Updated on 2025-02-17 GMT+08:00


You can manually upgrade the GaussDB kernel version of a single instance or multiple instances in batches using in-place upgrade, gray upgrade, or hot patch update to improve performance, add new functions, and fix bugs.

To use this function, submit a service ticket by choosing Service Tickets > Create Service Ticket in the upper right corner of the management console.

Checking the Current Kernel Version

To check the version of an instance, go to the Basic Information page of the instance and check the value of DB Engine Version in the Configuration area.

Figure 1 Basic information

You can learn details about kernel versions and determine the target version to upgrade.

Upgrade Methods

The following table describes the upgrade methods supported by GaussDB.

Table 1 Upgrade methods

Upgrade Method




Rollback Method

Impact on Services


Hot patch


Online upgrade

Fix product issues.

  • Automatic
  • Manual

No service is interrupted during the upgrade.


In-place upgrade


Offline upgrade

  • Add new functions.
  • Fix product issues.


Services are interrupted for about 30 minutes during the in-place upgrade.

Stop all workloads during the upgrade.

Gray upgrade


Online upgrade

  • Add new functions.
  • Fix product issues.


Services are interrupted for about 10s during the upgrade of primary DNs and during the upgrade of CNs. During upgrade commit, primary/standby distribution balancing may be performed. Services may be interrupted for different periods of time based on factors such as data volume.

Add the service reconnection mechanism. It is recommended that the retry interval be 1s. During low-pressure periods (less than 3,000 TPS + 4,000 QPS for each shard), the total retry duration is 25s. During high-pressure periods (less than 6,000 TPS + 10,000 QPS for each shard), the total retry duration is 100s. The upgrade is not recommended when the pressure is out of the acceptable range.

Rolling upgrade

Online upgrade

  • Add new functions.
  • Fix product issues.
  • Automatic
  • Manual

If the AZ to be upgraded contains primary DNs, services will be interrupted for about 10s during the upgrade of each primary DN. If the AZ to be upgraded contains CNs, services will be interrupted for about 10s during the upgrade of each CN.