更新时间:2024-06-20 GMT+08:00
查询表大小时报错“could not open relation with OID xxx”
在执行pg_table_size查询表大小时,出现报错“could not open relation with OID xxxx.”。
- 通过Function的exception方式屏蔽该报错,将大小统一到一个值,对于不存在的表,可以用大小为-1来表示,函数如下:
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CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.pg_t_size(tab_oid OID,OUT retrun_code text) RETURNS text LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE v_sql text; ts text; BEGIN V_SQL:='select pg_size_pretty(pg_table_size('||tab_oid||'))'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE V_SQL into ts; IF ts IS NULL THEN RETRUN_CODE:=-1; ELSE return ts; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RETRUN_CODE:=-1; END$$;
- 执行如下命令查询结果:
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call public.pg_t_size('1',''); retrun_code ------------- -1 (1 row) select oid from pg_class limit 2; oid ------ 2662 2659 (2 rows) call public.pg_t_size('2662',''); retrun_code ------------- 120 KB (1 row)
父主题: 数据库使用