Log Analysis

Updated on 2024-04-29 GMT+08:00

Log Path

The OBS C SDK log path is specified by the LogPath field in OBS.ini. By default, logs are stored in the logs directory at the same level as the lib directory of the C SDK dynamic library. To locate a fault, view eSDK-OBS-API-*-C.run.log or obs-sdk-c.run.log in the logs directory.

OBS.ini must be in the same directory as libeSDKLogAPI.so.

Log Format

The SDK log format is: Log time|log level|thread ID|log content. The following are example logs:

Run logs
2018-05-15 22:22:54 803| INFO|[140677572568864]|request_perform start 

Log Levels

When current logs cannot be used to troubleshoot system faults, you can change the log level to obtain more information. You can obtain the most information in DEBUG(0) logs and the least information in ERROR(3) logs.

Log level description:

  • DEBUG(0): Debug level. If this level is set, logs at the INFO level and some debugging information will be printed.
  • INFO(1): Information level. If this level is set, logs at the WARN level, calling process and key information of OBS APIs will be printed.
  • WARN(2): Warning level. If this level is set, logs at the ERROR level and some critical events, such as curl_global_init initialization fail, will be printed.
  • ERROR(3): Error level. If this level is set, only error information will be printed.

Enabling System Logging

In the lib directory, modify OBS.ini, modify the size, number, and level of logs. (The *_Run parameter is the most common configuration item.)

;Every line must be less than 1024
;Log Size: unit=KB, 10MB = 10KB * 1024 = 10240KB
;Log Num
;Log level: debug = 0,info = 1,warn = 2,error = 3
;Product Name
;Log Path is relative to the path of configuration file

Other Configurations

In Windows, the LogPath field in the OBS.ini can be read in type wchar_t. To do that, you need to set the encoding for the file path first. An example is given here:

set_file_path_code(UNICODE_CODE);//ANSI_CODE is used by default.

In addition, the local file path for functions listed in the table below must also be in type wchar_t (parameters are passed in type char* and processed into type wchar_t internally).

Table 1

Related Function



The downLoad_file and check_point_file members of the download_file_config parameter must be in type wchar_t. Pass them in type char*.


The upload_file and check_point_file members of the upload_file_config parameter must be in type wchar_t. Pass them in type char*.


The log_path parameter must be in type wchar_t. Pass it in type char*.





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