Updated on 2024-05-27 GMT+08:00



You can purchase a monthly SMS package to save more. The excess will be billed on a pay-per-use basis. For details, see Purchase Process.

When an SMS package expires, you can still use Message & SMS, and you will be billed for subsequent resources you use on a pay-per-use basis as long as you have sufficient balance in your account.

  • SMS packages are only available for international SMSs.
  • An SMS package is bound to one account and cannot be used by different accounts.
  • You cannot unsubscribe from SMS packages, so plan the quota and validity period carefully before making your purchase.
  • An SMS package takes effect immediately after your purchase. It becomes invalid upon expiration and cannot be extended. Unused quotas cannot be refunded.
  • An SMS package cannot be used for the fees generated before the purchase.
  • Currently, SMS packages are only available for sending SMSs to the following countries: Indonesia, Thailand, India, and Philippines. For SMS sending to other countries or regions, use the pay-per-use mode.
  • If the SMS package quota is about to be used up, buy a new package.

Billing Rules

  • After you purchase an SMS package, the quota of the package is used first when you send SMSs. The excess SMSs will be billed on a pay-per-use basis.
  • If two SMS packages of the same type are purchased in sequence, the SMS package that takes effect first is used first. The second one will not be used until the quota of the first SMS package is used up.
  • If the number of characters in an SMS exceeds the length limit, the platform splits the SMS into multiple short messages. For details about how to calculate the number of SMSs, see SMS Content Length Calculation.
  • Verification code and notification SMSs are charged in the same way.
  • You are billed for sending SMSs by calling APIs or using Group SMS Assistant.
  • You are not billed for SMSs whose status parameter or status code is a Huawei platform error code.

    View all SMS Status Error Codes.

Package Use Sequence

Use Sequence

If there are multiple SMS packages with the same attributes, they will be used in the order of their effective and expiration times.

SMS packages you purchase at the same time have the same effective time and expiration time.



A customer subscribes to two SMS packages for sending SMSs to Thailand.

  • Package A: provides 10,000 SMSs, takes effect on May 1, and has one-month validity period (expires on June 1).
  • Package B: provides 50,000 SMSs, takes effect on May 10, and has one-month validity period (expires on June 10).

Use Sequence

May 1 to May 9

Only package A takes effect.

Only package A is used. If the number of sent SMSs exceeds 10,000, pay-per-use billing is used.

May 10 to May 30

Both packages A and B take effect.

Package A is used first. If the number of sent SMSs exceeds 10,000, package B is used. If the number of sent SMSs exceeds 60,000, pay-per-use billing is used.

June 1 to June 9

Package A has expired, and only package B takes effect.

Only package B is used. If the number of sent SMSs exceeds 50,000, pay-per-use billing is used.

After June 10

Both packages A and B have expired. Any subsequent usage is billed on a pay-per-use basis.