API Overview

Updated on 2024-05-31 GMT+08:00

API Operations on Buckets

Table 1 API operations on buckets



Listing Buckets

Queries the list of buckets created by the user.

Creating a Bucket

Creates a bucket. You can add different request headers to specify the region, storage class, and permission control policy.

Listing Objects in a Bucket

Lists objects in a bucket. You can add different request headers to obtain objects that match the specified prefix, identifier, and other requirements.

Obtaining Bucket Metadata

Checks whether the bucket metadata exists. You can query the information about the bucket region, storage class, OBS version number, and CORS configuration.

Obtaining Bucket Location

Obtains the bucket region information.

Deleting Buckets

Deletes a specified bucket. Before deleting a bucket, ensure that the bucket is empty.

API Operations on Advanced Bucket Settings

Table 2 API operations on advanced bucket settings



Configuring a Bucket Policy

Creates or modifies a bucket policy. If the specified bucket already has a policy, the policy in the request will overwrite the existing one.

Obtaining Bucket Policy Information

Obtains the policy information of a specified bucket.

Deleting a Bucket Policy

Deletes the policy of a specified bucket.

Configuring a Bucket ACL

Configures the ACL of a specified bucket. You can control the read and write permissions of a bucket through ACL settings.

Obtaining Bucket ACL Information

Obtains the ACL information of a specified bucket.

Configuring Logging for a Bucket

Enables or disables the log management function of a bucket. When this function is enabled, a log record is generated for each operation on a bucket. Multiple log records are packed into a log file, which will be saved in a specified location.

Obtaining a Bucket Logging Configuration

Obtains the logging configuration of the current bucket.

Configuring Bucket Lifecycle Rules

Configures rules to automatically delete or migrate objects in a bucket.

Obtaining Bucket Lifecycle Configuration

Obtains the lifecycle rules configured for a specified bucket.

Deleting Lifecycle Rules

Deletes the lifecycle configuration of a bucket.

Configuring Versioning for a Bucket

Enables or disables versioning for a bucket. When this function is enabled, objects of different versions can be retrieved and restored, and data can be quickly restored in case of accidental operations or application faults.

Obtaining Bucket Versioning Status

Obtains the versioning status of a specified bucket.

Configuring Storage Class for a Bucket

Creates or updates the default storage class configuration of a bucket.

Obtaining Bucket Storage Class Information

Obtains the default storage class configuration of a bucket.

Configuring Tags for a Bucket

Adds a tag to an existing bucket. After tags are added to a bucket, all service detail records (SDRs) generated by the requests for this bucket will have the same tags. You can categorize the SDRs for detailed cost analysis.

Obtaining Bucket Tags

Obtains the tags of a specified bucket.

Deleting Tags

Deletes the tags of a specified bucket.

Configuring Bucket Storage Quota

Sets the bucket space quota to limit the maximum storage capacity of the bucket.

Querying Bucket Storage Quota

Obtains the bucket space quota.

Obtaining Storage Information of a Bucket

Obtains the number of objects in a bucket and the space occupied by the objects.

Configuring Bucket Inventories

Configures an inventory rule for a bucket. OBS provides bucket inventories to facilitate your management of objects in a bucket. You can configure bucket inventories to periodically list objects in a bucket. During the listing of objects, object metadata is saved in a CSV file, which is uploaded to the specified bucket.

Obtaining a Specific Inventory of a Bucket

Obtains an inventory rule of a specified bucket.

Listing All Inventories of a Bucket

Obtains all inventory rules of a specified bucket.

Deleting Bucket Inventories

Deletes an inventory rule of a specified bucket.

Configuring Bucket Encryption

Creates or updates the default server-side encryption configuration for a bucket. After encryption is enabled for a bucket, objects uploaded to the bucket are encrypted with the encryption configuration the bucket.

Obtaining Bucket Encryption Configuration

Queries the default server-side encryption configuration of a bucket.

Deleting the Encryption Configuration of a Bucket

Deletes the default server-side encryption configuration of a bucket.

Setting the Direct Reading Policy for Archive Objects in a Bucket

Enables or disables direct reading for Archive objects in a bucket. When direct reading is enabled, Archive objects can be downloaded without being restored first.

Obtaining the Direct Reading Policy of Archive Objects in a Bucket

Obtains the direct reading status of Archive objects in a specified bucket.

Deleting the Direct Reading Policy of Archive Objects in a Bucket

Deletes the direct reading configuration of Archive objects in a specified bucket.

API Operations for Static Website Hosting

Table 3 API Operations for Static Website Hosting



Configuring Static Website Hosting for a Bucket

Creates or updates the website hosting configuration of a bucket. OBS allows you to store static web page resources such as HTML web pages, flash files, videos, and audios in a bucket. When a client accesses these resources from the website endpoint of the bucket, the browser can directly resolve and present the resources to the client.

Obtaining the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket

Obtains the website hosting configuration of a bucket.

Deleting the Static Website Hosting Configuration of a Bucket

Deletes the website hosting configuration of a bucket.

Configuring Bucket CORS

Configures the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration of a bucket. OBS allows static web page resources to be stored in buckets. The buckets can be used as website resources. A website hosted by OBS can respond to cross-domain requests from another website only after the CORS rule is configured.

Obtaining the CORS Configuration of a Bucket

Obtains the CORS configuration of a bucket.

Deleting the CORS Configuration of a Bucket

Deletes the CORS configuration of a bucket.


Checks whether the client has the permission to perform operations on the server. It is usually performed before the cross-domain access.


Checks whether the client has the permission to perform operations on the server. It is usually performed before the cross-domain access.

API Operations on Objects

Table 4 API operations on objects



Uploading an Object - PUT

Uploads an object to a specified bucket.

Uploading an Object - POST

Uploads an object to a specified bucket based on tables.

Copying an Object

Creates a copy for an existing object in OBS.

Downloading an Object

Downloads an object.

Querying Object Metadata

Obtains the object metadata. Information such as object expiration time, version number, and CORS configuration is the object metadata.

Deleting an Object

Deletes a specified object. You can also carry the versionId field to delete the specified object version.

Deleting Objects

Deletes a batch of objects from a bucket permanently. Objects deleted in this way cannot be recovered.

Restoring Archive Objects

Restores objects in the Archive storage class. You can download these objects only after they are restored.

Appending an Object

Appends data to an object in a specified bucket. If no object with the same key value exists in the bucket, a new object will be created.

Configuring an Object ACL

Configures the ACL of a specified object. You can control the read and write permissions of objects through ACL settings.

Obtaining Object ACL Configuration

Obtains the ACL configuration of a specified object.

Modifying Object Metadata

Adds, modifies, or deletes metadata of uploaded objects.

Modifying an Object

Modifies the content of an object in a specified parallel file system from the specified location.

Truncating an Object

Truncates an object in a specified parallel file system to the specified size.

Renaming an Object

Renames an object in a specified parallel file system.

API Operations for Multipart Tasks

Table 5 API operations for multipart tasks



Listing Initiated Multipart Uploads in a Bucket

Queries all the multipart upload tasks that have not been merged or canceled in a bucket.

Initiating a Multipart Upload

Initiates a multipart upload task, and obtains the globally unique multipart upload task ID for subsequent operations, such as uploading, merging, and listing parts.

Uploading Parts

Uploads parts for a specific multipart task.

Copying Parts

Copies an object or a part of the object as a part of a multipart task.

Listing Uploaded Parts that Have Not Been Assembled

Queries information about all parts of a multipart task.

Completing a Multipart Upload

Merges the specified parts into a complete object.

Canceling a Multipart Upload Task

Cancels a multipart upload task.





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