Help Center> Message & SMS> FAQs> Troubleshooting> Why Send Result Is Displayed as Sending or the SMS Is Received After a Long Time?
Updated on 2022-12-05 GMT+08:00

Why Send Result Is Displayed as Sending or the SMS Is Received After a Long Time?


  • Log in to the Message & SMS console, and Group SMS Assistant > Task Management, and click View in the Operation column. On the displayed page, Send Result is Sending, and Sending is not 0.
  • An SMS API is successfully called to send an SMS request, but the recipient receives the SMS after a long time.

Cause Analysis

  • Sending means that the SMS platform has sent an SMS request to a carrier's SMS gateway, but the SMS gateway did not return an SMS sending status report.
  • Normally, an SMS gateway returns the SMS sending status report in seconds. When an exception occurs (for example, the phone is powered off, the signal quality is poor, or the SMS content is rejected by the carrier), the SMS gateway may not respond in time.
  • The SMS content may trigger a carrier's manual review. Normally, manual review is triggered only once.


  1. Wait for a period of time and check the sending status again.

    If a large number of SMSs time out, record related information and contact the operation manager.

  2. If the platform does not receive a status report from the SMS gateway within 72 hours, the platform creates an SMS status report (with status set to EXPIRED) and records that the SMS failed.
  3. If your SMS content repeatedly triggers a carrier's manual review and you want real-time SMSs, contact Huawei Cloud customer service and apply for review exemption.

    If the platform intercepts the SMS, you can configure such SMS templates as review-free with the permission of the operation manager. If a carrier intercepts the SMS, change the SMS content (by modifying template variables or applying for a new template) to avoid sensitive words.

    Note: Determine whether the SMS is intercepted by the platform or by a carrier based on the status codes in SMS Status Error Codes.

Troubleshooting FAQs
