Help Center/ Object Storage Service/ FAQs/ Buckets and Objects/ Why Can't I Delete an Object?

Why Can't I Delete an Object?

Updated on 2024-04-15 GMT+08:00

Problem Description

An existing object cannot be deleted.

Problem Analysis

Possible causes are described here in order of how likely they are to occur. To locate the root cause as fast as possible, go through the list in order, from most likely to least.

If the fault persists after a possible cause is rectified, move down the list to the next most likely cause.

Table 1 Problem analysis

Possible Cause


Local network is faulty.

Check whether the network connectivity between the local computer and OBS is normal. If the network is faulty, restore the network connection.

The current account does not have the permissions required to delete the object.

For details, see Checking Whether the Current Account Has the Permission to Delete the Object.

The bucket where the object is stored has versioning enabled.

For details, see Permanently Deleting an Object from the Deleted Objects List.


For details, see Submitting a Service Ticket.

Checking Whether the Current Account Has the Permission to Delete the Object

If the "Insufficient permissions. Contact the administrator." message is displayed when you are trying to delete the object, do as follows:

  1. Check whether the ACL of the bucket has write access configured.
    1. In the bucket list on OBS Console, click the bucket you need to delete the object from. The Objects page is displayed.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Permissions > Bucket ACLs.
    3. In the Access to Bucket column, check whether the Write access is configured for the required user type.
      • If the write access is displayed but the object still cannot be deleted, go to Step 3.
      • If there is no write access displayed, go to Step 2.
  2. Grant the write access to the required user type.
    1. Locate the user type and click Edit in the Operation column.
    2. In the dialog box that is displayed, select Write for Access to Bucket.
    3. Click OK.
  3. Ask the bucket owner whether the DeleteObject or DeleteObjectVersion permission is granted in the bucket policy.
    • If the required permission is not granted, ask the bucket owner to grant them.
    • If the object still cannot be deleted after the required permission is granted, submit a service ticket for help.

Permanently Deleting an Object from the Deleted Objects List


If an object is stored in a bucket with versioning enabled, deleting this object will only move the object to the Deleted Objects list, and the object will still incur charges. To stop being billed, you need to delete the object permanently.

  1. Check whether the bucket where the object is stored has versioning enabled.
    1. In the bucket list on OBS Console, click the bucket you need to delete the object from. The Objects page is displayed.
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Overview.
    3. In the Basic Configurations area, check the versioning status.
      • If versioning is enabled for the bucket, go to the next step.
      • If versioning is disabled or suspended for the bucket but the object still cannot be deleted, submit a service ticket for help.
  2. Permanently delete an object.
    1. Click the Deleted Objects tab. The deleted object list is displayed.
    2. Locate the object and click Permanently Delete in the Operation column.
    3. Click OK.

Submitting a Service Ticket

If the problem persists, submit a service ticket to contact Huawei Cloud customer service for assistance.





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