Help Center> Message & SMS> FAQs> Troubleshooting> Template Rejection Reasons and Handling Suggestions
Updated on 2024-07-02 GMT+08:00

Template Rejection Reasons and Handling Suggestions

The common issues of all template types are as follows:


Level-1 Issue

Level-2 Issue

Handling Suggestion

The application is incorrect.

The signature is incorrect.

HUAWEI CLOUD SMS test and the general signature are selected.

  1. When applying for an SMS template, select the SMS signature that you have applied for.
  2. You are advised to select the general signature when more than two signatures of the same type need to use the same template.

The SMS type is incorrect.

The verification code type is mistakenly selected for notification SMSs.

Select a proper SMS type based on the SMS content.

The format is incorrect.

Variables are incorrect.

The number of variables is incorrect.

Each SMS template can contain a maximum of four consecutive variables, and the total number of variables cannot exceed 20.

The variable value is incorrect.

  1. The values of ${TXT_Digit} and ${NUM_Digit} both range from 1 to 20. Set these parameters based on site requirements.
  2. The verification code uses ${NUM_Digit} as a variable. The value contains a maximum of six digits.

The variable format is incorrect.

The following variable formats are supported by templates:

  • ${TXT_Digit}: characters (text), in bytes. The value ranges from 1 to 20.
  • ${NUM_Digit}: digits, in bytes. The value ranges from 1 to 20.
  • ${DATE}: date, in the format of yyyy/MM/dd.
  • ${TIME}: time, in the format of HH:mm or HH:mm:ss.

The signature is duplicate.

The SMS signature is incorrectly added to the template content.

The system automatically adds the signature when sending an SMS. Delete the signature from the template content.

The SMS content is incorrect.

The SMS content contains forbidden symbols.

The following special characters are not supported: ¥★^_^&√※

  1. Delete the symbols that cannot be sent.
  2. If the SMS template contains square brackets ([]), the SMS may fail to be sent. Delete the square brackets ([]).

The variable is incorrectly used.

${DATE}${TIME} is not used for time, and ${NUM_Digit} is not used for numbers.

Select variables based on the actual SMS content. Do not randomly use TXT variables.

The SMS content is not clear.

A full variable template contains few fixed texts and many variables. Variable values are too large. Service scenarios cannot be identified.

The full variable template is not supported. You can set variables as required and use as much fixed text as possible so that the meaning and application scenario of the SMS can be understood.

The template lacks mandatory keywords.

The verification code SMS template must contain any of the verification code, registration code, and dynamic code.

Add a keyword. The verification code SMS template must contain any of the verification code, registration code, and dynamic code.

The following table lists the special issues of different types of templates:


Level-1 Issue

Level-2 Issue

Handling Suggestion

Verification code

The template contains forbidden content.

The verification code template contains marketing content.

Delete the content that is not related to verification code.

The template contains other variables.

There are other long variables besides the verification code.

Do not set other content in an SMS as variables. If verification codes are of multiple types, such as registration and password change, you can apply for different templates separately.


Recruitment and interview notifications are not supported.


Currently, the platform does not support recruitment and interview notifications.

Notifications on games, finance, real estate, and education are not supported.


Currently, the platform does not support game, real estate, and financial notifications.

Dunning notifications are not supported.


The platform does not support dunning and payment notifications.

Notifications contain marketing information.

The first part of the SMS is the notification, and the second part is marketing information.

Do not include marketing information in notification SMSs. You can modify the template content based on the review comments returned by the platform.

SMSs contain other content forbidden by rules.

Notification SMSs contain the content (such as coupons) forbidden by template specifications.

  1. Create a template by following Template and Variable Specifications.
  2. Delete the forbidden content according to the review comments returned by the platform when the template application is rejected.

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