Copying an Object (SDK for Go)
This API copies an object stored in OBS to another path, with a copy created during the process. You can create a copy of an object up to 5 GB in a single operation.
- To copy an object, you must be the bucket owner or have the required permission (obs:object:PutObject in IAM or PutObject in a bucket policy). For details, see Introduction to OBS Access Control, IAM Custom Policies, and Configuring an Object Policy.
- The object copy request carries the information about the source bucket and object to be copied in the header field. The message body cannot be carried.
- The target object size ranges from 0 to 5 GB. If the source object size exceeds 5 GB, you can only copy some objects using Multipart Uploads (SDK for Go).
func (obsClient ObsClient) CopyObject(input *CopyObjectInput) (output *CopyObjectOutput, err error)
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Type |
Mandatory (Yes/No) |
Description |
input |
Yes |
Explanation: Input parameters for copying an object. For details, see Table 2. |
Parameter |
Type |
Mandatory (Yes/No) |
Description |
Bucket |
string |
Yes |
Explanation: Bucket name Restrictions:
Default value: None |
Key |
string |
Yes |
Explanation: Target object name An object is uniquely identified by an object name in a bucket. An object name is a complete path that does not contain the bucket name. For example, if the address for accessing the object is, the object name is folder/test.txt. Value range: The value must contain 1 to 1,024 characters. Default value: None |
CopySourceBucket |
string |
Yes |
Explanation: Source bucket name Restrictions:
Default value: None |
CopySourceKey |
string |
Yes |
Explanation: Source object name An object is uniquely identified by an object name in a bucket. An object name is a complete path that does not contain the bucket name. For example, if the address for accessing the object is, the object name is folder/test.txt. Value range: The value must contain 1 to 1,024 characters. Default value: None |
CopySourceVersionId |
string |
No |
Explanation: Version ID of the source object, for example, G001117FCE89978B0000401205D5DC9A Value range: The value must contain 32 characters. Default value: If this parameter is left blank, the latest version of the source object is copied. |
No |
Explanation: ACL that can be pre-defined during the object copy. For details about the ACL, see ACLs. Value range: See Table 3. Default value: None |
MetadataDirective |
No |
Explanation: Policy for copying the source object's properties Value range: See Table 4. Default value: None |
CopySourceIfMatch |
string |
No |
Explanation: Copies the source object if its ETag is the same as the one specified by this parameter; otherwise, an error is returned. Default value: None |
CopySourceIfNoneMatch |
string |
No |
Explanation: Copies the source object if its ETag is different from the one specified by this parameter; otherwise, an error is returned. Default value: None |
CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince |
time.Time |
No |
Explanation: Copies the source object if it has not been modified since the specified time; otherwise, an exception is thrown. Default value: None |
CopySourceIfModifiedSince |
time.Time |
No |
Explanation: Copies the source object if it has been modified since the specified time; otherwise, an exception is thrown. Default value: None |
WebsiteRedirectLocation |
string |
No |
Explanation: If the bucket is configured with website hosting, the request for obtaining the object can be redirected to another object in the bucket or an external URL. The request is redirected to object anotherPage.html in the same bucket: WebsiteRedirectLocation:/anotherPage.html The request is redirected to an external URL WebsiteRedirectLocation: OBS obtains the specified value from the header and stores it in the object metadata WebsiteRedirectLocation. Restrictions:
Default value: None |
SseHeader |
No |
Explanation: Server-side header used for encrypting the target object. If SSE-C is used, see SseCHeader. If SSE-KMS is used, see SseKmsHeader. |
SourceSseHeader |
No |
Explanation: Server-side header used for decrypting the source object. For details, see SseCHeader. |
CacheControl |
string |
No |
Explanation: Cache-Control is rewritten in the response. Default value: None |
ContentDisposition |
string |
No |
Explanation: Rewrites the Content-Disposition header in the response. Default value: None |
ContentEncoding |
string |
No |
Explanation: Rewrites the Content-Encoding header in the response. Default value: None |
ContentLanguage |
string |
No |
Explanation: Content-Language is rewritten in the response. Default value: None |
ContentType |
string |
No |
Explanation: Content-Type is rewritten in the response. Default value: None |
Expires |
string |
No |
Explanation: Expires is rewritten in the response. Default value: None |
StorageClass |
No |
Explanation: Object storage class Value range: See Table 7. Default value: None. If this parameter is not specified, the storage class of the bucket is used as that of the object. |
Metadata |
map[string]string |
No |
Explanation: Custom metadata of the target object. You can add a header starting with x-obs-meta- in the request to define metadata. The custom metadata will be returned in the response when you retrieve the object or query the object metadata. Restrictions:
Default value: None |
GrantReadId |
string |
No |
Explanation: ID (domain_id) of an account the READ permission is granted to. The account with the READ permission can read the object to copy and obtain its metadata. Value range: To obtain the account ID, see How Do I Get My Account ID and User ID? Default value: None |
GrantReadAcpId |
string |
No |
Explanation: ID (domain_id) of an account the READ_ACP permission is granted to. The account with the READ_ACP permission can read the ACL of the object to copy. Value range: To obtain the account ID, see How Do I Get My Account ID and User ID? Default value: None |
GrantWriteAcpId |
string |
No |
Explanation: ID (domain_id) of an account the WRITE_ACP permission is granted to. The account with the WRITE_ACP permission can write the ACL of the object to copy. Value range: To obtain the account ID, see How Do I Get My Account ID and User ID? Default value: None |
GrantFullControlId |
string |
No |
Explanation: ID (domain_id) of an account the FULL_CONTROL permission is granted to. The account with the FULL_CONTROL permission can read the object to copy, obtain its metadata, and obtain and write its ACL. Value range: To obtain the account ID, see How Do I Get My Account ID and User ID? Default value: None |
SuccessActionRedirect |
string |
No |
Explanation: Address (URL) to which a successfully answered request is redirected If the value is valid and the request is successful, OBS returns status code 303. Location contains SuccessActionRedirect as well as the bucket name, object name, and object ETag. If the value is invalid, OBS ignores this parameter. In such case, the Location header is the object address, and OBS returns a status code based on whether the operation succeeds or fails. Default value: None |
Constant |
Default Value |
Description |
AclPrivate |
private |
Private read/write A bucket or object can only be accessed by its owner. |
AclPublicRead |
public-read |
Public read and private write If this permission is granted on a bucket, anyone can read the object list, multipart tasks, metadata, and object versions in the bucket. If it is granted on an object, anyone can read the content and metadata of the object. |
AclPublicReadWrite |
public-read-write |
Public read/write If this permission is granted on a bucket, anyone can read the object list, multipart tasks, metadata, and object versions in the bucket, and can upload or delete objects, initiate multipart upload tasks, upload parts, assemble parts, copy parts, and abort multipart upload tasks. If it is granted on an object, anyone can read the content and metadata of the object. |
AclPublicReadDelivered |
public-read-delivered |
Public read on a bucket as well as objects in the bucket If this permission is granted on a bucket, anyone can read the object list, multipart tasks, metadata, and object versions, and read the content and metadata of objects in the bucket. AclPublicReadDelivered does not apply to objects. |
AclPublicReadWriteDelivered |
public-read-write-delivered |
Public read/write on a bucket as well as objects in the bucket If this permission is granted on a bucket, anyone can read the object list, multipart uploads, metadata, and object versions in the bucket, and can upload or delete objects, initiate multipart upload tasks, upload parts, assemble parts, copy parts, and abort multipart uploads. They can also read the content and metadata of objects in the bucket. AclPublicReadWriteDelivered does not apply to objects. |
AclBucketOwnerFullControl |
bucket-owner-full-control |
If this permission is granted on an object, only the bucket and object owners have the full control over the object. By default, if you upload an object to a bucket of any other user, the bucket owner does not have the permissions on your object. After you grant this policy to the bucket owner, the bucket owner can have full control over your object. |
Constant |
Default Value |
Description |
CopyMetadata |
When copying an object, the object's properties are also copied. |
ReplaceMetadata |
When copying an object, the object's properties are replaced. |
Parameter |
Type |
Mandatory (Yes/No) |
Description |
Encryption |
string |
Yes if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: SSE-C used for encrypting objects Value range: AES256, indicating objects are encrypted using SSE-C Default value: None |
Key |
string |
Yes if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: Key for encrypting the object when SSE-C is used Restrictions: The value is a Base64-encoded 256-bit key, for example, K7QkYpBkM5+hca27fsNkUnNVaobncnLht/rCB2o/9Cw=. Default value: None |
KeyMD5 |
string |
No if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: MD5 value of the key for encrypting objects when SSE-C is used. This value is used to check whether any error occurs during the transmission of the key. Restrictions: The value is encrypted by MD5 and then encoded by Base64, for example, 4XvB3tbNTN+tIEVa0/fGaQ==. Default value: None |
Parameter |
Type |
Mandatory (Yes/No) |
Description |
Encryption |
string |
Yes if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: SSE-KMS used for encrypting objects Value range: kms, indicating objects are encrypted using SSE-KMS Default value: None |
Key |
string |
No if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: ID of the KMS master key when SSE-KMS is used Value range: Valid value formats are as follows:
In the preceding formats:
Default value:
Constant |
Default Value |
Description |
StorageClassStandard |
OBS Standard Features low access latency and high throughput and is used for storing massive, frequently accessed (multiple times a month) or small objects (< 1 MB) requiring quick response. |
StorageClassWarm |
OBS Infrequent Access Used for storing data that is semi-frequently accessed (fewer than 12 times a year) but is instantly available when needed. |
StorageClassCold |
OBS Archive Used for storing rarely accessed (once a year) data. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
output |
Explanation: Messages returned by the API See Table 9. |
err |
error |
Explanation: Error messages returned by the API |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
StatusCode |
int |
Explanation: HTTP status code Value range: A status code is a group of digits that can be 2xx (indicating successes) or 4xx or 5xx (indicating errors). It indicates the status of a response. For more information, see Status Code. Default value: None |
RequestId |
string |
Explanation: Request ID returned by the OBS server Default value: None |
ResponseHeaders |
map[string][]string |
Explanation: HTTP response headers Default value: None |
LastModified |
time.Time |
Explanation: Time when the last modification was made to the target object Value range: UTC time Default value: None |
ETag |
string |
Explanation: ETag of the target object. Base64-encoded, 128-bit MD5 value of an object. ETag is the unique identifier of the object content. It can be used to determine whether the object content is changed. For example, if the ETag value is A when an object is uploaded, but changes to B when the object is downloaded, it indicates that the object content has been changed. The ETag reflects changes to the object content, rather than the object metadata. An uploaded or copied object has a unique ETag after being encrypted using MD5. Restrictions: If an object is encrypted using server-side encryption, the ETag is not the MD5 value of the object. Value range: The value must contain 32 characters. Default value: None |
CopySourceVersionId |
string |
Explanation: Version ID of the source object Value range: The value must contain 32 characters. Default value: None |
VersionId |
string |
Explanation: Version ID of the target object Value range: The value must contain 32 characters. Default value: None |
SseHeader |
Explanation: Server-side encryption header information. If SSE-C is used, see Table 10. If SSE-KMS is used, see Table 11. |
Parameter |
Type |
Mandatory (Yes/No) |
Description |
Encryption |
string |
Yes if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: SSE-C used for encrypting objects Value range: AES256, indicating objects are encrypted using SSE-C Default value: None |
Key |
string |
Yes if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: Key for encrypting the object when SSE-C is used Restrictions: The value is a Base64-encoded 256-bit key, for example, K7QkYpBkM5+hca27fsNkUnNVaobncnLht/rCB2o/9Cw=. Default value: None |
KeyMD5 |
string |
No if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: MD5 value of the key for encrypting objects when SSE-C is used. This value is used to check whether any error occurs during the transmission of the key. Restrictions: The value is encrypted by MD5 and then encoded by Base64, for example, 4XvB3tbNTN+tIEVa0/fGaQ==. Default value: None |
Parameter |
Type |
Mandatory (Yes/No) |
Description |
Encryption |
string |
Yes if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: SSE-KMS used for encrypting objects Value range: kms, indicating objects are encrypted using SSE-KMS Default value: None |
Key |
string |
No if used as a request parameter |
Explanation: ID of the KMS master key when SSE-KMS is used Value range: Valid value formats are as follows:
In the preceding formats:
Default value:
Code Examples
This example copies an object from one bucket to another.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 |
package main import ( "fmt" "os" obs "" ) func main() { //Obtain an AK/SK pair using environment variables or import an AK/SK pair in other ways. Using hard coding may result in leakage. //Obtain an AK/SK pair on the management console. For details, see ak := os.Getenv("AccessKeyID") sk := os.Getenv("SecretAccessKey") // (Optional) If you use a temporary AK/SK pair and a security token to access OBS, you are advised not to use hard coding to reduce leakage risks. You can obtain an AK/SK pair using environment variables or import an AK/SK pair in other ways. // securityToken := os.Getenv("SecurityToken") // Enter the endpoint corresponding to the bucket. EU-Dublin is used here as an example. Replace it with the one currently in use. endPoint := "" // Create an obsClient instance. // If you use a temporary AK/SK pair and a security token to access OBS, use the obs.WithSecurityToken method to specify a security token when creating an instance. obsClient, err := obs.New(ak, sk, endPoint/*, obs.WithSecurityToken(securityToken)*/) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Create obsClient error, errMsg: %s", err.Error()) } input := &obs.CopyObjectInput{} // Specify the source bucket name. input.Bucket = "examplebucket" // Specify a source object (example/objectname as an example). input.Key = "example/objectname" // Specify a source bucket (sourcebucketname as an example). input.CopySourceBucket = "sourcebucketname" // Specify an object to copy (sourceobjectkey as an example) in the source bucket. input.CopySourceKey = "sourceobjectkey" // Copy the object. output, err := obsClient.CopyObject(input) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("Copy part(bucket:%s, object: %s) successful from bucket:%s's object: %s!\n", input.Bucket, input.Key, input.CopySourceBucket, input.CopySourceKey) fmt.Printf("ETag:%s, LastModified:%s\n", output.ETag, output.LastModified) return } fmt.Printf("Copy part(bucket:%s, object: %s) fail from bucket:%s's object: %s!\n", input.Bucket, input.Key, input.CopySourceBucket, input.CopySourceKey) if obsError, ok := err.(obs.ObsError); ok { fmt.Println("An ObsError was found, which means your request sent to OBS was rejected with an error response.") fmt.Println(obsError.Error()) } else { fmt.Println("An Exception was found, which means the client encountered an internal problem when attempting to communicate with OBS, for example, the client was unable to access the network.") fmt.Println(err) } } |
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