更新时间:2024-07-11 GMT+08:00
- 参考1中操作,模板选择“widgetPropertyTemplate”新建Widget(示例开发包为“widget_demo_property.zip”)。
- 在“widget_demo_property.editor.js”的“propertiesConfig”中,定义Widget属性,包含属性的类型、名称和在界面展示的标签名。
如下加粗代码所示,“widget_demo_property.editor.js”中分别定义了text、 checkbox以及select类型的三个属性参数。
widget_demo_property = widget_demo_property.extend({ / Config to define Widget Properties */ propertiesConfig:[{ config: [{ "type": "text", "name": "textProperty", "label": "Text Property", "value": "text" }, { "type": "checkbox", "name": "checkboxProperty", "label": "Checkbox Property", "value": "true" }, { "type": "select", "name": "selectProperty", "label": "Select Property", "options": [{ "label": "option1", "value": "option1", "selected": "true" }, { "label": "option2", "value": "option2" } ] } ] }], / Triggered when the user Creates a new widget and used to initialize the widget properties */ create : function(cbk) { if(cbk) { this._super(); cbk(); } } }); var params = {}; Studio.registerWidget("widget_demo_property", "widget_demo_property", params);
- type:属性的类型。
- name:属性的名称。
- label:属性在界面展示的标签名。
- value:属性的默认取值。如果属性是select类型,则需要定义选项“options”。
- 在“widget_demo_property.js”中,通过定义widgetProperties变量“var widgetProperties = thisObj.getProperties();”,调用“thisObj.getProperties”方法,来获取到这些属性。
var widget_demo_property = StudioWidgetWrapper.extend({ / Triggered when initializing a widget and will have the code that invokes rendering of the widget */ init : function() { var thisObj = this; thisObj._super.apply(thisObj, arguments); thisObj.render(); if((typeof(Studio) != "undefined") && Studio) { / Register custom event or action here, and trigger the event afterwards. Studio.registerEvents(thisObj, "", "", EventConfig), Studio.registerAction(thisObj, "", "", ActionConfig, $.proxy(this.Cbk, this), ); thisObj.triggerEvent("", ) */ } }, / Triggered from init method and is used to render the widget */ render : function() { var thisObj = this; var widgetProperties = thisObj.getProperties(); var elem = thisObj.getContainer(); var items = thisObj.getItems(); var connectorProperties = thisObj.getConnectorProperties(); / API to get base path of your uploaded widget API file */ var widgetBasePath = thisObj.getWidgetBasePath(); if(elem) { var vm = new Vue({ el: $("#widget_demo_property", elem)[0], data: { form: { textProperty: widgetProperties.textProperty, checkboxProperty: widgetProperties.checkboxProperty, selectProperty: widgetProperties.selectProperty } } }) } / API to bind global events to the item DOM, it should not be deleted if there will some events to trigger in this widget. */ thisObj.sksBindItemEvent(); / API to refresh the previously bound events when a resize or orientation change occurs. */ $(window).resize(function() { thisObj.sksRefreshEvents(); }); }, });
- 在“widget_demo_property.ftl”中,定义渲染页面,属性配置为只读模式。
<div id="widget_demo_property"> <el-form :model="form"> <el-form-item label="Text Property"> <el-input v-model="form.textProperty" :readonly="true"></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="Checkbox Property"> <el-input v-model="form.checkboxProperty" :readonly="true"></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="Select Property"> <el-input v-model="form.selectProperty" :readonly="true"></el-input> </el-form-item> </el-form> </div>
- 在“widget_demo_property.editor.js”的“propertiesConfig”中,定义Widget属性,包含属性的类型、名称和在界面展示的标签名。
- 参考6中操作,在组件库中上传该Widget包。
- 打开一个高级页面,在设计页面左上方单击
- 选中该Widget,会在右侧显示该组件的属性配置面板。
- 在“属性”页签下,“自定义属性列表”区域中可看到自定义的这三个属性,根据需要进行修改。
图2 编辑该Widget属性
父主题: 高级页面