Updated on 2024-06-03 GMT+08:00

Sensitive Data Discovery Function

  • gs_sensitive_data_discovery(scan_target text, scan_classifier text)

    Description: Scans target data and returns statistical scanning results.


    scan_target: specifies the object to be scanned. The value must be the name of a schema, table, or column, and the upper-level names of the object to be scanned must be specified. For example, if a column is scanned, the object to be scanned is scheme_name.table_name.column_name.

    scan_classifier: specifies the classifier to be used. Five classifiers can be specified: email, creditcard, phonenumber, chinesename, and encryptedcontent. Multiple classifiers are separated by commas (,). The value all indicates all classifiers are selected.

    Return type: record

    For details, see section "Sensitive Data Discovery" in Feature Guide.

  • gs_sensitive_data_discovery_detail(scan_target text, scan_classifier text)

    Description: Scans the target data and returns the detailed scanning result.

    scan_target: specifies the object to be scanned. The value must be the name of a schema, table, or column, and the upper-level names of the object to be scanned must be specified. For example, if a column is scanned, the object to be scanned is scheme_name.table_name.column_name.

    scan_classifier: specifies the classifier to be used. Five classifiers can be specified: email, creditcard, phonenumber, chinesename, and encryptedcontent. Multiple classifiers are separated by commas (,). The value all indicates all classifiers are selected.

    Return type: record

    For details, see section "Sensitive Data Discovery" in Feature Guide.