Other System Functions
Other system functions are classified into PostgreSQL-compatible functions and internal functions. These functions are not recommended. If you need to use them, contact Huawei technical support.
PostgreSQL-compatible Functions and Operators
_pg_char_max_length |
_pg_char_octet_length |
_pg_datetime_precision |
_pg_expandarray |
_pg_index_position |
_pg_interval_type |
_pg_numeric_precision |
_pg_numeric_precision_radix |
_pg_numeric_scale |
_pg_truetypid |
_pg_truetypmod |
abbrev |
abs |
abstime |
abstimeeq |
abstimege |
abstimegt |
abstimein |
abstimele |
abstimelt |
abstimene |
abstimeout |
abstimerecv |
abstimesend |
aclcontains |
acldefault |
aclexplode |
aclinsert |
aclitemeq |
aclitemin |
aclitemout |
aclremove |
acos |
age |
akeys |
any_in |
any_out |
anyarray_in |
anyarray_out |
anyarray_recv |
anyarray_send |
anyelement_in |
anyelement_out |
anyenum_in |
anyenum_out |
anynonarray_in |
anynonarray_out |
anyrange_in |
anyrange_out |
anytextcat |
area |
areajoinsel |
areasel |
array_agg |
array_agg_finalfn |
array_agg_transfn |
array_append |
array_cat |
array_dims |
array_eq |
array_fill |
array_ge |
array_gt |
array_in |
array_larger |
array_le |
array_length |
array_lower |
array_lt |
array_ndims |
array_ne |
array_out |
array_prepend |
array_recv |
array_send |
array_smaller |
array_to_json |
array_to_string |
array_typanalyze |
array_upper |
arraycontained |
arraycontains |
arraycontjoinsel |
arraycontsel |
arrayoverlap |
ascii |
asin |
atan |
atan2 |
avals |
avg |
big5_to_euc_tw |
big5_to_mic |
big5_to_utf8 |
bit |
bit_and |
bit_in |
bit_length |
bit_or |
bit_out |
bit_recv |
bit_send |
bitand |
bitcat |
bitcmp |
biteq |
bitge |
bitgt |
bitle |
bitlt |
bitne |
bitnot |
bitor |
bitshiftleft |
bitshiftright |
bittypmodin |
bittypmodout |
bitxor |
bool |
bool_and |
bool_or |
booland_statefunc |
booleq |
boolge |
boolgt |
boolin |
boolle |
boollt |
boolne |
boolor_statefunc |
boolout |
boolrecv |
boolsend |
box |
box_above |
box_above_eq |
box_add |
box_below |
box_below_eq |
box_center |
box_contain |
box_contain_pt |
box_contained |
box_distance |
box_div |
box_eq |
box_ge |
box_gt |
box_in |
box_intersect |
box_le |
box_left |
box_lt |
box_mul |
box_out |
box_overabove |
box_overbelow |
box_overlap |
box_overleft |
box_overright |
box_recv |
box_right |
box_same |
box_send |
box_sub |
bpchar |
bpchar_larger |
bpchar_pattern_ge |
bpchar_pattern_gt |
bpchar_pattern_le |
bpchar_pattern_lt |
bpchar_smaller |
bpchar_sortsupport |
bpcharcmp |
bpchareq |
bpcharge |
bpchargt |
bpchariclike |
bpcharicnlike |
bpcharicregexeq |
bpcharicregexne |
bpcharin |
bpcharle |
bpcharlike |
bpcharlt |
bpcharne |
bpcharnlike |
bpcharout |
bpcharrecv |
bpcharregexeq |
bpcharregexne |
bpcharsend |
bpchartypmodin |
bpchartypmodout |
broadcast |
btabstimecmp |
btarraycmp |
btbeginscan |
btboolcmp |
btbpchar_pattern_cmp |
btbuild |
btbuildempty |
btbulkdelete |
btcanreturn |
btcharcmp |
btcostestimate |
btendscan |
btfloat48cmp |
btfloat4cmp |
btfloat4sortsupport |
btfloat84cmp |
btfloat8cmp |
btfloat8sortsupport |
btgetbitmap |
btgettuple |
btinsert |
btint24cmp |
btint28cmp |
btint2cmp |
btint2sortsupport |
btint42cmp |
btint48cmp |
btint4cmp |
btint4sortsupport |
btint82cmp |
btint84cmp |
btint8cmp |
btint8sortsupport |
btmarkpos |
btnamecmp |
btnamesortsupport |
btoidcmp |
btoidsortsupport |
btoidvectorcmp |
btoptions |
btrecordcmp |
btreltimecmp |
btrescan |
btrestrpos |
btrim |
bttext_pattern_cmp |
bttextcmp |
bttextsortsupport |
bttidcmp |
bttintervalcmp |
btvacuumcleanup |
bytea_sortsupport |
bytea_string_agg_finalfn |
bytea_string_agg_transfn |
byteacat |
byteacmp |
byteaeq |
byteage |
byteagt |
byteain |
byteale |
bytealike |
bytealt |
byteane |
byteanlike |
byteaout |
bytearecv |
byteasend |
cash_cmp |
cash_div_cash |
cash_div_flt4 |
cash_div_flt8 |
cash_div_int2 |
cash_div_int4 |
cash_div_int8 |
cash_eq |
cash_ge |
cash_gt |
cash_in |
cash_le |
cash_lt |
cash_mi |
cash_mul_flt4 |
cash_mul_flt8 |
cash_mul_int2 |
cash_mul_int4 |
cash_mul_int8 |
cash_ne |
cash_out |
cash_pl |
cash_recv |
cash_send |
cashlarger |
cashsmaller |
cbrt |
ceil |
ceiling |
center |
char |
char_length |
character_length |
chareq |
charge |
chargt |
charin |
charle |
charlt |
charne |
charout |
charrecv |
charsend |
chr |
cideq |
cidin |
cidout |
cidr |
cidr_in |
cidr_out |
cidr_recv |
cidr_send |
cidrecv |
cidsend |
circle |
circle_above |
circle_add_pt |
circle_below |
circle_center |
circle_contain |
circle_contain_pt |
circle_contained |
circle_distance |
circle_div_pt |
circle_eq |
circle_ge |
circle_gt |
circle_in |
circle_le |
circle_left |
circle_lt |
circle_mul_pt |
circle_ne |
circle_out |
circle_overabove |
circle_overbelow |
circle_overlap |
circle_overleft |
circle_overright |
circle_recv |
circle_right |
circle_same |
circle_send |
circle_sub_pt |
clock_timestamp |
close_lb |
close_ls |
close_lseg |
close_pb |
close_pl |
close_ps |
close_sb |
close_sl |
col_description |
concat |
concat_ws |
contjoinsel |
contsel |
convert |
convert_from |
convert_to |
corr |
cos |
cot |
count |
covar_pop |
covar_samp |
cstring_in |
cstring_out |
cstring_recv |
cstring_send |
cume_dist |
current_database |
current_query |
current_schema |
xpath_exists |
current_setting |
current_user |
currtid |
currtid2 |
currval |
cursor_to_xml |
cursor_to_xmlschema |
database_to_xml |
database_to_xml_and_xmlschema |
database_to_xmlschema |
date |
date_cmp |
date_cmp_timestamp |
date_cmp_timestamptz |
date_eq |
date_eq_timestamp |
date_eq_timestamptz |
date_ge |
date_ge_timestamp |
date_ge_timestamptz |
date_gt |
date_gt_timestamp |
date_gt_timestamptz |
date_in |
date_larger |
date_le |
date_le_timestamp |
date_le_timestamptz |
date_lt |
date_lt_timestamp |
date_lt_timestamptz |
date_mi |
date_mi_interval |
date_mii |
date_ne |
date_ne_timestamp |
date_ne_timestamptz |
date_out |
date_pl_interval |
date_pli |
date_recv |
date_send |
date_smaller |
date_sortsupport |
daterange_canonical |
daterange_subdiff |
datetime_pl |
datetimetz_pl |
dcbrt |
decode |
defined |
degrees |
delete |
dense_rank |
dexp |
diagonal |
diameter |
dispell_init |
dispell_lexize |
dist_cpoly |
dist_lb |
dist_pb |
dist_pc |
dist_pl |
dist_ppath |
dist_ps |
dist_sb |
dist_sl |
div |
dlog1 |
dlog10 |
domain_in |
domain_recv |
dpow |
dround |
dsimple_init |
dsimple_lexize |
dsnowball_init |
dsnowball_lexize |
dsqrt |
dsynonym_init |
dsynonym_lexize |
dtrunc |
each |
enum_ne |
enum_out |
enum_range |
enum_recv |
enum_send |
enum_smaller |
eqjoinsel |
eqsel |
euc_cn_to_mic |
euc_cn_to_utf8 |
euc_jis_2004_to_shift_jis_2004 |
euc_jis_2004_to_utf8 |
euc_jp_to_mic |
euc_jp_to_sjis |
euc_jp_to_utf8 |
euc_kr_to_mic |
euc_kr_to_utf8 |
euc_tw_to_big5 |
euc_tw_to_mic |
euc_tw_to_utf8 |
every |
exist |
exists_all |
exists_any |
exp |
factorial |
family |
fdw_handler_in |
fdw_handler_out |
fetchval |
first_value |
float4 |
float4_accum |
float48div |
float48eq |
float48ge |
float48gt |
float48le |
float48lt |
float48mi |
float48mul |
float48ne |
float48pl |
float4abs |
float4div |
float4eq |
float4ge |
float4gt |
float4in |
float4larger |
float4le |
float4lt |
float4mi |
float4mul |
float4ne |
float4out |
float4pl |
float4recv |
float4send |
float4smaller |
float4um |
float4up |
float8 |
float8_accum |
float8_avg |
float8_collect |
float8_corr |
float8_covar_pop |
float8_covar_samp |
float8_regr_accum |
float8_regr_avgx |
float8_regr_avgy |
float8_regr_collect |
float8_regr_intercept |
float8_regr_r2 |
float8_regr_slope |
float8_regr_sxx |
float8_regr_sxy |
float8_regr_syy |
float8_stddev_pop |
float8_stddev_samp |
float8_var_pop |
float8_var_samp |
float84div |
float84eq |
float84ge |
float84gt |
float84le |
float84lt |
float84mi |
float84mul |
float84ne |
float84pl |
float8abs |
float8div |
float8eq |
float8ge |
float8gt |
float8in |
float8larger |
float8le |
float8lt |
float8mi |
float8mul |
float8ne |
float8out |
float8pl |
float8recv |
float8send |
float8smaller |
float8um |
float8up |
floor |
flt4_mul_cash |
flt8_mul_cash |
fmgr_c_validator |
fmgr_internal_validator |
fmgr_sql_validator |
format |
format_type |
gb18030_to_utf8 |
gbk_to_utf8 |
generate_series |
generate_subscripts |
get_bit |
get_byte |
get_current_ts_config |
- |
- |
gin_clean_pending_list |
gin_cmp_prefix |
gin_cmp_tslexeme |
gin_extract_tsquery |
gin_extract_tsvector |
gin_tsquery_consistent |
gin_tsquery_triconsistent |
ginarrayconsistent |
ginarrayextract |
ginarraytriconsistent |
ginbeginscan |
ginbuild |
ginbuildempty |
ginbulkdelete |
gincostestimate |
ginendscan |
gingetbitmap |
gininsert |
ginmarkpos |
ginoptions |
ginqueryarrayextract |
ginrescan |
ginrestrpos |
ginvacuumcleanup |
gist_box_compress |
gist_box_consistent |
gist_box_decompress |
gist_box_penalty |
gist_box_picksplit |
gist_box_same |
gist_box_union |
gist_circle_compress |
gist_circle_consistent |
gist_point_compress |
gist_point_consistent |
gist_point_distance |
gist_poly_compress |
gist_poly_consistent |
gistbeginscan |
gistbuild |
gistbuildempty |
gistbulkdelete |
gistcostestimate |
gistendscan |
gistgetbitmap |
gistgettuple |
gistinsert |
gistmarkpos |
gistoptions |
gistrescan |
gistrestrpos |
gistvacuumcleanup |
gtsquery_compress |
gtsquery_consistent |
gtsquery_decompress |
gtsquery_penalty |
gtsquery_picksplit |
gtsquery_same |
gtsquery_union |
gtsvector_compress |
gtsvector_consistent |
gtsvector_decompress |
gtsvector_penalty |
gtsvector_picksplit |
gtsvector_same |
gtsvector_union |
gtsvectorin |
gtsvectorout |
has_tablespace_privilege |
has_type_privilege |
hash_aclitem |
hashbeginscan |
hashbuild |
hashbuildempty |
hashbulkdelete |
hashcostestimate |
hashendscan |
hashgetbitmap |
hashgettuple |
hashinsert |
hashint2vector |
hashint4 |
hashint8 |
hashmacaddr |
hashmarkpos |
hashname |
hashoid |
hashoidvector |
hashoptions |
hashrescan |
hashrestrpos |
hashtext |
hashvacuumcleanup |
hashvarlena |
host |
hostmask |
iclikejoinsel |
iclikesel |
icnlikejoinsel |
icnlikesel |
icregexeqjoinsel |
icregexeqsel |
icregexnejoinsel |
icregexnesel |
inet_client_addr |
inet_client_port |
inet_in |
inet_out |
inet_recv |
inet_send |
inet_server_addr |
inet_server_port |
inetand |
inetmi |
inetmi_int8 |
inetnot |
inetor |
inetpl |
initcap |
int2_accum |
int2_avg_accum |
int2_mul_cash |
int2_sum |
int24div |
int24eq |
int24ge |
int24gt |
int24le |
int24lt |
int24mi |
int24mul |
int24ne |
int24pl |
int28div |
int28eq |
int28ge |
int28gt |
int28le |
int28lt |
int28mi |
int28mul |
int28ne |
int28pl |
int2abs |
int2and |
int2div |
int2eq |
int2ge |
int2gt |
int2in |
int2larger |
int2le |
int2lt |
int2mi |
int2mod |
int2mul |
int2ne |
int2not |
int2or |
int2out |
int2pl |
int2recv |
int2send |
int2shl |
int2shr |
int2smaller |
int2um |
int2up |
int2vectoreq |
int2vectorin |
int2vectorout |
int2vectorrecv |
int2vectorsend |
int2xor |
int4_accum |
int4_avg_accum |
int4_mul_cash |
int4_sum |
int42div |
int42eq |
int42ge |
int42gt |
int42le |
int42lt |
int42mi |
int42mul |
int42ne |
int42pl |
int48div |
int48eq |
int48ge |
int48gt |
int48le |
int48lt |
int48mi |
int48mul |
int48ne |
int48pl |
int4abs |
int4and |
int4div |
int4eq |
int4ge |
int4gt |
int4in |
int4inc |
int4larger |
int4le |
int4lt |
int4mi |
int4mod |
int4mul |
int4ne |
int4not |
int4or |
int4out |
int4pl |
int4range |
int4range_canonical |
int4range_subdiff |
int4recv |
int4send |
int4shl |
int4shr |
int4smaller |
int4um |
int4up |
int4xor |
int8 |
int8_avg |
int8_avg_accum |
int8_avg_collect |
int8_mul_cash |
int8_sum |
int8_sum_to_int8 |
int8_accum |
int82div |
int82eq |
int82ge |
int82gt |
int82le |
int82lt |
int82mi |
int82mul |
int82ne |
int82pl |
int84div |
int84eq |
int84ge |
int84gt |
int84le |
int84lt |
int84mi |
int84mul |
int84ne |
int84pl |
int8abs |
int8and |
int8div |
int8eq |
int8ge |
int8gt |
int8in |
int8inc |
int8inc_any |
int8inc_float8_float8 |
int8larger |
int8le |
int8lt |
int8mi |
int8mod |
int8mul |
int8ne |
int8not |
int8or |
int8out |
int8pl |
int8pl_inet |
int8range |
int8range_canonical |
int8range_subdiff |
int8recv |
int8send |
int8shl |
int8shr |
int8smaller |
int8um |
int8up |
int8xor |
integer_pl_date |
inter_lb |
inter_sb |
inter_sl |
internal_in |
internal_out |
interval |
interval_accum |
interval_avg |
interval_cmp |
interval_collect |
interval_div |
interval_eq |
interval_ge |
interval_gt |
interval_hash |
interval_in |
interval_larger |
interval_le |
interval_lt |
interval_mi |
interval_mul |
interval_ne |
interval_out |
interval_pl |
interval_pl_date |
interval_pl_time |
interval_pl_timestamp |
interval_pl_timestamptz |
interval_pl_timetz |
interval_recv |
interval_send |
interval_smaller |
interval_transform |
interval_um |
intervaltypmodin |
intervaltypmodout |
intinterval |
isexists |
ishorizontal |
iso_to_koi8r |
iso_to_mic |
iso_to_win1251 |
iso_to_win866 |
iso8859_1_to_utf8 |
iso8859_to_utf8 |
isparallel |
isperp |
isvertical |
johab_to_utf8 |
jsonb_in |
jsonb_out |
jsonb_recv |
jsonb_send |
- |
- |
- |
json_in |
json_out |
json_recv |
json_send |
justify_days |
justify_hours |
justify_interval |
koi8r_to_iso |
koi8r_to_mic |
koi8r_to_utf8 |
koi8r_to_win1251 |
koi8r_to_win866 |
koi8u_to_utf8 |
language_handler_in |
language_handler_out |
latin1_to_mic |
latin2_to_mic |
latin2_to_win1250 |
latin3_to_mic |
latin4_to_mic |
like_escape |
likejoinsel |
likesel |
line |
line_distance |
line_eq |
line_horizontal |
line_in |
line_interpt |
line_intersect |
line_out |
line_parallel |
line_perp |
line_recv |
line_send |
line_vertical |
ln |
lo_close |
lo_creat |
lo_create |
lo_export |
lo_import |
lo_lseek |
lo_open |
lo_tell |
lo_truncate |
lo_unlink |
log |
loread |
lower |
lower_inc |
lower_inf |
lowrite |
lpad |
lseg |
lseg_center |
lseg_distance |
lseg_eq |
lseg_ge |
lseg_gt |
lseg_horizontal |
lseg_in |
lseg_interpt |
lseg_intersect |
lseg_le |
lseg_length |
lseg_lt |
lseg_ne |
lseg_out |
lseg_parallel |
lseg_perp |
lseg_recv |
lseg_send |
lseg_vertical |
ltrim |
macaddr_and |
macaddr_cmp |
macaddr_eq |
macaddr_ge |
macaddr_gt |
macaddr_in |
macaddr_le |
macaddr_lt |
macaddr_ne |
macaddr_not |
macaddr_or |
macaddr_out |
macaddr_recv |
macaddr_send |
makeaclitem |
masklen |
max |
md5 (The MD5 encryption algorithm has lower security and poses security risks. Therefore, you are advised to use a more secure encryption algorithm.) |
mic_to_big5 |
mic_to_euc_cn |
mic_to_euc_jp |
mic_to_euc_kr |
mic_to_euc_tw |
mic_to_iso |
mic_to_koi8r |
mic_to_latin1 |
mic_to_latin2 |
mic_to_latin3 |
mic_to_latin4 |
mic_to_sjis |
mic_to_win1250 |
mic_to_win1251 |
mic_to_win866 |
min |
mktinterval |
money |
mul_d_interval |
name |
nameeq |
namege |
namegt |
nameiclike |
nameicnlike |
nameicregexeq |
nameicregexne |
namein |
namele |
namelike |
namelt |
namene |
namenlike |
nameout |
namerecv |
nameregexeq |
nameregexne |
namesend |
neqjoinsel |
neqsel |
network_cmp |
network_eq |
network_ge |
network_gt |
network_le |
network_lt |
network_ne |
network_sub |
network_subeq |
network_sup |
network_supeq |
nlikejoinsel |
nlikesel |
numeric |
numeric_abs |
numeric_accum |
numeric_add |
numeric_avg |
numeric_avg_accum |
numeric_avg_collect |
numeric_cmp |
numeric_collect |
numeric_div |
numeric_div_trunc |
numeric_eq |
numeric_exp |
numeric_fac |
numeric_ge |
numeric_gt |
numeric_in |
numeric_inc |
numeric_larger |
numeric_le |
numeric_ln |
numeric_log |
numeric_lt |
numeric_mod |
numeric_mul |
numeric_ne |
numeric_out |
numeric_power |
numeric_recv |
numeric_send |
numeric_smaller |
numeric_sortsupport |
numeric_sqrt |
numeric_stddev_pop |
numeric_stddev_samp |
numeric_sub |
numeric_transform |
numeric_uminus |
numeric_uplus |
numeric_var_pop |
numeric_var_samp |
numerictypmodin |
numerictypmodout |
numrange_subdiff |
oid |
oideq |
oidge |
oidgt |
oidin |
oidlarger |
oidle |
oidlt |
oidne |
oidout |
oidrecv |
oidsend |
oidsmaller |
oidvectoreq |
oidvectorge |
oidvectorgt |
oidvectorin |
oidvectorle |
oidvectorlt |
oidvectorne |
oidvectorout |
oidvectorrecv |
oidvectorsend |
oidvectortypes |
on_pb |
on_pl |
on_ppath |
on_ps |
on_sb |
on_sl |
opaque_in |
opaque_out |
ordered_set_transition |
overlaps |
overlay |
path |
path_add |
path_add_pt |
path_center |
path_contain_pt |
path_distance |
path_div_pt |
path_in |
path_inter |
path_length |
path_mul_pt |
path_n_eq |
path_n_ge |
path_n_gt |
path_n_le |
path_n_lt |
path_npoints |
path_out |
path_recv |
path_send |
path_sub_pt |
percentile_cont |
percentile_cont_float8_final |
percentile_cont_interval_final |
pg_char_to_encoding |
pg_cursor |
pg_encoding_max_length |
pg_encoding_to_char |
- |
- |
- |
pg_node_tree_in |
pg_node_tree_out |
pg_node_tree_recv |
pg_node_tree_send |
pg_prepared_statement |
pg_prepared_xact |
- |
- |
pg_show_all_settings |
pg_stat_get_bgwriter_stat_reset_time |
pg_stat_get_buf_fsync_backend |
pg_stat_get_checkpoint_sync_time |
pg_stat_get_checkpoint_write_time |
pg_stat_get_db_blk_read_time |
pg_stat_get_db_blk_write_time |
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_all |
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_bufferpin |
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_snapshot |
pg_stat_get_db_conflict_startup_deadlock |
pg_switch_xlog |
xpath |
pg_timezone_abbrevs |
pg_timezone_names |
pg_stat_get_wal_receiver |
plpgsql_call_handler |
plpgsql_inline_handler |
plpgsql_validator |
point_above |
point_add |
point_below |
point_distance |
point_div |
point_eq |
point_horiz |
point_in |
point_left |
point_mul |
point_ne |
point_out |
point_recv |
point_right |
point_send |
point_sub |
point_vert |
poly_above |
poly_below |
poly_center |
poly_contain |
poly_contain_pt |
poly_contained |
poly_distance |
poly_in |
poly_left |
poly_npoints |
poly_out |
poly_overabove |
poly_overbelow |
poly_overlap |
poly_overleft |
poly_overright |
poly_recv |
poly_right |
poly_same |
poly_send |
polygon |
position |
positionjoinsel |
positionsel |
postgresql_fdw_validator |
pow |
power |
prsd_end |
prsd_headline |
prsd_lextype |
prsd_nexttoken |
prsd_start |
pt_contained_circle |
pt_contained_poly |
query_to_xml |
query_to_xml_and_xmlschema |
query_to_xmlschema |
quote_ident |
quote_literal |
quote_nullable |
radians |
radius |
random |
range_adjacent |
range_after |
range_before |
range_cmp |
range_contained_by |
range_contains |
range_contains_elem |
range_eq |
range_ge |
range_gist_compress |
range_gist_consistent |
range_gist_decompress |
range_gist_penalty |
range_gist_picksplit |
range_gist_same |
range_gist_union |
range_gt |
range_in |
range_intersect |
range_le |
range_lt |
range_minus |
range_ne |
range_out |
range_overlaps |
range_overleft |
range_overright |
range_recv |
range_send |
range_typanalyze |
range_union |
rank |
record_eq |
record_ge |
record_gt |
record_in |
record_le |
record_lt |
record_ne |
record_out |
record_recv |
record_send |
regclass |
regclassin |
regclassout |
regclassrecv |
regclasssend |
regconfigin |
regconfigout |
regconfigrecv |
regconfigsend |
regdictionaryin |
regdictionaryout |
regdictionaryrecv |
regdictionarysend |
regexeqjoinsel |
regexeqsel |
regexnejoinsel |
regexnesel |
regexp_matches |
regexp_replace |
regexp_split_to_array |
regexp_split_to_table |
regoperatorin |
regoperatorout |
regoperatorrecv |
regoperatorsend |
regoperin |
regoperout |
regoperrecv |
regopersend |
regprocedurein |
regprocedureout |
regprocedurerecv |
regproceduresend |
regprocin |
regprocout |
regprocrecv |
regprocsend |
regr_avgx |
regr_avgy |
regr_count |
regr_intercept |
regr_r2 |
regr_slope |
regr_sxx |
regr_sxy |
regr_syy |
regtypein |
regtypeout |
regtyperecv |
regtypesend |
reltime |
reltimeeq |
reltimege |
reltimegt |
reltimein |
reltimele |
reltimelt |
reltimene |
reltimeout |
reltimerecv |
reltimesend |
repeat |
replace |
reverse |
RI_FKey_cascade_del |
RI_FKey_cascade_upd |
RI_FKey_check_ins |
RI_FKey_check_upd |
RI_FKey_noaction_del |
RI_FKey_noaction_upd |
RI_FKey_restrict_del |
RI_FKey_restrict_upd |
RI_FKey_setdefault_del |
RI_FKey_setdefault_upd |
RI_FKey_setnull_del |
RI_FKey_setnull_upd |
right |
round |
row_number |
row_to_json |
rpad |
rtrim |
scalargtjoinsel |
scalargtsel |
scalarltjoinsel |
scalarltsel |
schema_to_xml |
schema_to_xml_and_xmlschema |
schema_to_xmlschema |
session_user |
set_bit |
set_byte |
set_config |
set_masklen |
shift_jis_2004_to_euc_jis_2004 |
shift_jis_2004_to_utf8 |
sjis_to_euc_jp |
sjis_to_mic |
sjis_to_utf8 |
smgrin |
smgrout |
spg_kd_choose |
spg_kd_config |
spg_kd_inner_consistent |
spg_kd_picksplit |
spg_quad_choose |
spg_quad_config |
spg_quad_inner_consistent |
spg_quad_leaf_consistent |
spg_quad_picksplit |
spg_text_choose |
spg_text_config |
spg_text_inner_consistent |
spg_text_leaf_consistent |
spg_text_picksplit |
spgbeginscan |
spgbuild |
spgbuildempty |
spgbulkdelete |
spgcanreturn |
spgcostestimate |
spgendscan |
spggetbitmap |
spggettuple |
spginsert |
spgmarkpos |
spgoptions |
spgrescan |
spgrestrpos |
spgvacuumcleanup |
stddev |
stddev_pop |
stddev_samp |
string_agg |
string_agg_finalfn |
string_agg_transfn |
strip |
sum |
suppress_redundant_updates_trigger |
table_to_xml |
table_to_xml_and_xmlschema |
table_to_xmlschema |
tan |
text |
text_ge |
text_gt |
text_larger |
text_le |
text_lt |
text_pattern_ge |
text_pattern_gt |
text_pattern_le |
text_pattern_lt |
text_smaller |
textanycat |
textcat |
texteq |
texticlike |
texticnlike |
texticregexeq |
texticregexne |
textin |
textlike |
textne |
textnlike |
textout |
textrecv |
textregexeq |
textregexne |
textsend |
thesaurus_init |
thesaurus_lexize |
tideq |
tidge |
tidgt |
tidin |
tidlarger |
tidle |
tidlt |
tidne |
tidout |
tidrecv |
tidsend |
tidsmaller |
time |
time_cmp |
time_eq |
time_ge |
time_gt |
time_hash |
time_in |
time_larger |
time_le |
time_lt |
time_mi_interval |
time_mi_time |
time_ne |
time_out |
time_pl_interval |
time_recv |
time_send |
time_smaller |
time_transform |
timedate_pl |
timemi |
timepl |
timestamp |
timestamp_cmp |
timestamp_cmp_date |
timestamp_cmp_timestamptz |
timestamp_eq |
timestamp_eq_date |
timestamp_eq_timestamptz |
timestamp_ge |
timestamp_ge_date |
timestamp_ge_timestamptz |
timestamp_gt |
timestamp_gt_date |
timestamp_gt_timestamptz |
timestamp_hash |
timestamp_in |
timestamp_larger |
timestamp_le |
timestamp_le_date |
timestamp_le_timestamptz |
timestamp_lt |
timestamp_lt_date |
timestamp_lt_timestamptz |
timestamp_mi |
timestamp_mi_interval |
timestamp_ne |
timestamp_ne_date |
timestamp_ne_timestamptz |
timestamp_out |
timestamp_pl_interval |
timestamp_recv |
timestamp_send |
timestamp_smaller |
timestamp_sortsupport |
timestamp_transform |
timestamptypmodin |
timestamptypmodout |
timestamptz |
timestamptz_cmp |
timestamptz_cmp_date |
timestamptz_cmp_timestamp |
timestamptz_eq |
timestamptz_eq_date |
timestamptz_eq_timestamp |
timestamptz_ge |
timestamptz_ge_date |
timestamptz_ge_timestamp |
timestamptz_gt |
timestamptz_gt_date |
timestamptz_gt_timestamp |
timestamptz_in |
timestamptz_larger |
timestamptz_le |
timestamptz_le_date |
timestamptz_le_timestamp |
timestamptz_lt |
timestamptz_lt_date |
timestamptz_lt_timestamp |
timestamptz_mi |
timestamptz_mi_interval |
timestamptz_ne |
timestamptz_ne_date |
timestamptz_ne_timestamp |
timestamptz_out |
timestamptz_pl_interval |
timestamptz_recv |
timestamptz_send |
timestamptz_smaller |
timestamptztypmodin |
timestamptztypmodout |
timetypmodin |
timetypmodout |
timetz |
timetz_cmp |
timetz_eq |
timetz_ge |
timetz_gt |
timetz_hash |
timetz_in |
timetz_larger |
timetz_le |
timetz_lt |
timetz_mi_interval |
timetz_ne |
timetz_out |
timetz_pl_interval |
timetz_recv |
timetz_send |
timetz_smaller |
timetzdate_pl |
timetztypmodin |
timetztypmodout |
timezone (2069) |
timezone (1159) |
timezone (2037) |
timezone (2070) |
timezone (1026) |
timezone (2038) |
tintervalct |
tintervaleq |
tintervalge |
tintervalgt |
tintervalin |
tintervalle |
tintervalleneq |
tintervallenge |
tintervallengt |
tintervallenle |
tintervallenlt |
tintervallenne |
tintervallt |
tintervalne |
tintervalout |
tintervalov |
tintervalrecv |
tintervalsame |
tintervalsend |
tintervalstart |
to_ascii (1845) |
to_ascii (1847) |
to_ascii (1846) |
trigger_in |
trigger_out |
ts_match_qv |
ts_match_tq |
ts_match_tt |
ts_match_vq |
ts_rank |
ts_rank_cd |
ts_rewrite |
ts_stat |
ts_token_type |
ts_typanalyze |
tsmatchjoinsel |
tsmatchsel |
tsq_mcontained |
tsq_mcontains |
tsquery_and |
tsquery_cmp |
tsquery_eq |
tsquery_ge |
tsquery_gt |
tsquery_le |
tsquery_lt |
tsquery_ne |
tsquery_not |
tsquery_or |
tsqueryin |
tsqueryout |
tsqueryrecv |
tsquerysend |
tsrange |
tsrange_subdiff |
tstzrange |
tstzrange_subdiff |
tsvector_cmp |
tsvector_concat |
tsvector_eq |
tsvector_ge |
tsvector_gt |
tsvector_le |
tsvector_lt |
tsvector_ne |
tsvector_update_trigger |
tsvector_update_trigger_column |
tsvectorin |
tsvectorout |
tsvectorrecv |
tsvectorsend |
txid_current |
txid_current_snapshot |
txid_snapshot_in |
txid_snapshot_out |
txid_snapshot_recv |
txid_snapshot_send |
txid_snapshot_xip |
txid_snapshot_xmax |
txid_snapshot_xmin |
txid_visible_in_snapshot |
uhc_to_utf8 |
unique_key_recheck |
unknownin |
unknownout |
unknownrecv |
unknownsend |
unnest |
utf8_to_big5 |
utf8_to_euc_cn |
utf8_to_euc_jis_2004 |
utf8_to_euc_jp |
utf8_to_euc_kr |
utf8_to_euc_tw |
utf8_to_gb18030 |
utf8_to_gbk |
utf8_to_iso8859 |
utf8_to_iso8859_1 |
utf8_to_johab |
utf8_to_koi8r |
utf8_to_koi8u |
utf8_to_shift_jis_2004 |
utf8_to_sjis |
utf8_to_uhc |
utf8_to_win |
uuid_cmp |
uuid_eq |
uuid_ge |
uuid_gt |
uuid_hash |
uuid_in |
uuid_le |
uuid_lt |
uuid_ne |
uuid_out |
uuid_recv |
uuid_send |
var_pop |
var_samp |
varbit |
varbit_in |
varbit_out |
varbit_recv |
varbit_send |
varbit_transform |
varbitcmp |
varbiteq |
varbitge |
varbitgt |
varbitle |
varbitlt |
varbitne |
varbittypmodin |
varbittypmodout |
varchar |
varchar_transform |
varcharin |
varcharout |
varcharrecv |
varcharsend |
varchartypmodin |
varchartypmodout |
variance |
void_in |
void_out |
void_recv |
void_send |
win_to_utf8 |
win1250_to_latin2 |
win1250_to_mic |
win1251_to_iso |
win1251_to_koi8r |
win1251_to_mic |
win1251_to_win866 |
win866_to_iso |
win866_to_koi8r |
win866_to_mic |
win866_to_win1251 |
xideq |
xideqint4 |
xidin |
xidout |
xidrecv |
xidsend |
xml |
xml_in |
xml_is_well_formed |
xml_is_well_formed_content |
xml_is_well_formed_document |
xml_out |
xml_recv |
xml_send |
xmlagg |
xmlcomment |
xmlconcat2 |
xmlexists |
xmlvalidate |
pg_notify |
- |
- |
Internal Functions
The following lists the functions used by GaussDB to implement internal system functions. You are advised not to use these functions. If you need to use them, contact Huawei technical support.
- smgreq(a smgr, b smgr)
Description: Compares two smgrs to check whether they are the same.
Parameter: smgr, smgr
Return type: Boolean
- smgrne(a smgr, b smgr)
Description: Checks whether the two smgrs are different.
Parameter: smgr, smgr
Return type: Boolean
- xidin4
Description: Inputs a 4-byte xid.
Parameter: cstring
Return type: xid32
- set_hashbucket_info
Description: Sets hash bucket information.
Parameter: text
Return type: Boolean
- int1send
Description: Packs unsigned 1-byte integers into the internal data buffer stream.
Parameter: tinyint
Return type: bytea
- listagg
Description: Specifies aggregate functions of the list type.
Parameter: smallint, text
Return type: text
- log_fdw_validator
Description: Specifies validation functions.
Parameter: text[], oid
Return type: void
- nvarchar2typmodin
Description: Obtains the typmod information of the varchar type.
Parameter: cstring[]
Return type: integer
- nvarchar2typmodout
Description: Obtains the typmod information of the varchar type, constructs a character string, and returns the character string.
Parameter: integer
Return type: cstring
- read_disable_conn_file
Description: Reads forbidden connection files.
Parameter: nan
Return type: disconn_mode text, disconn_host text, disconn_port text, local_host text, local_port text, redo_finished text
- update_pgjob
Parameter: bigint, "char", bigint, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, timestamp without time zone, smallint, text
Return type: void
- enum_cmp
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to determine whether two enumeration classes are equal and determine their relative sizes.
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: integer
- enum_eq
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the equal sign (=).
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_first
Description: Returns the first element in the enumeration class.
Parameter: anyenum
Return type: anyenum
- enum_ge
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the greater-than sign (>) and equal sign (=).
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_gt
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the greater-than sign (>).
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_in
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to determine whether an element is in an enumeration class.
Parameter: cstring, oid
Return type: anyenum
- enum_larger
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the greater-than sign (>).
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: anyenum
- enum_last
Description: Returns the last element in the enumeration class.
Parameter: anyenum
Return type: anyenum
- enum_le
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the less-than sign (<) and equal sign (=).
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_lt
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the less-than sign (<).
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- enum_smaller
Description: Specifies the enumeration comparison function, which is used to implement the less-than sign (<).
Parameter: anyenum, anyenum
Return type: Boolean
- node_oid_name
Parameter: oid
Return type: cstring
- pg_buffercache_pages
Description: Reads data from the shared buffer.
Parameter: nan
Return type: bufferid integer, relfilenode oid, bucketid smallint, reltablespace oid, reldatabase oid, relforknumber smallint, relblocknumber bigint, isdirty Boolean, usage_count smallint
- pg_check_xidlimit
Description: Checks whether nextxid is greater than or equal to xidwarnlimit.
Parameter: nan
Return type: Boolean
- pg_comm_delay
Description: Displays the delay status of the communications library of a single DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, text, integer, integer, integer, integer
- pg_comm_recv_stream
Description: Displays the receiving stream status of all communication libraries on a single DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, bigint, text, bigint, integer, integer, integer, text, bigint, integer, integer, integer, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint
- pg_comm_send_stream
Description: Displays the sending stream status of all communication libraries on a single DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, bigint, text, bigint, integer, integer, integer, text, bigint, integer, integer, integer, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint
- pg_comm_status
Description: Displays the communication status of a single DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: text, integer, integer, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, bigint, integer, integer, integer, integer, integer
- pg_log_comm_status
Description: Prints some logs on the DN.
Parameter: nan
Return type: Boolean
- pg_parse_clog
Description: Parses clog to obtain the status of xid.
Parameter: nan
Return type: xid xid, status text
- pg_pool_ping
Parameter: Boolean
Return type: SETOF Boolean
- pg_resume_bkp_flag
Description: Obtains the delay xlong flag for backup and restoration.
Parameter: slot_name name
Return type: start_backup_flag Boolean, to_delay Boolean, ddl_delay_recycle_ptr text, rewind_time text
- psortoptions
Description: Returns the psort attribute.
Parameter: text[], Boolean
Return type: bytea
- xideq4
Description: Compares two values of the xid type to check whether they are the same.
Parameter: xid32, xid32
Return type: Boolean
- xideqint8
Description: Compares values of the xid type and int8 type to check whether they are the same.
Parameter: xid, bigint
Return type: Boolean
- xidlt
Description: Returns whether xid1 < xid2 is true.
Parameter: xid, xid
Return type: Boolean
- xidlt4
Description: Returns whether xid1 < xid2 is true.
Parameter: xid32, xid32
Return type: Boolean
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