Help Center> Message & SMS> FAQs> Template> How Do I Use a General SMS Template? (Chinese Mainland SMS)
Updated on 2023-12-08 GMT+08:00

How Do I Use a General SMS Template? (Chinese Mainland SMS)

A general SMS template does not belong to a single SMS signature and can be used by signatures of the same type in the same application. (For example, a general verification code SMS template corresponds to all verification code SMS signatures.) Only Chinese mainland verification code and notification SMSs support general SMS templates.

  1. When applying for an SMS template, set Template Type to Verification code or Notification and Signature to General signature. After the application is approved, you will obtain a general SMS template. Actually, the general signature does not exist.

    Before applying for a template, apply for an SMS signature of the same type as the general template and wait for the approval. Otherwise, after you specify Template Type and Application, the Signature drop-down list is empty. It indicates that no signature of the same type is available in the application.

  2. The general SMS template cannot be used in the Group SMS Assistant and can be used only when you call APIs to send SMSs. For details, see SMS Sending API.
  3. Debug the general SMS template. For details, see Development Preparation.
    Figure 1 General template relationship

Template FAQs
