API Overview of OBS SDK for Python
Table 1 describes the APIs provided by OBS SDK for Python. You can click an API name in the table to see its detailed information and sample code.
SDK API Overview
Interface |
Method |
Function |
ObsClient.createBucket |
Creates a bucket. |
ObsClient.listBuckets |
Returns a list of buckets in alphabetical order. |
ObsClient.headBucket |
Determines whether a bucket exists. |
ObsClient.deleteBucket |
Deletes an empty bucket. |
ObsClient.listObjects |
Returns some or all (up to 1,000) of the objects in a bucket. |
ObsClient.listVersions |
Lists some or all (up to 1,000) of the object versions in a bucket. |
ObsClient.listMultipartUploads |
Lists ongoing multipart uploads. |
ObsClient.getBucketMetadata |
Sends a HEAD request to a bucket to obtain the bucket metadata such as CORS rules (if set), the storage class, and other information. |
ObsClient.getBucketLocation |
Returns the region where the bucket is created. |
ObsClient.getBucketStorageInfo |
Returns the storage information of a bucket, including the number of objects and the space occupied by the objects in the bucket. |
ObsClient.setBucketQuota |
Sets a storage quota for a bucket. |
ObsClient.getBucketQuota |
Returns the storage quota of a bucket. |
ObsClient.setBucketStoragePolicy |
Configures a storage class for a bucket. |
ObsClient.getBucketStoragePolicy |
Returns the storage class of a bucket. |
ObsClient.setBucketAcl |
Configures the ACL for a bucket. |
ObsClient.getBucketAcl |
Returns the bucket ACL. |
ObsClient.setBucketLogging |
Configures logging for a bucket. |
Obtaining the Logging Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.getBucketLogging |
Returns the logging configuration of a bucket. |
ObsClient.setBucketPolicy |
Configures a bucket policy. If the bucket already has a policy, the policy will be overwritten by the one specified in this request. |
ObsClient.getBucketPolicy |
Returns the policy of a bucket. |
ObsClient.deleteBucketPolicy |
Deletes the policy of a bucket. |
ObsClient.setBucketLifecycle |
Configures lifecycle rules for a bucket to periodically transition objects between storage classes or delete objects. |
Obtaining the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.getBucketLifecycle |
Returns the lifecycle configuration of a bucket. |
Deleting the Lifecycle Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.deleteBucketLifecycle |
Deletes all lifecycle rules of a bucket. |
Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.setBucketWebsite |
Configures static website hosting for a bucket. |
Obtaining Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.getBucketWebsite |
Returns the static website hosting configuration of a bucket. |
Deleting Static Website Hosting for a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.deleteBucketWebsite |
Deletes the static website hosting configurations of a bucket. |
ObsClient.setBucketVersioning |
Configures versioning for a bucket. |
Obtaining the Versioning Status of a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.getBucketVersioning |
Returns the versioning status of a bucket. |
ObsClient.setBucketCors |
Configures CORS for a bucket to allow cross-origin requests. |
Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.getBucketCors |
Returns the CORS rules of a bucket. |
Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.deleteBucketCors |
Deletes the CORS configuration of a bucket. |
ObsClient.setBucketTagging |
Configures tags for a bucket. |
ObsClient.getBucketTagging |
Returns the tags of a bucket. |
ObsClient.deleteBucketTagging |
Deletes the tags of a bucket. |
ObsClient.putContent |
Uploads an object to a bucket. |
ObsClient.putFile |
Uploads a file or folder to a bucket. |
ObsClient.appendObject |
Appends content to an uploaded object. |
ObsClient.getObject |
Downloads an object from a bucket. |
ObsClient.copyObject |
Creates a copy for a specified object. |
ObsClient.deleteObject |
Deletes a single object from a bucket. |
ObsClient.deleteObjects |
Deletes multiple objects from a bucket in a batch. |
ObsClient.getObjectMetadata |
Returns the object metadata. |
ObsClient.setObjectMetadata |
Modifies the metadata for an object. |
ObsClient.setObjectAcl |
Configures the ACL for an object. |
ObsClient.getObjectAcl |
Returns the ACL of an object. |
ObsClient.initiateMultipartUpload |
Initiates a multipart upload in a bucket. |
ObsClient.uploadPart |
Uploads parts to a bucket by specifying the multipart upload ID. |
ObsClient.copyPart |
Copies a part to a specified bucket by specifying the multipart upload ID. |
ObsClient.listParts |
Returns the uploaded parts in a bucket by specifying the multipart upload ID. |
ObsClient.completeMultipartUpload |
Completes a multipart upload based on the multipart upload ID. |
ObsClient.abortMultipartUpload |
Aborts a multipart upload in a bucket by specifying the multipart upload ID. |
ObsClient.restoreObject |
Restores an Archive object. |
ObsClient.createSignedUrl |
Creates a signed URL based on the specified AK and SK, HTTP method, and request parameters. |
Generating Authentication Parameters for Browser-Based Uploads (SDK for Python) |
ObsClient.createPostSignature |
Creates request parameters for authentication to enable browser-based upload with POST. |
ObsClient.uploadFile |
Enables resumable uploads of objects in the event of unstable network connections or program crashes. |
ObsClient.downloadFile |
Adds the resumable function to the partial download API. |
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