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Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ obsutil/ Best Practices/ Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil

Limiting the Upload and Download Rate for obsutil

Updated on 2025-01-16 GMT+08:00

obsutil allows you to configure the rateLimitThreshold parameter in the .obsutilconfig file to limit the upload and download rate.

For detailed parameter description, see Configuration Parameters. If you do not configure this parameter, the upload and download rate will not be limited, but depend on the user's network bandwidth and the number of concurrent tasks. For details about the optimization, see Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance.

Parameter rateLimitThreshold limits the global rate of obsutil tasks. This means that if you upload and download files in batches using the cp and sync commands, the actual upper rate is the one specified by rateLimitThreshold, not by the value obtained as follows: Number of concurrent tasks x Value of rateLimitThreshold.





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