table

You can run ALTER TABLE RENAME SUBPARTITION to rename a level-2 partition in a level-2 partitioned table.

For example, rename the partition date_202001_channel1 in the level-2 partitioned table range_list_sales by specifying the partition name.
ALTER TABLE range_list_sales RENAME SUBPARTITION date_202001_channel1 TO date_202001_channelnew;
Alternatively, rename the partition corresponding to the partition value ('2020-01-08', '0') in the level-2 partitioned table range_list_sales.
ALTER TABLE range_list_sales RENAME SUBPARTITION FOR ('2020-01-08', '0') TO date_202001_channelnew;