Help Center> Message & SMS> FAQs> Others> Is the Downlink SMS ID the Same as the Uplink SMS ID? (Chinese Mainland SMS)
Updated on 2023-04-12 GMT+08:00

Is the Downlink SMS ID the Same as the Uplink SMS ID? (Chinese Mainland SMS)

No. Downlink SMS IDs and uplink SMS IDs are automatically generated by the SMS platform in different phases.

  • Downlink SMS ID: When a customer uses an API or the Group SMS Assistant to send an SMS, the SMS platform processes the sending request and generates an smsMsgId for each recipient number in the request (duplicate numbers have been deleted).
  • Uplink SMS ID: When a UE receives a downlink SMS and replies, the SMS platform automatically generates an smsMsgId for each reply. If the address for receiving uplink SMSs is configured when a customer adds an application, the SMS platform pushes the uplink SMS content to the customer.

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