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Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ SDK Reference/ PHP/ Versioning Management/ Setting Versioning Status for a Bucket

Setting Versioning Status for a Bucket

Updated on 2023-11-09 GMT+08:00

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You can call ObsClient->setBucketVersioning to set the versioning status for a bucket. OBS supports two versioning statuses.

Versioning Status


Value on the OBS Server


  1. OBS creates a unique version ID for each uploaded object. Namesake objects are not overwritten and are distinguished by their own version IDs.
  2. Objects can be downloaded by specifying the version ID. By default, the object of the latest version is downloaded if no version ID is specified.
  3. Objects can be deleted by specifying the version ID. If an object is deleted with no version ID specified, the object will generate a delete marker with a unique version ID but is not physically deleted.
  4. Objects of the latest version in a bucket are returned by default after ObsClient->listObjects is called. You can call ObsClient->listVersions to list a bucket's objects with all version IDs.
  5. Except for delete markers, storage space occupied by objects with all version IDs is billed.



  1. Noncurrent object versions are not affected.
  2. OBS creates version ID null to an uploaded object and the object will be overwritten after a namesake one is uploaded.
  3. Objects can be downloaded by specifying the version ID. By default, the object of the latest version is downloaded if no version ID is specified.
  4. Objects can be deleted by specifying version IDs. If an object is deleted with no version ID specified, the object is only attached with a delete marker whose version ID is null. Objects with version ID null are physically deleted.
  5. Except for delete markers, storage space occupied by objects with all version IDs is billed.


Sample code:

// Import the dependency library.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Import the SDK code library during source code installation.
// require 'obs-autoloader.php';
// Declare the namespace.
use Obs\ObsClient;
// Create an instance of ObsClient.
$obsClient = new ObsClient ( [ 
      //Obtain an AK/SK pair using environment variables or import the AK/SK pair in other ways. Using hard coding may result in leakage.
      //Obtain an AK/SK pair on the management console. For details, see https://support.huaweicloud.com/eu/usermanual-ca/ca_01_0003.html.
      'key' => getenv('ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
      'secret' => getenv('SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
      'endpoint' => 'https://your-endpoint'
] );

// Enable versioning.
$resp = $obsClient->setBucketVersioning([
       'Bucket' => 'bucketname',
       'Status' => 'Enabled'

printf ("RequestId:%s\n", $resp ['RequestId']);

// Suspend versioning.
$resp = $obsClient->setBucketVersioningConfiguration([
              'Bucket' => 'bucketname',
              'Status' => 'Suspended'

printf ("RequestId:%s\n", $resp ['RequestId']);

Use the Status parameter to specify the versioning status of a bucket.





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